Now showing items 2496-2515 of 119219

    • Method for Increasing of Lens Gluing Technological Process Efficiency and a Reliable Evaluation of Output Controlled Parameters 

      Fiodоrtsev, R. V.; Metelskaya, E. A.; Marchik, V. A.; Kuznetsov, A. V.; Makarevich., A. E. (БНТУ, 2022)
      The use of glued lens components in optical devices improves the image quality of telescopic and photographic lenses or inverting systems by eliminating a number of aberrations, and also reduces light losses in the optical system of the device. The traditional production process of lenses gluing involves the sequential execution of a set of technological operations and takes a ...
    • Method for variable low-density-parity check encoding 

      Shiman, D. V.; Patsei, N. V. (БНТУ, 2014)
      Предложен метод для динамического изменения параметров кодов низкой плотности проверок на четность в соответствии с показателем качества канала связи. Рассмотрено устройство для хранения, динамического выбора проверочной матрицы и корректирующего кодирования. Представлены результаты моделирования характеристик низкоплотностных кодов с переменными параметрами, которые доказывают ...
    • Method of comprehensive surface hardening of steel products 

      Kovalchuk, A. V.; Konstantinov, S. V.; Bogdanchik, M. I. (ВГУ имени П. М. Машерова, 2014)
      В статье рассмотрен метод комплексного поверхностного упрочнения изделий из стали.
    • Method of control of a shape of elipsoidal reflectors according to developed stand 

      Kozlovskyi, A. G.; Bezuglyi, M. A. (БНТУ, 2018)
      Kozlovskyi, A. G. Method of control of a shape of elipsoidal reflectors according to developed stand / A. G. Kozlovskyi, M. A. Bezuglyi // Приборостроение-2018 : материалы 11-й Международной научно-технической конференции, 14-16 ноября 2018 года, Минск, Республика Беларусь / редкол.: О. К. Гусев (председатель) [и др.]. – Минск : БНТУ, 2018. – С. 21-22.
    • Method of diagnosing disorders of bone density of the body 

      Kavyn, E. D.; Klotchko, T. R. (БНТУ, 2017)
      Kavyn, E. D. Method of diagnosing disorders of bone density of the body / E. D. Kavyn, T. R. Klotchko // Новые направления развития приборостроения : материалы 10-й международной научно-технической конференции молодых ученых и студентов, Минск, 26−28 апреля 2017 г. : в 2 т. / Белорусский национальный технический университет ; редкол.: О. К. Гусев [и др.]. – Минск, 2017. – Т. 1. - С. 158.
    • Method of estimation of frequency variation relying on estimation of shift of spectral peaks 

      Kechik, D. A.; Aslamov, Y. P.; Davydov, I. G. (БНТУ, 2021)
      Problem of estimation of variated frequency of components of polyharmonic signals has been arose. Three-dimensional time-frequency representation of signals is usually used to resolve this problem. But simple and reliable method of instantaneous frequency tracking is needed. Frequency tracking method based on estimation of shifts of peaks of spectrogram has been proposed in this ...
    • Method of promotion new business in the modern world 

      Шляхтенок, A. O. (БНТУ, 2021)
      Эта статья расскажет о том, как в нынешнем мире обстоят дела у молодых бизнесменов и каким образом на них научились зарабатывать третьи лица.
    • Method of regeneration of biological tissues by the light emission 

      Hrybanova, I. O.; Klotchko, Т. R. (БНТУ, 2017)
      Hrybanova, I. O. Method of regeneration of biological tissues by the light emission / I. O. Hrybanova, Т. R. Klotchko // Новые направления развития приборостроения : материалы 10-й международной научно-технической конференции молодых ученых и студентов, Минск, 26−28 апреля 2017 г. : в 2 т. / Белорусский национальный технический университет ; редкол.: О. К. Гусев [и др.]. – Минск, ...
    • The method of swarf removal when drilling deep holes 

      Vakulenko, V. S.; Zayets, S. S. (БНТУ, 2017)
      Vakulenko, V. S. The method of swarf removal when drilling deep holes / V. S. Vakulenko, S. S. Zayets // Новые направления развития приборостроения : материалы 10-й международной научно-технической конференции молодых ученых и студентов, Минск, 26−28 апреля 2017 г. : в 2 т. / Белорусский национальный технический университет ; редкол.: О. К. Гусев [и др.]. – Минск, 2017. – Т. 2. - С. 145.
    • Method of unification of the commercial vehicles and buses 

      Gadelshin, T.; Petrov, V. (BNTU, 2010-10)
      Gadelshin, T. Method of unification of the commercial vehicles and buses / T. Gadelshin, V. Petrov // International congress of heavy vehicles, road trains and urban transport, 06-09 October 2010: book of papers / Belarussian national technical university, Academic automative association, International federation of automative engineering societies. – Minsk: BNTU, 2010. – P. 140-143.
    • Method technological provision of detail’s quality parameters 

