Новые горизонты: Recent submissions
Now showing items 481-500 of 1779
Развитие конструкций гидрозажимных патронов для станков с XGE
(БНТУ, 2022)This article discusses various types of hydraulic chucks, the features of their use in modern metal-cutting machines, their design features.2023-01-24 -
Курсовая устойчивость щеленарезной машины при нарезании боковой щели в почве выработки
(БНТУ, 2022)The analysis of the course stability of a caterpillar slot-cutting machine with an executive body “chain bar” when cutting a side slot in the working soil was carried out.2023-01-24 -
Расчет параметров забойного скребкового конвейера для работы с двумя очистными комбайнами
(БНТУ, 2022)The operating conditions of an armored face conveyor as part of a cleaning complex with two single-screw combined machines are considered. The technique for determining the power to drive the conveyor is given.2023-01-24 -
Применение искусственного интеллекта в маркетинге
(БНТУ, 2022)Artificial Intelligence is actively developing and becoming part of our daily lives. Marketers also keep up and actively use AI in their activities. Big Data Analysis, Chatbots, Personalization, Content Generation, Native Advertising are the modern trends of using AI in marketing and advertising. Belarusian developers are also using AI in their projects.2023-01-24 -
Керамические материалы для литейных установок алюминиевой промышленности
(БНТУ, 2022)The possibility of obtaining wollastonite-containing ceramics based on domestic raw materials for the production of heat-insulating ceramics, parts for foundry plants in the aluminum industry has been established.2023-01-24 -
Использование программ расчета характеристик РЛС при испытании новых систем радиолокационного вооружения
(БНТУ, 2022)One of the approaches to solving problems that arise when testing new models of radar weapons is considered. The proposed approach is based on the use of computational programs in the framework of combined test methods. Calculation programs make it possible to make a preliminary assessment of the relevant parameters and, on the basis of these a priori estimates, prepare a measuring ...2023-01-24 -
Мобильное приложение для определения срока замены отработанного моторного масла
(БНТУ, 2022)The development and implementation of an express method of engine oil analysis will greatly simplify the lives of motorists, since with the help of an express test it is possible to determine not only the quality of engine oil at the present time, but also to assume the approximate time that engine oil can still last. In order to determine the approximate operating time of the ...2023-01-24 -
Разработка детектора срабатывания пожарного извещателя
(БНТУ, 2022)When designing the fire detector Activation Information module (MISPI), the question arose about creating the most effective and reliable way to detect the fire detector operation, and the task of transmitting data to the final recipient also arose. The report discusses the selection of hardware components and software development tools.2023-01-24 -
Упрочнение поверхности титана модифицированием с применением электролитно-плазменного нагрева
(БНТУ, 2022)A new method is proposed for increasing the hardness, wear resistance and antifriction characteristics of the surface of titanium and titanium alloys, based on electrochemical-thermal treatment, which is performed by electrolytic-plasma heating in a nitrogen- or carbon-containing electrolyte, followed by hardening by turning off the operating voltage. When a voltage in the range ...2023-01-24 -
Технологические комплексы на базе роботов для финишной обработки изделий
(БНТУ, 2022)Despite the rising popularity of robotic finishing processes and various success stories from the industry, there are still some challenges to overcome to increase acceptance. This study lists questions that require further research to improve.2023-01-24 -
Методика задания направления криволинейному участку горной выработки для эффективной работы проходческого комбайна
(БНТУ, 2022)A technique for the formation of a project for setting the direction of a curved section of a mine working for the effective operation of a tunneling machine in preparing a long-wall face for a treatment complex is given. The calculation of allowable load modes on the executive bodies was carried out and the recommended operating speeds of the combine were determined when driving ...2023-01-24 -
Опыт применения механизированного проходческого комплекса на строительстве шахтных стволов
(БНТУ, 2022)The main stages of the process of building a mine shaft are considered. The principle of operation and experience of using a mechanized tunneling complex in the construction of mine shafts in Belarus are described.2023-01-24 -
Особенности проектирования совмещенных соединительных ответвлений для неполной транспортной развязки типа «Ромб»
(БНТУ, 2022)Crossings of highways are the most critical link on public roads in the formation of congestion and traffic accidents, therefore, a professional approach to their design is required.2023-01-24 -
Негаресурсы в дорожном строительстве
(БНТУ, 2022)The article deals with the actual problem of responsible financing of highway engineering as a linking branch of the national economy. The possibility of implementing the concept of nega-resources in highway engineering is proposed, since today it has many technologies that are either currently implemented or can be implemented in the near future, the use of which generates more ...2023-01-24 -
Концепция конверт-усиления полимербетоном несущей системы 5-осевого многоцелевого станка с ЧПУ
(БНТУ, 2022)Load-bearing system (LBS) of cubic-shaped multipurpose 5-axis CNC machine is investigated. Results of FEM-simulation are involved. Low stiffness of the machine could be improved by polymer concrete pouring into cavities of cast-iron structural parts. More perspective design pattern is to embrace machine LBS by concrete envelopes, inserted one-inside-other. It should provide outer ...2023-01-24 -
Разнопрочная дорожная одежда
(БНТУ, 2022)The article discusses the road characteristics of roads, the strength of which varies along the width of the carriageway. This stability makes it possible to identify the impact of the traffic structure. These include the occurrence of traffic load and the occurrence of water-thermal factors. The design methods that exist today do not fully take into account these factors. This ...2023-01-24 -
Методика расчета устойчивости проходческого комбайна стреловидного типа
(БНТУ, 2022)The condition of balancing state of a tunneling machine of a swept type under the action of external forces on the cutter and friction forces between the tracks and the working soil is considered.2023-01-24 -
Импульсная электролитно-плазменная технология размерной и финишной обработки металлических материалов
(БНТУ, 2022)To reduce energy consumption and increase the efficiency of the process of electrolytic plasma treatment (EPT) for the purpose of modifying and polishing the surface of products made of metallic materials, their dimensional processing while maintaining high intensity, processing quality and environmental safety, a new pulse method has been developed that combines the advantages ...2023-01-24 -
Использование отходов целлюлозно-бумажной промышленности в качестве стабилизирующей добавки в асфальтобетонных смесях
(БНТУ, 2022)The main purpose of the article is an indication of the problem of the emergence and accumulation of large-tonnage waste from the production of the pulp industry, which is quite largescale within the state. The conditions and technical possibilities of using cellulose fiber waste in mixtures containing a large amount of bitumen – stone-mastic asphalt (SMA) concrete.2023-01-24 -
Применение «умных» структур в станкостроении
(БНТУ, 2022)The possibilities of piezoelectric and magnetostrictive actuators as examples of adaptron systems were considered. The article shows the advantages of using new functional materials.2023-01-24