Now showing items 131-137 of 137

    • Экономическая информатика и информационная экономика 

      Железко, Б. А.; Синявская, О. А.; Мироненко, В. А. (БНТУ, 2015)
      In the given paper the experience of creation of the branch of the department of economic informatics of Belarus State Economic University in EPAM Systems company is considered. Perspective directions of the cooperation between IT-companies and higher educational establishments departments are revealed. The role of the branch of higher educational establishments department in ...
    • Экранное воплощение темы Второй мировой войны в современном китайском кино 

      Сунь, Ао (БНТУ, 2015)
      Сунь, Ао. Экранное воплощение темы Второй мировой войны в современном китайском кино / Сунь Ао ; науч. рук. Е. Н. Шаройко // Новые горизонты - 2015 : сборник материалов Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума, 26–27 ноября 2015 г. – Минск : БНТУ, 2015. – С. 255-258.
    • Экспериментальное исследование пародинамического термосифона 

      Шаповалов, А. В.; Родин, А. В. (БНТУ, 2015)
      The results of experimental study of the operation of the wapordynamic thermosiphon filled with water and ethyl spirit are presented in the paper. The design proposed enables the thermosiphon to be operated in a horizontal position which extends the range of its application in industry. Experimental data are obtained in the range of thermal loads of 3-5.5 kW/m2, the temperature ...
    • Электролитно-плазменная обработка внутренних поверхностей трубчатых изделий 

      Дай, Вэньци; Алексеев, Ю. Г.; Королёв, А. Ю. (БНТУ, 2015)
      The authors have developed a new method of polishing and cleaning the interior surfaces of long-length tubular products on the basis of electrolytic plasma treatment that – as compared to the existing methods – ensures a high-quality high intensity treatment using nontoxic, environmentally friendly, and cheap electrolytes. This paper presents the results of a study of the ...
    • Энергосберегающий аспект системы управления предприятием 

      Бурчиц, Е. А. (БНТУ, 2015)
      To date, energy-savings on enterprises and in organizations becomes a vital task. Price on power mediums, and with them and on supplied with electric power and warmly increases constantly. In an eventual unit of industrial enterprises cost the stake of expenses is high on thermal and electric, that negatively tells on the competitiveness of commodities and equipment of produced ...
    • Эффективное лидерство как важный аспект организации власти 

      Лобанок, А. И. (БНТУ, 2015)
      The appearance of a leader – is an absolutely necessary step for a society that seeks to develop. We can't be better without leadership, because leadership helps to organize the work, indicating a plan of action for those who can’t be without a leader. You need to pay special attention to the development of leadership qualities since childhood. In this connection it’s necessary ...
    • Языки программирования, ориентированные на обработку знаний 

      Азаренко, Е. Д. (БНТУ, 2015)
      This paper describes the programming languages used for knowledge processing and knowledge representation approaches, especially semantic networks. Author makes analysis of SCP programming language (language used in Open Semantic Technology for Intelligent Systems) and makes conclusion that high-level programming language should be introduced to process knowledge bases more effectively.