Now showing items 173-192 of 1673

    • The cultivation of intercultural communicative competence in russian interpret 

      Bao, Ying (БНТУ, 2015)
      Interpret is a kind of intercultural communication under the instant case. There are many variables, which influence the success of intercultural communication, including both the objective factors and the subjective factors of interpreter. As an interpreter, it is inevitable to meet all kinds of barriers and conflicts during interpret. So the intercultural ability of interpreter ...
    • The development of answer verification component 

      Qian, Longwei; Li, Wenzu (БНТУ, 2021)
      With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, many intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) based on artificial intelligence technology have been developed. The most basic 2 functions of the ITS are: 1. ability to convert user answers described in natural language into fragment of knowledge base of ITS; 2. knowledge-based representation rules automatically verify ...
    • The development of cooperation between China and Belarus under the “Belt and road initiative” 

      Du, Yingyu (БНТУ, 2022)
      After the end of the Cold War, China's diplomatic concept has begun to introduce a wordpartner. So China's diplomacy has continued to develop and it has further deepened the “Belt and Road initiative” with surrounding country – Belarus. The cooperations between China and Belarus in economy, trade, politics, science, technology and culture have once again been take it to a higher level.
    • The development of digital trade during the COVID-19 

      Yu, Ziqing (БНТУ, 2021)
      On November 1, 2021, China officially applied to join DEPA ( Digital Economy Partnership Agreement), It will help China strengthen digital trade cooperation under the new development trend during the COVID-19.This paper analyze new developments in digital trade during the pandemic to offset the negative impact of the pandemic on trade.
    • The development of e-commerce in the digital economy 

      Yang, Tiantian (БНТУ, 2023)
      Electronic commerce has completely transformed commercial transactions in the digital economy. It has disrupted traditional business models, and this form of commerce involving online buying and selling has now become an integral part of modern society. As a result, electronic commerce has become a crucial component of the global economy, driving economic growth, and fostering ...
    • The development of trade and economic cooperation between China and Belarus and the main challenges it faces 

      Liu, Enqi (БНТУ, 2022)
      The article describes the stages of development of economic and trade cooperation between China and Belarus, analyzes the reasons that countries face in the process of cooperation and suggests ways to solve them.
    • The economic issue of willow biomass production for energy purpose in short rotation coppice plantations 

      Rodzkin, A. I.; Butsko, A. A.; Pashynski, V. А.; Ivanova, E. V.; Shabanov, A. A.; Rodzkin, A. A. (БНТУ, 2016)
      Ива является одной из перспективных культур для создания коммерческих плантаций с последующим использованием древесины на энергетические цели. Площади культуры в Европе занимают свыше 20 тысяч гектар, в странах, климатические условия которых близки к Республике Беларусь. Важнейшим условием создания плантаций является рентабельность производства биомассы, которая зависит от ряда ...
    • The electrical insulation strength of anodic Al2O3 coatings with vias for power multichip modules 

      Shimanovich, D. L. (БНТУ, 2022)
      The technological methods and regimes to improve the electrical insulation strength of anodic Al2O3 in vias of double-sided alumina bases for potential use in power multichip modules were discussed. It was shown that after using of the appropriate technological approaches the breakdown voltages of the obtained test samples were up to ~6 kV on working surfaces without holes and ...
    • The exploration and practice of chunking approach in scientific chinese teaching - a case study of listening and speaking course of scientific chinese 

      Fan, Di (БНТУ, 2016)
      The ultimate goals of Scientific Chinese teaching is to help foreign students with basic knowledge of Chinese to eliminate the language barriers of learning science and engineering courses and master the necessary Chinese knowledge of learning professional courses through the learning of Scientific Chinese Courses. Taking Listening and Speaking Course of Scientific Chinese as an ...
    • The impact of artificial intelligence on the world economy 

      Kuprevich, T. S. (БНТУ, 2017)
      In the article the potential benefits and opportunities offered by AI in the world economy are considered. In the course of the research benefits and tendencies of artificial intelligence in the world economy were revealed, the main directions of development and barriers of artificial intelligence adoption are analyzed and revealed. Nowadays artificial intelligence (AI) is going ...
    • The influence of alumina content in Cu-Al2O3 powder on the properties of cold spraying coatings 

      Li, Feng; Chang, Guan; Guosheng, An; Wensheng, Li; Jirong, Chang; Goransky, Georg; Vaganov, Viktor (БНТУ, 2017)
      The influence of alumina content in Cu-Al2O3 powder on the properties of cold spraying coatings / Feng Li [et al.] // Новые горизонты – 2017 : сборник материалов Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума, 2-3 ноября 2017 г. : в 2 т. – Минск : БНТУ, 2017. – Т. 1. – С. 43-46.
    • The influence of eliot 's poetics on chinese poet bian zhilin's poetry creation 

      Пань, Гаоцзинь (БНТУ, 2020)
      Bian Zhilin’s poetry language form, writing technique and poetic philosophy certainly have deep roots in Chinese classical literature, but the influence of Eliot’s poetics on it is still conclusive and cannot be ignored, especially his two poetry theories: the Objective Correlative and the De-Personalization theory.
    • The laser welding features of stainless steels and galvanized steels 

      Lapkouski, A.; Devoino, O. (БНТУ, 2014)
      This paper is about the most important investigation result process of laser welding thin stainless and galvanized plates. The feature of this issue was the need to preserve the appearance of side reversed side of welding.
    • The meaning of improving swimming techniques 

      Yi, Jun (БНТУ, 2021)
      Swimming, from the first Olympic Games in 1896, has been included in the official Olympic sports. Swimming is not only the foundation of the Olympic competition, but also the old and young salty, healthy popular sport, with many enthusiasts all over the world. With the development of the times, swimming is no longer exclusive to summer, all year round people can experience the ...
    • The mechanism for the formation of blockchain schemes in the activities of the bank 

      Yang, Jie (БНТУ, 2023)
      Under the development of digitalization, many countries have followed up steps to embrace this brand new technology and implement digitalization, for some countries which still think that the digitalization apllied to financial area would be a huge risk. This article briefly analyzes the importance of blockchain applications in banking activities and its mechanism, demonstrates ...
    • The operational efficiency of China's economic energy sector from the perspective of marginal analysis 

      Huang, Yiyan (БНТУ, 2022)
      The article presents the trends in the development of China's energy construction and analyzes the reasons for significant technological advances in this field of activity. Based on marginal analysis, the efficiency and sustainability of the functioning of China's energy field is shown.
    • The operational efficiency of China's economic energy sector from the perspective of marginal analysis 

      Huang, Yiyan (БНТУ, 2022)
      The article presents the trends in the development of China's energy construction and analyzes the reasons for significant technological advances in this field of activity. Based on marginal analysis, the efficiency and sustainability of the functioning of China's energy field is shown.
    • The practical application of digital marketing 

      Chai, Hua (БНТУ, 2023)
      Digital marketing refers to a marketing method that uses digital technology and online channels for marketing and sales. This article aims to explore the main strategies and methods, advantages, and challenges of digital marketing.
    • The problem of identifying environmentally friendly goods with non-environmentally friendly good 

      Сырыцкая, А. Ю. (БНТУ, 2023)
      This article examines the problem of modern society’s perception of some products as environmental, while they cause even greater harm to the environment.
    • The research about reconstruction of residential building 

      Chen, Jingke (БНТУ, 2020)
      This paper analyzes and studies the status quo of old houses in the city, and shows the contradictions between old houses and modern life. These contradictions can be resolved to a certain extent through low-cost renovation. And put forward the principles and principles of transformation.