Now showing items 1-20 of 1779

    • 21 世纪海上丝绸之路”建设面临的挑战与对策 

      Ge, Chengrong (БНТУ, 2022)
      In the 21st century, the change of the international marine strategic situation provides both opportunities and challenges for China's strategy of building a powerful marine country. Against this background, China has implemented the strategy of the “21st Century Maritime Silk Road”. Focuses on the analysis of the achievements and challenges of China's “21st Century Maritime Silk ...
    • 3D моделирование оптимального затылования дисковых модульных фрез 

      Ажар, А. В.; Осадчий, Е. Н.; Ишкуло, П. Ю. (БНТУ, 2021)
      It is proposed to determine the optimal diameter of the grinding wheel for sharpening shaped disk modular cutters by 3D modeling of the grinding operation, taking into account the restrictions on the formation of a saddle on a sharpened tooth and grooves on an adjacent tooth. Analysis of the results of modeling the sharpening operation of standard cutters with a modulus of m = ...
    • 3D моделирование технологии затылования дисковых зуборезных фрез 

      Ажар, А. В.; Дулуб, А. Д.; Кустов, С. В.; Минасян, Г. О. (БНТУ, 2022)
      3D modeling was carried out to determine the optimal diameters of grinding wheels for backing the back surface of the tooth of a disk gear cutter with a module m = 1...16 mm. A linear relationship has been established between the height of the tooth, the angle of the flute of the cutter and the diameter of the grinding wheel. It has been proven that the formation of a “saddle” ...
    • 3D печать альгинатным гелем с гидроксиапатитом 

      Лазнев, К. В.; Авдеева, Е. В.; Матиевский, К. А.; Мусская, О. Н.; Крутько, В. К. (БНТУ, 2022)
      For regenerative medicine, a paste for 3D printing of tissue-engineered frames based on sodium alginate and hydroxyapatite has been obtained, which combines the advantages of both materials. The optimal content of hydroxyapatite in a paste based on alginate gel is 25–33 %. With an increase in the concentration of alginate in the gel from 3 % to 5 %, the rheological properties of ...
    • 3D печать альгинатным гелем с гидроксиапатитом 

      Лазнев, К. В.; Авдеева, Е. В.; Матиевский, К. А.; Мусская, О. Н.; Крутько, В. К. (БНТУ, 2022)
      For regenerative medicine, a paste for 3D printing of tissue-engineered frames based on sodium alginate and hydroxyapatite has been obtained, which combines the advantages of both materials. The optimal content of hydroxyapatite in a paste based on alginate gel is 25–33 %. With an increase in the concentration of alginate in the gel from 3 % to 5 %, the rheological properties of ...
    • 3D-моделирование как средство сохранения и популяризации историко-культурного наследия Беларуси 

      Корсаков, Г. Ф. (БНТУ, 2022)
      The project proposes the idea of preserving and popularizing the historical and cultural heritage through 3D modeling. A prototype of the Belarussian State University of Culture and Arts virtual museum is presented as an example.
    • 3D-печать металлических деталей 

      Бакиновский, А. А. (БНТУ, 2016)
      In the paper authors compare additive manufacturing processes that use wire and processes that use metal powder. Also, there are new results of author’s investigates in Electron Beam Free Form Fabrication process.
    • A fault location method for multi-terminal transmission lines based on time differences of modulus traveling waves 

      Yi, Ning (БНТУ, 2019)
      In order to solve the fault location problem for multi-terminal line, a travelingwave- based fault location method is proposed using arrival time differences of zero-mode and aerial-mode waves detected at each terminal. In this work, fault section judgement matrixes are set up and the rules for searching and determining fault section are established, after that the fault point ...
    • A method for clustering rock discontinuities with multiple properties based on an improved netting algorithm 

      Hou, Qinkuan (БНТУ, 2022)
      Clustering analysis is fundamental for determining dominant discontinuity properties in rock engineering. This study proposes an improved netting algorithm for identifying discontinuity sets based on multiple discontinuity properties. The new method is believed to be a potentially useful tool for rapidly obtaining dominant discontinuity sets in rock engineering.
    • A new flywheel energy storage device for converting potential energy into kinetic energy 

