Now showing items 40-59 of 3371

    • Photoinduced charge transfer via "Superexchange" mechanism in porphyrin triads with electron acceptors 

      Zenkevich, E. I.; Willert, A.; Borczyskowski, C. von (РИВШ, 2017)
      Zenkevich, E. I. Photoinduced charge transfer via "Superexchange" mechanism in porphyrin triads with electron acceptors / E. I. Zenkevich, A. Willert, C. von Borczyskowski // Квантовая электроника : материалы XI Международной научно-технической конференции, Минск, 13—17 ноября 2017 года / [редкол.: М. М. Кугейко (ответственный редактор) и др.]. – Минск : РИВШ, 2017. – С. 35-36.
    • Predictive agents for control of intelligent manufacturing enterprises 

      Linkevich, A.; Panteleenko, F. I. (ПГУ, 2013)
      A general mathematical framework is put forward to model modern intelligent manufacturing enterprises that constitute distributed complex systems. The problem o f control o f such an object is reduced, to a considerable extent, to the task o f forecasting future states o f elements o f the system, which amounts to the standard issue ofprediction o f time series. To cope with the ...
    • Problems in providing equal reliability of reinforced concrete and steel constructions within the existing reliability concept according to EN 1990 

      Tur, V. V.; Martynov, Y. S.; Nadolski, V. V.; Veryovka, F. A. (Колорград, 2018)
      In accordance with the basic assumptions of the European design standards (Eurocodes), currently in use in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, it is proposed to carry out the design of building structures, made of different materials, belonging to the same reliability class with the same target value of the reliability level (or with the same degree of reliability), expressed ...
    • Risks of innovations in the national educational system 

      Матвеенок, Т. В. (Национальная библиотека Беларуси, 2018)
      Матвеенок, Т. В. Risks of innovations in the national educational system / Т. В. Матвеенок // Актуальные проблемы бизнес-образования: материалы XVII Международной научно-практической конференции, (Минск, 19-20 апреля 2018 г.) / Белорусский государственный университет ; гл. ред. В. В. Апанасович. – Минск : Национальная библиотека Беларуси, 2018. – С. 145-146.
    • The role of modern technologies in teaching foreign languages 

      Voleyko, G. V. (БГУИР, 2016)
      Voleyko, G. V. The role of modern technologies in teaching foreign languages / G. V. Voleyko // Высшее техническое образование: проблемы и пути развития : материалы VIII международной научно-методической конференции (Минск, 17-18 ноября 2016 г.) : в 2 ч. - Минск : БГУИР, 2016. - Ч. 1. - С. 62-66.
    • Solving the spatial contact problem for the hinge joints of the beam support by the elastic quarter-space and one eighth of the elastic space 

      Bosakov, S. V.; Skachok, P. (Колорград, 2020)
      The article discusses the solution of the spatial contact problem arising when calculating a reinforced concrete rafter beam pivotally supported by concrete walls. The walls are modeled by the elastic quarterspace on the left and by one-eighth of the elastic space on the right. This contact problem is solved using the numerical method - the Zhemochkin method. For this purpose, ...
    • Stratigraphic ichthyofauna assemblages of the Devonian deposits in the east and southeast of Belarus 

      Plax, D. P. (Научно-производственный центр по геологии, 2015)
      The paper presents the results of the palaeoichthyological study of the сoге from fifteen boreho/es drilled in the territory of the eastern part of the Pripyat Trough, Bobruysk Buried Ridge, Zhlobin Saddle and the northwestern slope of the Voronezh Antec/ise. Some references with data of the Devonian ichthyofauna within the investigated area are cited to complete the information. ...
    • Stratigraphy of middle devonian deposits of the western part of the Pripyat Trough (according то results of the study of ichthyofauna) 

      Plax, D. P.; Kruchek, S. A. (Научно-производственный центр по геологии, 2014)
      The paper presents the results of palaeoichthyological study of the core from the Pinsk-10 and Pinsk-26 boreholes, drilled in the territory of the western part of the Pripyat Trough within the Turov and Starobin Centroclines. References with data on vertebrates of the Middle Devonian within the investigated area are given to complete the information. According to the vertebrate ...
    • Synthesis of Low-Viscosity Parting Lubricants Based on Domestically-Made Solvents and Oils with Improved Organoleptic Characteristics 

      Bursau, M.; Dimitriadi, N.; Ivashko, L.; Yukhnevskiy, P. I. (Колорград, 2017)
      The article describes the results of studies carried out in Institute BelNIIS Republican Unitary Enterprise (RUE) in synthesis of especially low-viscosity parting lubricants with the kinematic viscosity about 2 mm2 /s at 20 °C; the need for these lubricants arose at several enterprises in the Republic of Belarus as a result of commissioning of several imported process lines for ...
    • Teaching business english on the basis of case-study method 

      Sologub, I. M. (БГУИР, 2016)
      This article describes case-study method as a teaching method that uses simulation as a means aimed at the formation of students‘ professional skills. It enables to interest students in studying the subject as well as to collect, process and analyze the information which has been studied. It also shows how case-study method can be used in teaching Business English.
    • Teaching of professionally oriented dialogic communication for future economists 

