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Княжеская власть в древней Беларуси
(БНТУ, 2015)The text of the prince's power in ancient Belarus. The history of the emergence and development of the prince's power, as well as the basic functions of the prince. The text is presented as an example of the first Duke of Polotsk – Rogvolod.2018-05-04 -
Анализ ошибок китайских квантификаторов, используемых студентами с родным языком
(БНТУ, 2015)Measure words is one of the important parts of speech in Chinese, not only the number is large, but also has a long history. Both English and Chinese language in the use of the quantifier, the collocation of nouns and quantifier rules have big difference. Native speakers make more errors in quantifiers while learning Chinese. Based on the inter language corpus to master a large ...2018-05-04 -
Основные типы эстрадных телевизионных программ в Китае
(БНТУ, 2015)The article is devoted to the revealing of the main types of TV variety programs. It stresses the main criteria of differences of TV-program. It gives examples from art practice.2018-05-04 -
Церемония жертвоприношения Чингисхану в культуре монгольского народа
(БНТУ, 2015)This article is discussed the tradition and continuity of the ceremony of sacrifice to Genghis Khan in the culture of the Mongolian people.2018-05-04 -
О женских героях в фильме-опере «Красный ястреб»
(БНТУ, 2015)Opera movie "Red Eagles" was taken in 1960, it was adapted from the opera of the same name, is also the theme of a minority art films. The film successfully created a great glorious image of female party members - Lin Hua, the audience truly feel the heroic image of a fresh female Communists. Since the release of the film won the praise of the audience, but also for the future ...2018-05-04 -
Особенности воплощения военно-патриотической тематики в киноопере «Красная заря»
(БНТУ, 2015)Chinese Opera Film "Hong Xia" (1958) is a striking example of the on-screen incarnation of military and patriotic themes. This is an adaptation of the eponymous opera composed by Zhang Rui. It tells of the heroic deed of a girl named Hong Xia (Red Dawn), who gave her live in the struggle against the feudal way of life and the Japanese colonization. Screen adaptation of the opera ...2018-05-04 -
Использование аудиовизуальных технологий в электронных журналах
(БНТУ, 2015)Large space for the development of electronic journals due to the following factors: the formation of lightning computer Internet technologies, the continued improvement of digital media technologies, including super-text technology and super-media, various multimedia technologies.2018-05-04 -
Символика дракона в китайском мировоззрении
(БНТУ, 2015)The article investigates the symbolism of the dragon in the Chinese worldview. The author considers four types of dragon, which in many ways mirrored the Eastern world view, characterizes the role and place of the dragon in Chinese mythology, interpret the image of the Chinese dragon.2018-05-04 -
Театральное выступление как один из способов презентации белорусской культуры в Китае
(БНТУ, 2015)The article is regarded to touring theater of the Belarusian theaters in China: the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Republic of Belarus and the Yanka Kupala National Academic Theater.2018-05-03 -
Развитие и применение цифровой системы нотации в традиционном китайском театре
(БНТУ, 2015)The Chinese opera is a traditional form of stage entertainment, weaving together elements of mime, dance, song, dialogue, swordplay, and acrobatics into one fluid continuous flow. Gestures, movements and expressions incorporated within each performer's script come together to bring forth an impressive performance. In contrast to Western stage entertainment, which is subdivided ...2018-05-03 -
Знакомство белорусских школьников с особенностями китайской культуры в рамках реализации музыкально-педагогических проектов
(БНТУ, 2015)Studies of students from China in the VSU named after P.M. Masherov can not only acquire the necessary knowledge for further educational activities, but also get acquainted with Belarusian culture directly. The students have the opportunity to present to Belarusian students information about some of the features of Chinese culture as part of the discipline of «Musical-pedagogical ...2018-05-03 -
An analysis of the methods for translating chinese jokes in russian
(БНТУ, 2015)The paper aims to analyze the methods for translating Chinese jokes in Russian. By the means of conversion,addition,reduction,synthesization,devision and some other translating methods which are constituted by literal translation and liberal translation,it directs to bring humorous color that it expressed by Chinese jokes to Russion readers,in order to have them understand Chinese ...2018-05-03 -
Русский перевод названий экспонатов в музее Вэньбо Харбинского педагогического университета и преподавание китайского языка как иностранного
(БНТУ, 2015)The museum is an important window for visitors to focus on understanding the culture of a certain country or region and a certain area. The Chinese translation of the museum exhibits an important significance to the Chinese cultural information which is carried by the Russian visitors to the Russian visitors. The text of the author of some of the Chinese cultural symbols of the ...2018-05-03 -
Экранное воплощение темы Второй мировой войны в современном китайском кино
(БНТУ, 2015)Сунь, Ао. Экранное воплощение темы Второй мировой войны в современном китайском кино / Сунь Ао ; науч. рук. Е. Н. Шаройко // Новые горизонты - 2015 : сборник материалов Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума, 26–27 ноября 2015 г. – Минск : БНТУ, 2015. – С. 255-258.2018-05-03 -
Культурный диалог Востока и Запада: философская и образная сфера Китая в белорусской музыке рубежа XX-XXI вв. (на примере произведений Г. Гореловой)
(БНТУ, 2015)Сидорович, К. А. Культурный диалог Востока и Запада: философская и образная сфера Китая в белорусской музыке рубежа XX-XXI вв. (на примере произведений Г. Гореловой) / К. А. Сидорович // Новые горизонты - 2015 : сборник материалов Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума, 26–27 ноября 2015 г. – Минск : БНТУ, 2015. – С. 253-255.2018-05-03 -
Прецедентный феномен в аспекте преподавания РКИ (по публицистическим материалам)
(БНТУ, 2015)This article discusses general issues of precedency in the aspect of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The phenomenon of precedent and its role as a carrier of cultural information. Knowledge of universal and national precedent phenomena is an indication of belonging to this era and the culture of the country of studied language.2018-05-03 -
Анализ и исследование обучения письму на китайском языке как иностранном с использованием интернет-технологий
(БНТУ, 2015)This paper combines the process writing approach and internet technology, and creates a novel writing mode of TCSL. The internet is used as an exchange platform between students and teachers, and it enables the teacher to help students individually in pre-writing, drafts, evaluation-feedback, revision, finalization. The new teaching mode can make students more self-motive, inspire ...2018-05-03 -
Поэтика образа цветущей сирени в русском искусстве конца XIX – начала XX века
(БНТУ, 2015)The Lai Yuege article «The symbol and image of lilacs in painting , literature and music of the late XIX - early XX century» gives an art criticism analysis of works of artists created in the style of realistic painting in the plein-air, Art Nouveau and its associated symbolism (Serov, Vrubel, Zhukovsky ). Examined in detail the content and form of Serov’s paintings «Open the ...2018-05-03 -
Философия музыки в китайской классической традиции: "Юэ Цзин" ("канон музыки") Конфуция
(БНТУ, 2015)Музыке издавна принадлежала важнейшая роль среди различных форм духовной жизни Китая. Уже само слово "юэ" – "музыка" – вмещает в себя широчайший спектр смысловых значений – это поэзия и танцы, живопись, гравюра и архитектура, церемониал, охота и сервировка стола.2018-05-03 -
The Application and Translation with Russia of the Chinese verb Complement Structure
(БНТУ, 2015)The Chinese language is profound. Due to the verb complement structure in modern Chinese has particularity in the structure, the structural diversity and the complexity of semantic complement, it has the highly attention in the world of the teaching Chinese as a foreign language and grammar teaching. The verb complement structure is one of the importance and difficulty for the ...2018-05-03