      Li, Zhengyang (БНТУ, 2023)
      Generally, vehicles with axle structure do not use the gravitational potential energy of people and objects reasonably during transportation, but use the extra energy to make the vehicles operate. The purpose of this project is to study a flywheel energy storage device that converts potential energy into kinetic energy, so as to store gravitational potential energy and convert ...
    • A new kind of sensing technology – optical fiber sensor based on modal interference 

      Cai, Lu; Zhao, Yong (БНТУ, 2015)
      With the development of automation and intelligentize, sensor technology has been paid more and more attention to by scientific and technical researchers all over the world. In the numerous kinds of sensors, the optical fiber sensing technology represents the development trend of the new generation of the sensor and becomes one of the most developing hightech industries due to ...
    • A novel lithium battery anode-cathode distance detection method based on X-RAY images 

      Jun, Ma; Silun, Xu; Longwei, Qian (БНТУ, 2022)
      Lithium battery is a promising energy source that can used in power the electric motors of a battery electric vehicle or hybrid electric vehicle. However, in recent years, many serious safety accidents in electric vehicle that caused by the defect of the anode and cathode harm the industry. Therefore, we proposed a novel distance detection method, which can detect the defect of ...
    • A novel process for leaching vanadium from the vanadium slag 

      Guoquan, Zhang; Ting-an, Zhang (БНТУ, 2014)
      In China, the comprehensive utilization of vanadium and titanium resource is an important scientific and technological issue. Meanwhile, energy conservation and environmental protection is much more serious than ever before. In the traditional process for vanadium extraction, the roasting process is the key step for oxidize V (III) and V(IV) to V (V) of the vanadium slag by ...
    • A novel sensor for alzheimer’s disease early diagnosis 

      Yang, Jiayang; Zheng, Haizhou (БНТУ, 2021)
      Accurate detection results can improve the cure probability of patients and reduce medical costs. Today, with the sharp increase in the incidence of Alzheimer's disease, the cost of testing its markers remains high. In this paper, a new SPR sensor is designed and manufactured, which can not only detect the disease quickly and accurately, but also reduce the detection cost.
    • A single source reachable query method for gene regulatory networks 

      Zhaoyuan, Zhang; Ziheng, Ding; Hanwen, Wang; Keyi, Liu; Weiyiqi, Wang (БНТУ, 2020)
      With the deepening of research on gene regulatory network, the construction technology of gene regulatory network has been relatively mature. However, according to the characteristics of gene regulatory network, it is still a problem to realize efficient reachable probability query and reachable path query among gene pairs on the constructed gene regulatory network. Therefore, ...
    • A study of women's status in chinese tradition 

      Chen, Ting (БНТУ, 2017)
      As a part of phraseology, proverbs load a lot of cultural content. Proverbs are all-inclusive, they come from life and reflect life. They are part of people’s culture. By analyzing Chinese proverbs relating to women, we can see the status of women in feudal China and see the improvements nowadays.
    • A survey of the research on the human capital ecosystem of the belt and road initiative 

      Chang, Hui (БНТУ, 2021)
      The Belt and Road Initiative has emerged as a highly utilized theme through which scholars have done a wealth of research in the economy, trade, and politics. This research reviewed 268 articles in the BRI value and the human capital fields over the last five years. Several research gaps and promising areas for inquiry are put forward.
    • A win-win partnership: the economic synergy between China and Belarus 

      Xu, Huakang (БНТУ, 2023)
      China-Belarus relations have been steadily growing over the past decade, with economic cooperation forming the cornerstone of this partnership. The combination of China's booming economy and Belarus' strategic location in Europe has created a win-win situation for both countries. Through various trade and investment deals, the economic synergy between China and Belarus has ...
    • Abnormal condition identification modeling based on fuzzy Bayesian network and transfer learning 

      Li, Hui (БНТУ, 2018)
      The abnormal condition identification model is established based on the fuzzy Bayesian network and transfer learning for the electro-fused magnesia smelting process in this paper. The data processing problem is analyzed during the process of modeling and reasoning. The proposed method owns the better performance, which lays the better foundation for making effective safe control ...
    • An analysis of economic and trade complementarity of chinabelarus bilateral international trade 

      Shangyuan, Guo (БНТУ, 2022)
      China and Belarus are a comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the field of diplomacy. The two countries also have natural advantages in trade exchanges and have huge potential for development. China and Belarus have different resource advantages, and the trade between the two sides has good economic and trade complementarity. ctively expand the fields of economic ...