      Pavlyuchenka, I. M. (БГУИР, 2016)
      The present article covers the main methods, used while teaching dialogic communication for future economists. The most functional methods for dialogic teaching are considered. The arguments proving the efficiency of these methods are given.
    • Temperature and combustion kinetics of wood pellet char in a fluidized bed 

      Palchonok, G. I.; Borodulya, A.; Golubeva, V.; Leckner, B.; Hansson, K.-M.; Tullin, C.; Johnsson, J. E. (ИТМО имени А. В. Лыкова, 2000)
      Temperature and combustion kinetics of wood pellet char in a fluidized bed / G. I. Palchonok [et al.] // Тепломассообмен. ММФ―2000 : IV Минский международный форум, Минск, 22―26 мая 2000 г. : в 11 т. / Национальная академия наук Беларуси, Институт тепло- и массообмена им. А. В. Лыкова ; редкол.: В. А. Бородуля [и др.]. – Минск : ИТМО имени А. В. Лыкова, 2000. - Т. 6 : Тепломассообмен ...
    • Temperature dependence of green upconversion fluorescence of fluorophosphate and tellurite-barium glasses for application in temperature sensors 

      Varaksa, Y.; Sinitsyn, G.; Khodasevich, М. А.; Yasukevich, A. S.; Demesh, M. P.; Aseev, V. (Издательский центр БГУ, 2015)
      Temperature dependences are studied of green upconversion fluorescence of the five erbium- and ytterbium-doped glasses (three fluorophosphate glasses, one of which is additionally doped with Tm, and two tellurite-baruim ones) in the temperature range from 30°C to 150°C. The ratio of intensities is determined of two fluorescence bands at about 515-525 nm and 540-560 nm versus the ...
    • Temporal energy transfer in single nanoassemblies "Quantum dot - dye molecule" 

      Zenkevich, E. I.; Gerlach, F.; Borczyskowski, C. von (РИВШ, 2017)
      Zenkevich, E. I. Temporal energy transfer in single nanoassemblies "Quantum dot - dye molecule" / E. I. Zenkevich, F. Gerlach, C. von Borczyskowski // Квантовая электроника: материалы XI Международной научно-технической конференции, Минск, 13—17 ноября 2017 года / редкол.: М. М. Кугейко (отв. ред.) [и др.]. – Минск : РИВШ, 2017. – С. 70-71.
    • UP-конверсионная люминесценция оксифторидной стеклокерамики с нанокристаллами PbF2:(Yb3+, Eu3+, RE3+) (RE = Tm, Ho или Er) 

      Вилейшикова, Е. В.; Лойко, П. А.; Рачковская, Г. Е.; Захаревич, Г. Б.; Юмашев, К. В. (Институт физики им. Б.И. Степанова НАН Беларуси, 2016)
      Cинтезирована прозрачная оксифторидная стеклокерамика с нанокристаллами PbF2:(Yb3+, Eu3+, RE3+ ) (где RE = Tm, Ho, Er) путем вторичной термической обработки легкоплавких стекол системы SiO2-PbO-PbF2-CdF2. Исследовано оптическое поглощение и люминесценция редкоземельных ионов. При возбуждении на длине волны 960 нм излучением лазерного InGaAs-диода получена мультицветовая (оранжевая, ...
    • Virtual reality as a factor of development of addictive behavior in conditions of modern environment 

      Drozdov, I.; Shershniova, T. (2017)
      Consumer society is a social and cultural phenomenon that was formed in developed countries in the second half of the twentieth century. Formed by this time, the middle class became the basis of consumer culture, which was heavily influenced by advertising, the media and cinematography.
    • Virtual reality as an innovativ setting for simulations in engineering education 

      Makarych, M. V. (БГУИР, 2016)
      The article is devoted to simulation techniques in engineering education. The distinctive features that are useful for educational purposes are stressed. The author gives an example of using Building information models (BIMs) for postgraduate engineering students at practical English classes. The course design focuses on learning about virtual reality by simulating interdisciplinary ...
    • Warm ups for net generation of students aimed at developing their listening proficiency 

      Khramtsova, M. V. (БГУИР, 2016)
      This article reviews some strategies and approaches to Net Generation of students with intermediate and pre-intermediate level of listening proficiency. It provides concrete guidelines for integrating internet resources, selecting and applying appropriate video and audio materials as systematic warm ups for business English classes.
    • "... А кто ваш клиент?" 

      Карпей, Х. Н.; Воронцова, Н. Е. (Промкомплекс, 2013)
      Чаще всего креативные технологии применяются для генерации идей новой продукции, услуг или их рекламных образов. Мы же попытались заставить группу отечественных маркетологов применить их к таким процедурам, как составление «портрета потребителя» и позиционирование. Эти процедуры, к сожалению, проводятся редко в наших отделах маркетинга, руководители которых потом удивляются ...
    • А след ад вялiкай душы застаецца на свеце доўга... 

      Гаўрош, Н. В.; Нямковiч, Н. (Роднае слова, 2013)
      Гаўрош, Н. В. А след ад вялiкай душы застаецца на свеце доўга... : [слова пра вучонага-фiлолага Федара Янкоўскага, беларускага мовазнаўца, пiсьменнiка] / Н. В. Гаўрош, Н. Нямковiч // Роднае слова. - 2013. - № 9. - С. 26 - 28.