Now showing items 2808-2827 of 119635

    • Okonomie des Transports 

      Войнич, Л. Е.; Слинченко, И. В. (БНТУ, 2011)
      Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов экономических специальностей автотракторного факультета дневной и заочной формы обучения, а также для магистрантов этого факультета и аспирантов в качестве дополнительного материала. В пособие включены тексты для изучающего и ознакомительного чтения, на основе которых разработаны ...
    • OLAP технология 

      Пароменков, В. О.; Огур, М. В.; Астапчик, Н. И. (БНТУ, 2016)
      Пароменков, В. О. OLAP технология / В. О. Пароменков, М. В. Огур, Н. И. Астапчик // Инженерно-педагогическое образование в XXI веке : материалы XII Республиканской научно-практической конференции молодых ученых и студентов БНТУ (72-й студенческой научно-технической конференции БНТУ), Минск, 19–20 мая 2016 г.: в 2 ч. / Белорусский национальный технический университет ; редкол.: ...
    • OLAP-технологии как инструментарий поддержки принятия решений 

      Акушко, Д. В. (БНТУ, 2017)
      Настоящая статья раскрывает базовые принципы работы с OLAP-технологиями, демонстрирует ключевые особенности по сравнению с традиционными системами отчетности. Рассмотрена упрощенная структура OLAP-куба для анализа себестоимости продукции сталеплавильного цеха.
    • On chaos in bibliometric terminology 

      Lazarev, V. S. (1996)
      On behalf of a case study of articles on bibliometric selection and ranking the variance in terminology of the properties of journals is shown: the same properties are called in various manners, while one and the same terms have different meanings. Similar inconsistencies are found in the terms denoting readers’ activities which are studied in bibliometrics for the assessment of ...
    • On classification of degenerate singular points of ricci flows 

      Abiev, N. A. (БНТУ, 2014)
      Abiev, N. A. On classification of degenerate singular points of ricci flows / N. А. Аbiev // Наука. Инновации. Производство = Science. Innovation. Production : сборник материалов 3-го Белорусско-Корейского форума, 16-17 октября 2014. – Minsk : BNTU, 2014. – С. 64-65.
    • On integration of the mathematical programming, applied statistics and decision making methods 

      German, O. V.; Taranchuk, V. B. (БНТУ, 2014)
      German, O. V. On integration of the mathematical programming, applied statistics and decision making methods / O. V. German, V. B. Taranchuk // Наука. Инновации. Производство = Science. Innovation. Production : сборник материалов 3-го Белорусско-Корейского форума, 16-17 октября 2014. – Minsk : BNTU, 2014. – С. 75-76.
    • On new exotic attempts to question the relationship between citedness figures and the use / value of cited scientific documents 

      Lazarev, V. S. (2020)
      The objective of the present paper was to analyze a number of concepts related to the scientometric method "citation index". Some experts still interpret “negative citations” and “disproportionately large share of selfcitations” as “shortcomings” of the “citation index” scientometric method. In the author’s opinion, the reason is an indelible belief in the “normative theory of ...
    • On one method for calculating multi-layer sound insulation including layers of a fibrous porous material 

      Omono, A.; Imomnazarov, Kh. (БНТУ, 2022)
      Omono, A. On one method for calculating multi-layer sound insulation including layers of a fibrous porous material / A. Omono, Kh. Imomnazarov // Научные основы использования информационных технологий нового уровня и современные проблемы автоматизации : сборник трудов I Международной научной конференции, 25-26 апреля 2022 года / Ташкентский государственный технический университет ...
    • On Peculiarities of Teaching Technical English at Different Levels of Instruction at a Technical University 

      Mebuke, T. (БНТУ, 2020)
      Развитие умения самостоятельной работы со специальным текстом на иностранном языке и его перевод на родной язык являются основной целью преподавания иностранных языков в технических вузах. Эти навыки дают студенту возможность быть в курсе последних достижений науки, поддерживать профессиональные связи с коллегами во всем мире и заниматься исследовательской работой на современном ...
    • On Reflection of Chernobyl Disaster and its After Effects in Belarussian Newspapers 

      Lazarev, V. S. (Издательство МИНЦ, 1994)
      The first wave of misinformation was either just keeping silence or transmitting optimistic nonsense. The second one – after removal the censorship – was the threatening of the population caused by journalists’ thirst for sensation. The small piece of the results of content-analysis tracking the corresponding newspaper articles is presented; the categories traced were “victims”, ...
    • On teaching "Material Science and Technology of Structural Materials" engineering discipline 

      Klochko, O. (БНТУ, 2020)
      Here we discuss some of the keen aspects of teaching the "Material Science and Technology of Structural Materials" discipline in the era of market economy.
    • On the bonding strength of Fe-based self-fluxing alloy coating deposited by different methods on the steel substrate 

