Now showing items 24-43 of 266

    • influence of availability of ventilation in work / study spaces on quality of work / study 

      Аскольченко, М. В. (БНТУ, 2020)
      This article reflects the importance of having a ventilation system in work / school premises, shows its effect on the work process, and describes how to create ventilation in the absence of professional equipment manufactured for air exchange.
    • Innovative economy in the Republic of Belarus 

      Дроздова, A. Д.; Степанова, K. В. (БНТУ, 2020)
      In the modern economy, innovation plays a significant role and is the most effective way to compete. Innovations affect the country's economic growth, increasing its image, creating new industries and opening new markets. The transition to an innovative development path is one of the main tasks for Belarus. This article is devoted to the features of the innovative economy of the ...
    • Integration interaction of regional economic associations actors: «soft» & «hard» mechanisms 

      Yuy, Gan; Erkin, Dilnur; Lin, Lai Xiang; Yang, Zhang Men (БНТУ, 2020)
      In recent years, attempts to extend protectionism policies to a wide area of international relations between developed and developing countries, including the largest economies in the world, have become increasingly noticeable. Along with the “currency wars”, this forms a new reality, the peculiarity of which is to increase the level of uncertainty of economic development. To ...
    • Internet marketing 

      Вандич, А. В. (БНТУ, 2020)
      This article deals with the issue of how the Internet marketing works nowadays, its main trends, directions and ways of interaction between the brand and the client.
    • Lack of trust in insurance and lemonade’s way to fix it 

      Хваленя, К. В. (БНТУ, 2020)
      The article is devoted to the current problem of the low level of distribution of insurance services in the countries of the former Soviet Union. The objective reasons for the low financial and insurance literacy of the population of Belarus are traced. The article summarizes the practical experience of developing the insurance business by the example of the actions of the American ...
    • Marketing in tourism sphere 

      Нестеренко, K. В. (БНТУ, 2020)
      The most important activity of firms, tourism, promotion of tourism products on the market, advertising and implementation of the prepared tour package. Currently, the media, special publications, brochures are literally crowded with a variety of tourist all right to bring to potential client actions. This task is feasible if the management of the company has knowledge in marketing ...
    • Marketing policy in conditions of universal isolation or "insulating marketing" 

      Юрьев, Г. Я. (БНТУ, 2020)
      This article deals with the current issue of organization management and promotion of goods in conditions of general isolation with the help of tools of the complex "insulation marketing." The main problems of application, peculiarities of implementation, as well as the new concept of "insulation marketing" (as part of the complex of "anti-crisis marketing") have been studied, ...
    • Marketing techniques in modern advertising 

      Федорова, О. А. (БНТУ, 2020)
      In this article, the main task of modern marketing is formulated - the study of consumption motives. The basic marketing techniques for influencing the consumer are studied. The examples of advertising moves of famous world brands are given.
    • Modern methods of promoting beauty-industry services on the internet 

      Бодрилова, O. A. (БНТУ, 2020)
      In the last few years, significant changes have taken place in the sphere of production and services. The technological process has brought the cosmetic industry to a new level. Modern technologies allow us to quickly and easily receive goods. Innovative changes have affected all kinds of sites on the Internet, which has helped various companies to reach a new level. However, the ...
    • Modern trends in staff training in organizations 

      Качанович, В. В. (БНТУ, 2020)
      The article deals with modern trends in the field of training of working personnel in organizations. Various training methods used by organizations for their employees are analyzed, the advantages and disadvantages of the analyzed approaches are considered.
    • Modern ways of promoting goods and services via instagram 

      Мельник, А. И. (БНТУ, 2020)
      This article discusses modern ways of promoting goods and services in Instagram. The main advantages of the Instagram network, the relevance of doing business on the Internet are determined. Recommendations on improving Instagram profile are given.
    • Online reputation management: theoretical bases and methodological approaches 

      Шилович, У. В. (БНТУ, 2020)
      The actual issue of Online Reputation Management (ORM) is considered in this article, it defines ORM, explores its main tools for ORM and implementation features, identifies the main stages of ORM, and demonstrates the importance of this process for successful company operations.
    • Outstaffing as a method of personnel management 

      Зеленко, E. В. (БНТУ, 2020)
      The article deals with the theoretical aspects of outsourcing, its status in the framework of crisis management. It identifies advantages and disadvantages that will help to optimize business processes and reduce out staffing services risks.
    • «PP» и его роль для продвижения в маркетинге 

      Баранов, А. Д. (БНТУ, 2020)
      В научной работе рассматривается понятие, а также развитие скрытой рекламы (product placement), ее виды. Приводятся конкретные примеры скрытой рекламы. В конце работы представлено заключение и список использованной литературы.
    • Problems of quality service development in state structures in the Republic of Belarus 

      Тихонович, К. А. (БНТУ, 2020)
      The concept of “quality of service” is considered, the main strategies of service in government agencies are analyzed. The analysis of the Belarusian service. Recommendations are given on improving service in private and state enterprises of the Republic of Belarus.
    • Problems of using outplacement in Belarus 

      Орлова, А. А. (БНТУ, 2020)
      This article discusses the problems of outplacement in the Republic of Belarus and ways to solve them.
    • Project expert и расчетное конструирование инвестиционных проектов 

      Терешко, Е. Н.; Лысая, А. А. (БНТУ, 2020)
      В статье обосновывается идея о том, что использование информационных технологий является не только инновационным, отличительным признаком и конкурентным преимуществом для предприятия, но и также необходимым условием эффективного бизнеса. В статье раскрываются проблемы, которые связаны с управлением проектами на предприятиях. Эти проблемы тесно связаны с необходимостью поиска IT- ...
    • Promotion of small businesses recommendation and types of promotion 

      Жишкевич, Ю. С. (БНТУ, 2020)
      Promotion of small business is a difficult task, much more difficult than working with large companies. In recent years, small businesses have undergone very serious changes, many enterprises have been forced to close because they did not generate income, and the level of competition increased. Sales fall together with income, if not to engage it in effective promotion.
    • Psycolgy of consumer behaviour 

      Гришанович, К. А. (БНТУ, 2020)
      This article deals with the field of economic psychology, which studies the psychological characteristics of consumer behavior and attitudes toward goods and services, the psychology of consumption.
    • Risks in marketing activities 

      Чернышова, А. A. (БНТУ, 2020)
      This article discusses the risks of marketing activities. During the development of the article, the main causes of the occurrence of marketing risks, types of risks in marketing activities and their features were identified. The features of risk management in the marketing system were also considered. Based on the studies, it was concluded that the necessary measures should be ...