Now showing items 353-372 of 121533

    • Analysis of mechanical properties of shell aggregate and reed fiber reinforced concrete 

      Юй, Хаосюань; Ван, Сяньпэн; Ковшар, С. Н. (БНТУ, 2023)
      In this paper, the reed fiber added to shell aggregate concrete is analyzed, the effect of adding reed fiber on the strength of concrete under different shell aggregate replacement rates is studied,the method of mechanical property test is adopted, and the bending,compressive and frost resistance experiments are designed, and finally the shell aggregate and reed fiber have good ...
    • Analysis of mechanical properties of shell aggregate concrete 

      Юй, Хаосюань; Ван, Сяньпэн; Ковшар, С. Н. (БНТУ, 2023)
      In this paper, the shell aggregate concrete is analyzed, and the sand aggregate is replaced by shell under different particle gradation, and the method of mechanical property test research is adopted for concrete blocks under different sand and gravel replacement rates, and the bending resistance, compression resistance and frost resistance of the block are analyzed, and finally ...
    • Analysis of modern economic status of Eurasian economic union 

      Sarvari, R. Dzh. (БНТУ, 2017)
      Sarvari, R. Dzh. Analysis of modern economic status of Eurasian economic union / R. Dzh. Sarvari ; науч. рук. I. V. Zenkova // Модернизация хозяйственного механизма сквозь призму экономических, правовых, социальных и инженерных подходов : сборник материалов X Международной научно-практической конференции, 30 марта 2017 г. / пред. редкол. С. Ю. Солодовников. - Минск : БНТУ, 2017. ...
    • Analysis of modern ventilation systems to ensure the microclimate in livestock and poultry buildings 

      Toshtemirov, M. E.; Boboev, S. M.; Khalboev, U. (БНТУ, 2023)
      This article analyzes modern air conditioning systems (ACS) to create a microclimate in livestock and poultry buildings. The creation and maintenance of a microclimate in livestock and poultry buildings is associated with the solution of a complex of engineering and technical problems and is one of the determining factors in ensuring the health of animals and birds. Traditional ...
    • Analysis of obstructive factors for opening a business 

      Кухарева, А. Н. (БНТУ, 2020)
      Business development in each country is proceeding at a different pace. In this article, we will conduct a comparative analysis of countries with the best economic indicators, find out what exactly helps them to be in the first places in the world ranking and give a conclusion on what Belarus does not have enough to compete successfully with leading countries.
    • Analysis of organic solvents released during painting and drying of automobiles and household products 

      Boboev, S. M.; Xolboev, U.; Ismoilov, A. I. (БНТУ, 2023)
      The article presents the results of a study of the drying process of paints and varnishes based on organic solvents. and environmental problems. An analysis of the current scale of their use is carried out and an assessment is made of environmental problems associated with their evaporation. The issues of organizing the collection of the resulting solvent vapors and their further ...
    • Analysis of precipitation kinetics of manganese and copper sulfides in interstitial free steels 

      Hong, M. H.; Choi, K. Y.; Marukovich, E. I.; Lebedinsky, Y. A.; Branovitsky, A. M. (БНТУ, 2010)
      Model of precipitation is based on classical theory of nucleation and growth with description of numeric methods for modeling. Now authors present numerical calculations of precipitation kinetics. In the beginning they repeat basic formulas of this model.
    • Analysis of programming languages for development of software in medical engineering 

      Yukhymenko, Y. A.; Stelmakh, N. V. (БНТУ, 2021)
      Yukhymenko, Y. A. Analysis of programming languages for development of software in medical engineering / Y. A. Yukhymenko, N. V. Stelmakh // Новые направления развития приборостроения : материалы 14-й Международной научно-технической конференции молодых ученых и студентов, 14–16 апреля 2021 г. / Белорусский национальный технический университет ; редкол.: О. К. Гусев (пред. редкол.) ...
    • Analysis of renewable energy sources using in Republic of Belarus 

      Krasouskaya, E.; Karzhak, A. (БНТУ, 2021)
      Krasouskaya, E. Analysis of renewable energy sources using in Republic of Belarus / E. Krasouskaya, A. Karzhak ; науч. рук.: A. Zelianukha, H. Belskaya // Безопасность промышленного предприятия: инженерные и управленческие решения : сборник материалов XIX Международной научно-практической конференции, 16 ноября 2021 г. / редкол.: С. Ю. Солодовников [и др.]. – Минск : БНТУ, 2021. ...
    • Analysis of Requirements and the Feasible Limit for Error Reduction in Two-Parameter Magnetic Determination of Steels’ Hardness 

