Now showing items 41-60 of 202

    • Метод многокритериальной оценки проектов 

      Zheng, Jie; Жесткова, Е. С. (БНТУ, 2021)
      The method of multicriteria evaluation of innovative projects is offered which gives expert a possibility to consider various evaluation criteria and obtain quantitative result.
    • Возможности создания логических игр: орнаментальная открытка-мозаика 

      Бондарева, А. К.; Песецкая, Т. И. (БНТУ, 2021)
      The project offers the idea of an ornamental postcard with puzzle. The postcard provides both a function of acquaintance with traditional culture and an educational function, which is to facilitate the study of mathematical foundations of constructing an ornament in the form of puzzle. The printed version was released on the base of the Information Technology in Culture Department ...
    • 基于多维视频巡轨监控机器人的研制 

      Wei, Wei; Zhang, Lei; Jin, Jiaxin; Yang, Xuesong; Li, Zhi (БНТУ, 2021)
      Intelligent car is an important branch of intelligent robot, the development of intelligent car can be applied to many different fields, especially in some places beyond the reach of human. The main research of the system is how to use the infrared sensor for autonomous obstacle avoidance of the smart car, how to control the motion state of the motor drive module, the principle ...
    • 十二生肖赛蹴鞠 

      Yu, Ximiao; Chen, Yanrong; Ning, Qi (БНТУ, 2021)
      Paper cutting – Chinese intangible cultural heritage. The zodiac – Chinese year. Kick the ball – the most popular sport in ancient times.
    • О некоторых особенностях номинантов эмоции «радость» в китайской лингвокультуре 

      Аксёнчикова-Бирюкова, А. А. (БНТУ, 2021)
      The article considers some of the nominees of the concept «joy» in Chinese language; examines their inner form and the relationship between joy and music.
    • Особенность воплощения образа цветка папоротника в скульптуре Л. Зильбера «Девочка с совой» 

      Лойко-Мичудо, А. В. (БНТУ, 2021)
      В статье представлена интерпретация наиболее известного образа купальского праздника – образа цветка папоротника. Рассматривая особенности его претворения в современной белорусской скульптурной композиции, автор предлагает свое видение семантики данного произведения.
    • Методика фомирования стоимости продукции на промышленных предприятиях 

      Жевлакова, А. Ю. (БНТУ, 2021)
      The pricing policy of an enterprise is a fundamental factor in the effectiveness of its activities. The three stages of building a pricing strategy for an enterprise are determining demand, analyzing the costs and prices of competitors, setting goals for a pricing strategy, choosing a pricing methodology and setting the final price. It was proposed to create a unified database ...
    • Научная секция «образовательные технологии. Инновации в экономике, культуре и искусстве» 

      Chen, Xi (БНТУ, 2021)
      Statistics on enterprises' purchase of talent token, and select whether to obtain employment or retraining according to the situation;Step 5: For talents who have sold talent tokens to a certain extent, the job location shall be determined according to the proportion of talent tokens purchased by the enterprise and the individual's will;The sixth step is that the proprietary chain ...
    • 研发面向俄语初学者的手机APP 的设想 

      Zhao, Qi; Xu, Kun (БНТУ, 2021)
      Shenyang Institute of Technology offers an introductory Russian course for beginners in the context of "One Belt, One Road". The students and the instructor discussed the idea of using a cell phone app outside the classroom and agreed that this technology would enhance students' interest in learning and improve their academic performance.
    • 海洋卫士 

      Xu, Wentao; Wu, Xia; Wang, Yutong; Guo, Hua (БНТУ, 2021)
      The topic of this course is based on the Internet of things technology,the marine environment monitoring system based on Internet of things is studied and designed,realizing intelligent monitoring of marine environment,the measurement parameters of marine environmental monitoring are integrated, system modularization,real time data transmission and the goal of monitoring service ...
    • Педагогический проект по формированию эстетической культуры воспитанников социально-педагогического центра «Я ‒ начало прекрасного» 

