Получение композиционных порошков систем Fe-SiC и Fe-B4C методом механосинтеза

Another Title
Formation of composite powders of systems FE-SIC and FE-B4C by mechanical synthesis
Bibliographic entry
Получение композиционных порошков систем Fe-SiC и Fe-B4C методом механосинтеза = Formation of composite powders of systems FE-SIC and FE-B4C by mechanical synthesis / В. И. Жорник [и др.] // Вестник Полоцкого государственного университета. Серия В: Прикладные науки. Промышленность. – 2016. – № 3. – С. 123-129.
В статье приведены результаты исследований структуры композиционных порошковых материалов состава Fe-SiC и Fe-B4C, получаемых в условиях интенсивной механической активации, и их магнитно-абразивных свойств.
Abstract in another language
The results of investigation of structure evolution of powder composition of Fe/SiC and Fe/В4C by mechanical activation (MA) are described. It is shown that the mechonocomposite Fe/abrasive are formed by treatment of the composition of powders Fe and abrasive in the mill with energy intensity of I = 3 W/g during a short time. The main stages of microstructure formation of the composite powders Fe/abrasive include crushing, deformation mixing, submicrostructure fragmentation of components and forming of globular microstructure. The alignment of the phase composition and size range of the particles of mechanocomposites and inclusions takes place during 60 minutes of the MA. The particle size of SiC is decreased more than В4C. The formation of the composite Fe/SiC by MA during 60 minutes occurs without significant chemical interaction between the components. The formation of the phase B6Fe23 is observed during mechanical activation of Fe and B4C.