Новые горизонты: Recent submissions
Now showing items 261-280 of 1674
Взаимодействие между Республикой Беларусь и Китайской Народной Республикой в области науки и техники
(БНТУ, 2022)This article discusses the main points of the development of scientific and technical cooperation between Belarus and China. The development of cooperation with the People's Republic of China is one of the priority areas for the Republic of Belarus. Scientific and technical cooperation at the level of academies of sciences is being actively strengthened. One of the most effective ...2023-01-26 -
Перспективы развития межрегионального сотрудничества Республики Беларусь и Китайской Народной Республики в рамках инициативы «Пояс и путь»
(БНТУ, 2022)The issues of interregional cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and the People’s Republic of China is increasingly relevant in terms of the current global trends of foreign trade and economic cooperation. A strong incentive for the development of twin-relations between the Belarusian regions and the Chinese provinces is the declaration of the Year of Regions between Belarus ...2023-01-26 -
Фестиваль «От синеокой до поднебесной»
(БНТУ, 2022)In modern conditions, interaction and cooperation between countries in the field of culture is of great importance. This will strengthen spiritual and economic ties, form the basis for integration development. To solve these problems, it is proposed to hold the festival “From the Blue-eyed to the Celestial Empire”, which covers a wide range of events from the presentation of ...2023-01-26 -
(БНТУ, 2022)The excise tax is one of the types of customs payments paid upon import of goods and vehicles for the customs burden of the EAEU. This tax is paid in respect of excisable goods, the list applies except in cases. Throughout the territory of the Republic of Belarus there are uniform excise rates both for goods produced by payers of excises and for goods imported by payers of excises ...2023-01-26 -
К вопросу о патентной активности в странах юго-восточной Азии (на примере Китая и Республики Корея)
(БНТУ, 2022)Currently, there is a steady upward trend in the number of applications for registration of intellectual property rights, especially in the Asian region. There has been an increase in the number of applications for registration of patents, industrial designs, trademarks and utility models.2023-01-26 -
Политика импортозамещения в промышленности: сущность и особенности реализации
(БНТУ, 2022)Import substitution is a reduction in volumes or a complete cessation of imports of certain categories of goods due to the establishment of the production of domestic analogues. Import substitution tools are tariff, non-tariff measures and incentives for domestic production. The import substitution policy was implemented in almost all countries of the world and contributed to the ...2023-01-26 -
Влияние цифровизации на рынок труда
(БНТУ, 2022)Digitalization has a great impact on economic activity. The article examines how the digital economy changes the structure of the labor market and labor relations.2023-01-26 -
Новый шелковый путь как перспектива развития туристической деятельности в РБ
(БНТУ, 2022)More than 2 thousand years ago, there were several trade routes and mass movements of people on the Eurasian continent. Subsequently, they were called the Great Silk Road. Head of State and General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping during his state visit to Kazakhstan proposed to revive the legendary Great Silk Road. The Republic of Belarus was among the first to ...2023-01-26 -
Концепция «Нового шелкового пути» в современных реалиях
(БНТУ, 2022)The Great Silk Road has been known for a long time. He made a significant contribution to the cultures and arts of many peoples, as well as to international trade. And recently, the leader of China has proposed the idea of recovering it. And since Belarus connects Western and Eastern Europe, this will bring both advantages and disadvantages.2023-01-26 -
Понятие и типы социального предпринимательства
(БНТУ, 2022)The article discusses the basic concepts and types of social entrepreneurship.2023-01-26 -
(БНТУ, 2022)The current clinical diagnosis of depression in the medical community relies on self-rating scales and physician interviews, but this approach is limited by the expertise of clinicians and the uneven distribution of medical resources. This paper proposes the use of video multimodal techniques in clinical diagnosis, aiming to improve the efficiency and accuracy of depression ...2023-01-26 -
(БНТУ, 2022)Based on the depth learning algorithm, this paper conducts research on key technologies such as underwater image preprocessing, underwater target autonomous detection and recognition, and underwater single target tracking and detection, and builds a system prototype to verify the effectiveness of the algorithm in the real marine environment.2023-01-26 -
International Chinese learning app design for the 5G era
(БНТУ, 2022)With the development of China, more and more foreigners are learning Chinese, and the post-epidemic period has brought the “Internet + Education” to a climax. This app combines “Chinese + vocational” education, including a multilingual HSK learning resource area and a “skills” community, and is an app that helps overseas Chinese learners to refine their vocational skills and HSK level.2023-01-26 -
Особенности системы продвижения продукции промышленного предприятия
(БНТУ, 2022)Promotion of the company's products is a very important stage in the life of any brand. This article discusses one of the most modern types of product promotion – digital industrial marketing.2023-01-26 -
(БНТУ, 2022)To explore the pattern of economic cooperation between cities of Belarus and China, this paper analyzed a joint economic cooperation project between cities of two countries – Chongqing Belarusian Style Town, and concluded that the economic cooperation between cities of the two countries serves the national development strategy of both sides and develops multi-field cooperation ...2023-01-26 -
(БНТУ, 2022)Virtual reality (VR) is a technology that uses 3D near-eye displays and external devices such as controllers to create a realistic virtual world. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a new technical science that researches and develops theories, methods and application systems for simulating, extending and expanding human intelligence. Artificial intelligence covers many fields, and ...2023-01-26 -
(БНТУ, 2022)Project study to snowboarding movement process as the main body, aiming at high speed, track complex competitive athletes, based on ali cloud server, the integrated use of motor intelligent precise perception technology, sensor data fusion and synchronous positioning technology, digital technology and the perception and fusion twin, cloud computing, cloud edge techniques and so ...2023-01-26 -
(БНТУ, 2022)Digitalization helps to save and broadcast historical memory. China supports education plans and projects in this field. Solid online resources can create contradictory historical narratives and heritage. In order to analyze collective memories, it is closely related to modern politics, and currently requires the fundamental different research methods based on modern information ...2023-01-26 -
(БНТУ, 2022)During the COVID-19 epidemic, it has become difficult to develop numerous global and national brands. On the other hand, new ideas and projects have increased the brand's arsenal of communication tools. Let's note the most important trends that are typical for brand communication strategies during the period of coronavirus restrictions.2023-01-26 -
(БНТУ, 2022)This paper aims to improve the travel mode of the blind, and use robots to replace the tools for the blind. Make the travel of the blind safer and more convenient.2023-01-26