Новые горизонты: Recent submissions
Now showing items 461-480 of 1779
Роль гипербарической оксигенации в оптимизации костного ремоделирования у пациентов с переломами костей голени
(БНТУ, 2022)The effect of hyperbaric oxygenation in patients with complex segmental fractures of the lower leg bones was studied. The results obtained indicate the optimization of bone remodeling with the predominance of bone-forming processes in it, as a result of which the time of fusion was reduced.2023-01-24 -
Проходка тоннелей немеханизированными щитами в различных инжинерно-геологических условиях
(БНТУ, 2022)The development of the soil is not mechanized by a shield complex. The main parts of the shield. View of the shield complex in various soils. Release of soil in the face.2023-01-24 -
Wthermotube – new high efficiency and energy saving heat dissipation system for data center
(БНТУ, 2022)Our passive refrigeration technology has been continuously studied, and a number of core technologies using gravity heat pipes for heat dissipation have been put forward. Through the phase change of working medium, efficient heat dissipation can be realized with very little energy consumption, and the working efficiency is extremely high.2023-01-24 -
Взаимодействие умных зданий и интеллектуальных сетей
(БНТУ, 2022)The article describes the principle of smart grids and smart buildings, examines the reason for the need for their interaction, and shows the benefits of their use.2023-01-24 -
Innovative method for quality and safety control of alcoholic beverages
(БНТУ, 2022)A gas chromatography flame ionization detector (GC-FID) method based on the use of ethanol as an internal standard was developed and compared with the official Chinese method for the determination of methanol in various alcoholic beverages. Both official and developed methods were approbated for the analysis of wide range of alcoholic beverage samples with ethanol concentrations ...2023-01-24 -
Растительные экстракты как потенциальные солнцезащитные фильтры
(БНТУ, 2022)This article presents the results of a study of the fotoprotective activity of liquid extracts from immortelle sandy flowers and St.Johnʼs wort herb. The SPF of the studies extracts was calculated.2023-01-24 -
Методы измерения температуры в зоне шлифования
(БНТУ, 2022)In this paper, the temperature measuring methods is considered. The mechanical energy used in the grinding process is almost completely converted into thermal energy. This amount of heat can cause geometric deflections on the workpiece, change its surface area, and accelerate tool wear. Thus, the contact area temperature is an important process variable. However, it is difficult ...2023-01-24 -
Тенденции развития методов подачи СОЖ при шлифовании
(БНТУ, 2022)This paper discusses cutting fluids, their areas of application and classification. The paper also describes the traditional methods of their supply during grinding. Positive and negative aspects of traditional methods. Particular attention is paid to the development trend of the supplylubricating coolant to improve the quality of grinding.2023-01-24 -
Микробиота желудочно-кишечного тракта и циркадные ритмы человека
(БНТУ, 2022)The paper shows the relationship “microbiota-gut-brain” and the importance of studying the prognostic significance of the nature of the metabolic profile of the intestinal microflora against the background of stress from circadian rhythm disorders. It is recommended to include upto- date data on the biochemical and physiological features of the intestinal microbiota and its effect ...2023-01-24 -
Влияние вида опорных частей на частоты собственных колебаний пролетного строения
(БНТУ, 2022)The comparing results of natural oscillations frequencies of the bridge span structure when using different types of bearing parts are presented in the article. Comparative analysis was performed.2023-01-24 -
BIM 技术在建筑项目管理施工阶段中的运用探究
(БНТУ, 2022)BIM in the construction phase of the project information can be parameterized to ensure that the construction of the project data and information to achieve automated statistical analysis, BIM application in the construction phase, including technical disclosure, site layout, engineering calculation and so on to improve the construction project management quality and efficiency ...2023-01-24 -
BIM 技术与可持续发展的融合-绿色建筑
(БНТУ, 2022)Green building is one of the important contents of sustainable development, and the research and application of BIM technology plays an important role in realizing the life cycle of green building, this paper analyzes the integration of BIM technology and sustainable development – green building and explores the significance of BIM technology to the sustainable development of ...2023-01-24 -
(БНТУ, 2022)There will be a large amount of ash accumulation in the mineral heating furnace when preparing products, but due to the harsh internal environment of the mineral heating furnace [1], it is difficult to directly observe the situation in the furnace. This project uses the inner cavity imaging system to reconstruct the situation in the furnace through computer three-dimensional, so ...2023-01-24 -
(БНТУ, 2022)This project provides the theoretical and experimental basis for the industrial production of Weiqiao alumina red mud, and at the same time fundamentally solves a series of problems such as waste of resources, environmental pollution and storage costs caused by red mud stockpiling, so as to truly achieve sustainable economic development.2023-01-24 -
A method for clustering rock discontinuities with multiple properties based on an improved netting algorithm
(БНТУ, 2022)Clustering analysis is fundamental for determining dominant discontinuity properties in rock engineering. This study proposes an improved netting algorithm for identifying discontinuity sets based on multiple discontinuity properties. The new method is believed to be a potentially useful tool for rapidly obtaining dominant discontinuity sets in rock engineering.2023-01-24 -
(БНТУ, 2022)This paper briefly describes the application of visual recognition in the process of refining molten steel by blowing argon at the bottom of ladle. Starting from the basis of metallurgy, cross information science, to a point to try to extend the exploration of a facet of practice.2023-01-24 -
Проблемы станкостроения в Беларуси и России
(БНТУ, 2022)The present condition of the machine tool industry in the Republic of Belarus and Russian Federation and measures to address the problems were considered.2023-01-24 -
Планировочные решения для съездов полной транспортной развязки типа «Клеверный лист»
(БНТУ, 2022)Transport hubs at different levels are complex engineering structures that require detailed development of each element, especially considering traffic conditions and safety.2023-01-24 -
Получение оксидных покрытий на поверхности вентильных металлов с применением высокочастотного импульсного микродугового оксидирования
(БНТУ, 2022)The disadvantages of traditional methods of microarc oxidation are the long processing time (up to 120 min) for the formation of oxide layers of the required thickness with the required properties and, accordingly, high energy costs. Such a long duration of the traditional MAO process is due to the fact that the thickness of the formed oxide layer is determined by the number of ...2023-01-24 -
Фотограмметрическая калибровка камеры мобильного телефона по снимкам пространственного тест-объекта
(БНТУ, 2022)The process of photogrammetric calibration of a mobile phone camera is described in order to determine the elements of interior orientation, including the parameters of photogrammetric distortion of the camera lens. An assessment of the reliability and validity of the experimental data was made.2023-01-24