      Sandomirski, S. G. (БНТУ, 2020)
      All measurements of mechanical properties of materials in the magnetic structural analysis are indirect and relationships between the measured parameters are correlated. An important physical parameter of steel is hardness. An increase in the correlation coefficient R and a reduction in the standard deviation (SD) are achieved when controlling the hardness of steels with two-parameter ...
    • Analysis of road conditions of operation of mining dump trucks in the Republic of Uzbekistan 

      Boikov, V. P.; Abdurazzokov, U. A.; Anvarzhonov, A. A. Ugli (БНТУ, 2023)
      In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the mining industry is an integral part of the economy. It is also suitable for JSC NMMC to produce more than 105 tons of gold, more than 700 thousand tons of silver, etc. This article analyzes the road conditions of operation of quarries in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Analyses show that the road conditions of quarry operation are heavy, which is ...
    • Analysis of Russian kicksharing market 

      Гоман, А. А.; Скращук, Н. Д. (БНТУ, 2023)
      В статье рассмотрено текущее состояние российского рынка кикшеринга (рынка совместного использования электронных самокатов), представлена оценка рынка и его основные игроки, дан прогноз на будущее время.
    • Analysis of softprom delmia as part of process planning automation 

      Matoshyn, O. V.; Stelmakh, N. V. (БНТУ, 2021)
      Matoshyn, O. V. Analysis of softprom delmia as part of process planning automation / O. V. Matoshyn, N. V. Stelmakh // Новые направления развития приборостроения : материалы 14-й Международной научно-технической конференции молодых ученых и студентов, 14–16 апреля 2021 г. / Белорусский национальный технический университет ; редкол.: О. К. Гусев (пред. редкол.) [и др.]. – Минск : ...
    • Analysis of strengths and weaknesses of IT sphere 

      Сальникова, A. В. (БНТУ, 2020)
      This article is devoted to the state of IT services at the modern market. The special attention is paid to the impact of strategic planning on a company. The strengths and weaknesses of the IT company have been analyzed. The author gives some recommendations on how to improve and develop this strategy.
    • Analysis of the applicability of methods for predicting and assessing accidents at conflict sites in the transportation network and prospects for their development 

      Kapski, D. V.; Volynets, A. S. (БНТУ, 2023)
      Accident rate is one of the most significant losses in road traffic, as it affects each of the road users. Therefore, in order to reduce its level, it is necessary to develop a modern method of accident prediction, which would allow to accurately estimate the number of accidents and the severity of consequences not only by experimental data and survey results, but also by modelling ...
    • Analysis of the belarusian universal commodity exchange 

      Иванова, Е. С.; Шляжко, К. Н. (БНТУ, 2020)
      The article analyzes the activities of the Belarusian universal commodity exchange. Provides information about how to use the trading platforms in the business.
    • Analysis of the corporate bond market of Russian banks 

      Oрлова, А. A.; Kaзакова, A. С. (БНТУ, 2023)
      В статье рассматриваются основные тенденции и прогнозы рынка корпоративных облигаций, а также основные риски и возможности для инвесторов. Цель статьи - анализ состояния рынка корпоративных облигаций в современной России, анализ рисков инвестирования в облигации, поиск предложений по ускорению его дальнейшего развития.
    • Analysis of the current situation and vision of chinese international students in Belarus in 2023: the example of students from Sichuan and Chongqing 

      Xie, Hui (БНТУ, 2023)
      With the evolving Belarusian educational system, an increasing number of Chinese graduates opt for further studies in Belarus. However, many face substantial challenges upon their initial arrival. Focusing on students from Sichuan and Chongqing, this article first explores the significance of Chinese students pursuing education in Belarus. Subsequently, it delves into the challenges ...
    • Analysis of the current situation of cultural exchanges between chinese and belarusian youth 

      Xie, Hui (БНТУ, 2023)
      Since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1992, China-Belarus friendship and co-operation has lasted for 31 years, and youth cultural exchanges have always been an indispensable part of it. This article analyses the current situation of Chinese and Belarusian youth cultural exchanges, including exchanges in various areas such as art, language, cultural festivals.
    • Analysis of the development of belarusian national e-commerce account in China 

      Tian, Changmai (БНТУ, 2023)
      Since China and Belarus upgraded to an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership, the two countries have made remarkable achievements in cooperation in economy and trade, investment, finance, machinery manufacturing, agriculture, energy, biotechnology, digitalization and other fields. This article will focus on the China-Belarusian e-commerce cooperation to analyze the ...