      Белякова, А. В. (БНТУ, 2021)
      Living every day of life, people are confronted with aesthetic culture. The ability to enjoy beauty, take a break from routine, and create beauty in the environment is very important for society. Aesthetic culture is even more important among the inhabitants of the social-pedagogical center. Aesthetic culture is a powerful means of socializing and adapting children to their ...
    • 基于物联网技术的智疗手环系统设计 

      Xu, Qihao; Zhang, Dawei; Li, Xinyu; Yang, Yue (БНТУ, 2021)
      This paper introduces the design of intelligent Therapy Bracelet system based on Internet of things technology. The smart Therapy Bracelet system mainly realizes the functions of blood pressure detection, blood pressure value viewing, historical blood pressure value viewing, peripheral services, personal information, account setting, etc. Firstly, the research background and ...
    • 月基通信模型以及A/D 高速采集的另一种方案 

      Yang, Yanguo (БНТУ, 2021)
      In recent years, Space-X's Starlink program has attracted worldwide attention. It hopes to build a dense satellite chain network in Low earth orbit in the near future. This can make the world can easily enjoy Internet services. At the same time, China's lunar exploration project is also gradually advancing, but the above process is limited by the high cost of rocket launch. Here, ...
    • «Интернет вещей» в автоматизации работы малых сельскохозяйственных комплексов и фермерских хозяйств 

      Зайцев, А. А. (БНТУ, 2021)
      Автоматизация и оптимизация работы сельского хозяйства и агропромышленного комплекса является важной задачей для специалистов сферы IT. Для эффективного и рационального использование земельных ресурсов и получения максимального урожая, необходимо внедрение систем автоматики, анализа и логистики сельскохозяйственного сектора. В работе была разработана и создана система автоматизации ...
    • Внедрение технологий Big Data и Smart Data в современный маркетинг предприятий 

      Пилипенко, В. Д.; Проц, Т. А. (БНТУ, 2021)
      The scientific work examines the process of introducing modern Big Data and Smart Data technologies into the marketing of enterprises from the point of view of the effectiveness of the perception of advertising by the target audience and the impact on sales growth.
    • Ситуационный менеджмент в системе образования 

      Лю, Сяо Ю (БНТУ, 2021)
      The article deals with the concept of situational management in education and an effective model of learning process. The research of organizational bases of the application of situational management in the system of education (on the example of Shandong Art School) defined that the usage in situational management such methods as system and situational analysis, factor and ...
    • 智能视觉跟随小车 

      Yu, Hong (БНТУ, 2021)
      Visual following is an important part in the field of robot, which can be used in storage, handling, security, military and other fields. Due to the problems that the traditional algorithm cannot track the target effectively when the background is relatively complex, it has high resolution requirements for the tracking target and the external environment, so it can only carry out ...
    • Каштановая минирующая моль (Cameraria ohridella) в г. Витебске: оценка врнедоносности и обзор методов контроля численности 

      Москалева, Н. В.; Держинский, Е. А. (БНТУ, 2021)
      Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) plays an important role in the landscaping of settlements in Belarus, which is primarily due to its high decorative qualities, as well as its high resistance to diseases and pests. However, since the beginning of the 2000s. a dangerous chestnut pest, the horse-chestnut leaf miner Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimič, 1986, has spread across ...
    • Скрининг бактерий-антагонистов для экологически безопасной борьбы с фитопатогенами томатов 

      Великоселец, М. И.; Русских, И. А. (БНТУ, 2021)
      The world potato and tomato is facing major economic losses due to disease pressure and environmental concerns regarding pesticides use. This work aims at addressing these two issues by isolating indigenous soil bacteria that can be integrated into pest management strategies. More than 80 strains of Bacillus-like and otherwise were isolated from several soils, also associated ...
    • 建造最持久的沙堡 

      Ke, Xu; Jiangfeng, Chang; Shanyujin, Lei; Boyu, Zhang (БНТУ, 2021)
      No matter where there are leisure beaches in the world, there seem to be children (and adults) making sandcastles on the beach. People want to know if there is an optimal 3-dimensional geometry for the foundation of the sand castle. In this paper, considering the impact of waves, tides and rain on the sand castle foundation, Monte Carlo method is used to study the three-dimensional ...