Now showing items 25-44 of 250

    • How people read 

      Сарвас, Е. О. (БНТУ, 2019)
      This article is about how consumers read and perceive text, and what attract them the most during reading. Also it contains information about how text influence on customer’s mind.
    • Human capital as the greatest asset 

      Мороз, Т. В. (БНТУ, 2019)
      Few companies can now realistically be valued only in terms of their physical assets (factories, buildings, machines, equipment, implements, etc.), and in most business employees are a major influence on whether any profit is made. With computer-based technology competing companies can increasingly copy each other, and that it is people who make a company stand out from the crowd. ...
    • Humor in advertising 

      Коваленок, У. В. (БНТУ, 2019)
      The impact and understanding of humorous advertising depending on gender, age and life principles of a person. Jokes that are used in advertising, as well as a specific product in the color scheme, selected by the «color product matrix» can significantly affect the increase in profits due to new buyers.
    • Image and firm style of the organization 

      Яницкая, A. В. (БНТУ, 2019)
      The relevance of my research lies in the importance of the image on the formation of the image of the organization in the eyes of clients, as well as in the ways of forming a positive image of the company, about how the organization needs to declare itself and take a leadership position among its competitors. We look at the external and internal components of the organization’s ...
    • Impact of social media on the growth of small business 

      Евсеева, А. Д.; Соколюк, А. О. (БНТУ, 2019)
      The topic of this article is relevant, as nowadays advertising and its placement in various social networks has a great influence on the development of small and medium-sized businesses in general. This technology for placing advertisements in social networks (Instagram, VK, and Facebook) is new and has not yet been fully explored.
    • Industrial marketing: are belarusian enterprises able to use this tool? 

      Коник, А. В. (БНТУ, 2019)
      Industry is one of the leading sectors of the economy of the Republic of Belarus. However, there is much to develop even in the leading industry. Competent use of industrial marketing is an effective way of marketing products used in production by industrial enterprises. Sales volumes of Belarusian industrial products are small in comparison to Western countries where industrial ...
    • Japanese business culture 

      Бондарик, С. А. (БНТУ, 2019)
      The article deals with the Japanese business culture, its aspects, the difficulty of understanding it and cultural values. The reasons for which companies should strive to enter the Japanese market are examined: conditions for a successful start-up and doing business there. Particular attention is paid to the use of Japanese business culture abroad.
    • Leader or manager 

      Ломако, Ю. А. (БНТУ, 2019)
      In the modern world it isn’t enough to be a manager, it needs to be a leader for successful management of a company and project teams. Each leader has a specific set of skills that inspire the team to follow him. We can say that these qualities are different in all branches of business. Today, there is no clear answer to the question whether leadership qualities are inborn or ...
    • Marketplace as a new segment of E-commerce 

      Зеленко, Е. В. (БНТУ, 2019)
      The article deals with the issues related to the essence, special features and advantages of the marketplace – a new segment of e-commerce. Its development in the Republic of Belarus and abroad is also considered.
    • Measuring design 

      Володось, А. Л. (БНТУ, 2019)
      One of the key questions for many companies is how the value of design can be measured. Being able to measure the ROI of design is important for three reasons. First of all, business needs to know the real value of investments in design. Secondly, design managers and leaders are often asked to provide evidence of success. And thirdly, design is often utilized to meet business ...
    • Methods of evaluating the effectiveness of internet advertising 

      Ермолович, Е. О. (БНТУ, 2019)
      This article discusses the development of Internet advertising, as a consequence of the development of Internet technologies. There are also seven ways to determine the effectiveness of online advertising, their advantages and disadvantages, methods of application. It is revealed that one of the most common methods of evaluation is to determine the position in the search results.
    • Modern information technologies in logistics 

      Зуева, Е. В. (БНТУ, 2019)
      In recent years, rapidly developing information and logistics technologies, without which it is difficult to carry out the activities of any enterprise. The use of computer technology and modern software can significantly improve the speed and quality of management decisions. The current state of logistics and its development is largely due to the rapid development and implementation ...
    • «Mystery shopping» ресторанов быстрого обслуживания 

      Денисик, А. С. (БНТУ, 2019)
      В данной статье рассматривается технология маркетингового исследования mystery shopping, направленная на оценку процесса обслуживания клиента с использованием специально подготовленных людей.
    • Nation brand and its effect on the consumer 

      Шеметович, Ю. А. (БНТУ, 2019)
      Not only nation brand and its country of origin have a deep and intricate connection, but studying and understanding this connection helps countries build a national reputation and their image in audiences’ perceptions.
    • Neuromarketing as a tool for sales 

      Петрович, В. В. (БНТУ, 2019)
      The article points out that neuromarketing is a completely new and effective tool for increasing the sales level of a different products and argues about the need to implement and using its methods in Belarus practice in order to make products more competitive and popular among consumers.
    • Neuromarketing marketing in design 

      Осипова, А. В. (БНТУ, 2019)
      In this article neuromarketing as absolutely new and effective tool in the sphere of design, its influence on emotional and behavioral reactions of the customer is considered.
    • Neuromarketing – the management of consumer mass consciousness 

      Орлова, А. А. (БНТУ, 2019)
      The article reveals the concept of neuromarketing, studied the history of its appearance. The spheres of use of this concept, its influence on sales and brand image are revealed.
    • Neuromarketing: the art of sales based on psychology 

      Вихрова, А. С. (БНТУ, 2019)
      Neuromarketing – is the study of unconscious human reactions to marketing stimuli with special equipment (scanners, galvanometers, electroencephalography, and others.). The obtained results are the basis for the creation of advertising messages that will be predictably effective. The data that is obtained by neyromarketing specialists, allow you to change a person's thoughts ...
    • Nontraditional marketing research: empirical marketing 

      Высоцкий, А. Д. (БНТУ, 2019)
      This article considers empirical marketing with the most vivid examples of the use of this method in marketing research. Recommendations for the application of effective influence on the consumer, attracting a larger number of customers, product promotion are given. The criteria required for a good experiential marketing company are also considered.
    • Origins of stereotyping in advertising 

      Алтухова, Ю. С. (БНТУ, 2019)
      The synergetic approach to creating modern advertising requires rigorous analysis. Otherwise irreversible consequences occur. Sometimes those tiny issues implicitly appear on the surface, covering delicate areas of our lives. The idea is to eliminate the problem in its infancy. Some approaches are considered to understand the roots of negative results and prevent adverse effects.