Новые горизонты: Recent submissions
Now showing items 281-300 of 1779
Связь научных открытий с экономикой на примере технологических укладов
(БНТУ, 2023)This article is about technological structures and their connection with the global economy. The article will examine technological structures as a way to track the progress of mankind and how they affect the economy.2024-01-17 -
Развитие таможенной политики Республики Беларусь в период экономических санкций
(БНТУ, 2023)Today the issue of the introduction of economic sanctions to the Republic of Belarus is more relevant than ever. Our task is to talk about the development of customs policy and industry during the sanctions period.2024-01-17 -
Новые горизонты - 2023. Т. 2
(БНТУ, 2023)В сборник включены материалы Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума «Новые горизонты – 2023» по направлению: экономическая деятельность, Межкультурные коммуникации и гуманитарное сотрудничество Беларуси и Китая.2024-01-17 -
Период искусственного интеллекта: трудности и решения для развития виртуальных ведущих
(БНТУ, 2022)The advent of the age of artificial intelligence is quietly changing and influencing all walks of life. As a new form of artificial intelligence technology applied in the broadcasting and hosting industry, virtual hosts have broken the pattern of real hosts dominating the world by virtue of the inherent advantages of all-day and multilingual broadcasting. Virtual hosts generally ...2023-01-26 -
Дизайн-концепция развития мультифункционального комплекса парка «Мазурино» г. Витебск
(БНТУ, 2022)The increase in population and the increased level of urban development dictate new rules for the design of the park landscape. If earlier nature and the city were opposable concepts, and the park was a site of artificially created nature in the city, today the garden and park complex declares itself as an integral part of the modern urban environment [1].The benefits of urban ...2023-01-26 -
Виртуальные испытания двойной несущей системы Пизанской башни
(БНТУ, 2022)FEA simulation of the double load-bearing system (LBS) for Pisa Tower is provided. Cylindrical trunk (T-LBS) is surrounded by 6-stage column system (C-LBS) in the telescopic manner. T-LBS is found out as the main object to bear the tower’s weight. Trunk is rigid and low-stressed. CLBS is partially (about 44 % of mass) hanging on the trunk by pliable cornices. Slender C-LBS is ...2023-01-26 -
Разработка политики в области интеллектуальной собственности университетами Республики Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2022)The article considers the progress of implementation and results of the project on the development of institutional policies in the field of intellectual property for universities and scientific organizations of the Republic of Belarus.2023-01-26 -
Технологии блокчейн в концепции «умных городов»
(БНТУ, 2022)This article considers the possible influence of modern blockchain technologies and the concept of “smart” cities. The analysis of efficiency and demand of these technologies in various sectors of economy is conducted. The article considers main steps to implementation of decentralized networks in the life of modern society.2023-01-26 -
Адаптация западных компаний в Китае
(БНТУ, 2022)In the context of large-scale internationalization, the advertising message is borrowed from a different sociocultural environment. In this case its perception is complicated due to the national and cultural peculiarities of non-verbal information by people from different countries. For this reason, there is a need to adapt the company's products to the peculiarities of consumers ...2023-01-26 -
Визуализация дендрограмм при анализе большого объема данных
(БНТУ, 2022)Studied the methods of hierarchical cluster analysis and the features of their application for processing a big data for its visualization in the most convenient way as results of analysis (clustering) of these data.The purpose of this work is to develop a JavaScript programming language library for visualizing dendrograms as a result of hierarchical cluster analysis.2023-01-26 -
Формирование синонимичной cемантики китайских логограмм как отражение картины мира китайцев
(БНТУ, 2022)The article is dedicated to the analysis of ways and principles of Chinese logograms formation as well as the source of their synonymous semantics.2023-01-26 -
Особенности системы корпоративного обучения персонала
(БНТУ, 2022)The corporate training personnel systems features are studied. It is shown what gives this system to employees of organizations and their managers, its key features.2023-01-26 -
Мониторинг научно-исследовательской и инновационной деятельности в сфере высшего образования
(БНТУ, 2022)Modern high-performance hardware and software tools provide great opportunities for working with large data arrays in the field of research and innovation, which provides public authorities wide opportunities to implement their monitoring and control functions. This article presents the main goals and fundamental principles for the development and operation of automated systems ...2023-01-26 -
Взаимодействие с внешними API на примере приложения виртуального робота для сервиса Telegram
(БНТУ, 2022)The use of external APIs is studied by the example of the implementation of a virtual robot for the Telegram service. The example shows the integration of external APIs into application and connection to it, as well as simplicity and ease of use.2023-01-26 -
Нетарифные меры таможенного регулирования
(БНТУ, 2022)The article discusses the theoretical aspects of the functioning of the institution of nontariff regulation measures in the Republic of Belarus, which directly affect the transport and logistics aspect of foreign trade, presents an assessment of the effectiveness of their application and suggests areas for improvement.2023-01-26 -
Дизайн элементов фирменного стиля неформального сообщества студентов кафедры информационных технологий в культуре Белорусского государственного университета культуры и искусств
(БНТУ, 2022)The paper discusses the specifics of the branded style design for the informal students fellowship on the base of students community of Information Technologies in Culture Department of the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts and analyzes the effectiveness of using the visual identification of the student community to promote the educational services among the applicants.2023-01-26 -
Игровой интерактив и визуальная айдентика культурно-образовательных проектов
(БНТУ, 2022)The paper considers interactive game options and visual design of a cultural project, created by students of the Information Technologies in Culture Department and library specialists of the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts, “Mystical Belarus”, dedicated to Belarusian cinema. The importance of game options and visual design of cultural project with educational ...2023-01-26 -
Сравнительная характеристика традиционного проектирования и BIM-технологий
(БНТУ, 2022)Comparative characteristics of CAD and BIM design methods: project data, incoming data, compliance of the object with the project, administrative issues. Advantages of parametric design in a BIM system.2023-01-26 -
Элементы цифровизации документов в государственных организациях
(БНТУ, 2022)Since the emergence of human society, economic activity has begun to develop human economic activity. The development of science and technology contributed to the strengthening of the production development. Due to unequal economic and political development, as well as natural conditions and resources, disagreements and problems often occur in the economy. Although the use of ...2023-01-26 -
Проблемы и перспективы дистанционного обучения в Китайской Народной Республике (КНР)
(БНТУ, 2022)This paper analyses the substantiality and feasibility of using Internet resources in remote education in China.2023-01-26