      Voloshko, O. V.; Vysloukh, S. P. (БНТУ, 2020)
      Voloshko, O. V. Method technological provision of detail’s quality parameters / O. V. Voloshko, S. P. Vysloukh // Новые направления развития приборостроения : материалы 13-й Международной научно-технической конференции молодых ученых и студентов, 15−17 апреля 2020 г. / Белорусский национальный технический университет ; редкол.: О. К. Гусев (пред. редкол.) [и др.]. – Минск : БНТУ, ...
    • Methodics and tools of cough sound processing on basic of neural net 

      Vishniakou, U. А.; Shaya, B. H. (БНТУ, 2023)
      The purpose of the article is to analyze the methods and means of processing cough sounds to detect lung diseases, as well as to describe the developed system for classifying and detecting cough sounds based on a deep neural network. Four types of machine learning and the use of convolutional neural network (CNN) are considered. Hypermarkets of CNN are given. Varieties of machine ...
    • Methodological approaches to the definition of the category environmental capital 

      Mazurenko, O. M. (БНТУ, 2017)
      Mazurenko, O. M. Methodological approaches to the definition of the category environmental capital / O. M. Mazurenko // Модернизация хозяйственного механизма сквозь призму экономических, правовых, социальных и инженерных подходов : сборник материалов XI Международной научно-практической конференции, 23 ноября 2017 г. : в 2 т. / Белорусский национальный технический университет, ...
    • Methodological guide for creating a course work by undergraduates of the specialty 1-25 80 01 “Economics” 

      Solodovnikov, S. Yu.; Stashevskaya, M. P. (BNTU, 2021)
      The methodological guide is a set of modern theoretical and methodological principles for conducting research in economics.
    • Methodological guide for creating a master's thesis in English and the requirements for the content and design by undergraduates of the specialty 1-25 80 01 “Economics” 

      Solodovnikov, S. Yu.; Stashevskaya, M. P.; Serhiyevich, T. V.; Meleshko, Yu. V.; Drozdovich, L. I. (BNTU, 2021)
      The methodological guide is a set of the requirements for the content and design of the master's theses in economics.
    • Methodology for determining the calculation of the standard for the number of medical visits 

      Palonik, I. S.; Shandora, N. I. (Издательство БГУ, 2017)
      The author оf article analyses out-patient care in the Republic of Belarus. There is considered the need for changes in primary health care to improve the efficiency of the health care system. Changes should be aimed at reducing costs and creating a model of managed care based on volume planning and resource support, taking into account the needs for medical services. There is ...
    • Methodology for Determining the Effective Thickness of the Cemented Layer of Steel 

      Sergei, G. S.; Aleksandr, L. V.; Sergej, P. R. (БНТУ, 2023)
      Highly loaded transmission gears are cemented and hardened. An important parameter of the hardened cemented layer is its effective thickness hef . Metal banding and the unavoidable instrumental error in hardness measuring have a great influence on the reliability of hef determination. The purpose of this article was to develop a methodology to improve the reliability of determining ...
    • Methodology of Defining of the Radiation Therapy Components for Various Methods of Patients’ Treating Using Medical Linear Accelerators and Gamma-Therapeutic Devices 

      Titovich, E. V.; Piatkevich, M. N.; Makarava, N. I. (БНТУ, 2020)
      One of the main factors affecting the effectiveness of radiation therapy is the constancy of the patient’s position on the treatment table created by immobilization devices of various designs and held throughout the entire irradiation procedure, which guarantees the accuracy of the delivery of the prescribed dose distribution. The purpose of the work was to establish the numerical ...
    • Methodology of laboratory lessons in electrical engineering 

      Khudoyberganov, S. B.; Kurbanov, I. B. (БНТУ, 2022)
      A laboratory workshop's goal is usually to: specify abstract educational material and deepen the concepts studied in theoretical courses, teach practical research methods and the ability to use special experimental tools; instill general and specific experimentation skills; and form practical skills in setting up devices and conducting electrical circuit measurements. In most ...
    • Methodology of value-motivational quality management of education at the university (on the example of faculty of engineering and education) 

      Лу, Ли (БНТУ, 2021)
      Лу, Ли. Methodology of value-motivational quality management of education at the university (on the example of faculty of engineering and education) / Ли Лу ; науч. рук. А. М. Романова // Инженерно-педагогическое образование в XXI веке : материалы республиканской научно-практической конференции молодых ученых и студентов (25-26 ноября 2021 г.) / редкол.: А. М. Маляревич (гл. ред.) ...