      Feldshtein, E.; Kardapolava, M. A.; Dyachenko, O. V. (University of Zielona Góra, 2018)
      In the present paper, the bonding strength of Fe-based self-fluxing alloy coating deposited by plasma spraying, gluing and laser remelting and alloying on the steel substrate have been investigated. When flame melting, a globular structure is formed. Against the background of the solid solution carbide-boride phases are clearly distinguishable, between which the Fe-Fe2B and Fe-FeB ...
    • On the formation features and some material properties of the coating formed by laser cladding of a nicrbsi self-fluxing alloy 

      Devoino, O.; Feldshtein, E.; Kardapolava, M.; Lutsko, N. (Springer, 2018)
      In the present paper, the influence of laser cladding conditions on the powder flow conditions as well as the microstructure, phases, and microhardness of a Ni-based self-fluxing alloy coating is studied. The formation regularities of a coating microstructure with different cladding conditions as well as patterns of element distribution over the coating depth and in the transient ...
    • On the full-fledged mission statement of the University Scientific Library 

      Lazarev, V. S.; Yurik, I. V. (DIIT, 2021)
      The mission statement of an organization compiled in accordance with the definition of the term “mission” of the dictionary of the ISO 9000 quality management systems standard cannot be recognized as an effective management tool, since the ISO requirements for this document are too generic and vague. The objectives of this work were to clarify the functions of the mission statement ...
    • On the issue of assessing the competitiveness of products in the EAEU 

      Zhevlakova, A. Y. (BNTU, 2021)
      Zhevlakova, A. Y. On the issue of assessing the competitiveness of products in the EAEU / A. Y. Zhevlakova // Proceedings of the IV-the Republican Youth Scientific-practical Conference “” [Electronic resource] : Minsk, 24 May 2021 / compilers: E. S. Goloubtsova, A. N. Shavel, A. Y. Zhevlakova. – Minsk : BNTU, 2021. – P. 47-51.
    • On the issue of assessing the safety of adjunction on roads 

      Kapski, D. V.; Bogdanovich, S. V.; Bogdanovich, S. V. (БНТУ, 2023)
      The principal aim of this article is to meticulously investigate and enhance the standards of highway safety and the accompanying infrastructural elements. The article scrutinizes data pertaining to vehicular mishaps over the preceding years, pinpointing crucial elements that precipitate the incidents. Among these contributing factors are the condition of the paved roadway, the ...
    • On the issue of improving the mechanism of increasing the investment attractiveness of the country by improving the investment legislation in the Republic of Belarus 

      Pankov, N. N. (БНТУ, 2019)
      Pankov, N. N. On the issue of improving the mechanism of increasing the investment attractiveness of the country by improving the investment legislation in the Republic of Belarus / N. N. Pankov ; adv. V. F. Volodko // The collection of scientific papers of the II-nd Republican Youth Scientific-practical Conference, Minsk, 3 May 2019 = Сборник научных статей II ...
    • On the Issue of Information Technologies in Customs in the Context of Globalization and Regionalization of Customs Relations 

      Kivaiko, U. G. (BNTU, 2021)
      Kivaiko, U. G. On the Issue of Information Technologies in Customs in the Context of Globalization and Regionalization of Customs Relations / U. G. Kivaiko ; scientific adv. E. S. Korneva // Proceedings of the IV-the Republican Youth Scientific-practical Conference “” [Electronic resource] : Minsk, 24 May 2021 / compilers: E. S. Goloubtsova, A. N. Shavel, A. Y. ...
    • On the methodology of supporting maintenance department work at a strategic level using mes information system 

      Patalas-Maliszewska, J.; Skrzeszewska, M. (БНТУ, 2018)
      Patalas-Maliszewska, J. On the methodology of supporting maintenance department work at a strategic level using mes information system / J. Patalas-Maliszewska, M. Skrzeszewska // Приборостроение-2018 : материалы 11-й Международной научно-технической конференции, 14-16 ноября 2018 года, Минск, Республика Беларусь / редкол.: О. К. Гусев (председатель) [и др.]. – Минск : БНТУ, 2018. ...
    • On the Possibilities of Evaluating Properties of Scientific Documents on the Basis of their Citations Count (or again: What Property is Reflected by Citations Count par excellence, after all?). Part 1: Value 

      Lazarev, V. S. (2019)
      The objective is consideration of the most recent works on the problem of the phenomenon reflected by citations count of scientific documents. The method is interpretation of recent research publications made by bibliometricans. The results are presenting evidence that the property of scientific documents reflected par excellence by their citation is their value. It is also ...