Applied mathematics plastic deformation of metals

5449Another Title
Educational and methodical manual for students of specialty 1-38 80 01 “Instrumentation”
Bibliographic entry
Hundzina, M. A. Applied mathematics plastic deformation of metals : educational and methodical manual for students of specialty 1-38 80 01 “Instrumentation” / M. A. Hundzina, O. V. Yuhnovskaya ; Belarusian National Technical University Department, «Engineering Mathematics». – Minsk : BNTU, 2022. – 67 p.
This educational and methodical manual is intended for students of engineering specialties of the instrument-making faculty of BNTU, who studies the discipline “Applied mathematics” for students of the second degree of study of engineering specialties. The tasks are developed taking into account the recommendation of the department of Engineering Mathematics of the instrument-making faculty of Belarusian National Technical University, they are consistent with the requirements for standard in mathematics. The educational and methodical manual is intended for researchers and students of technical specialties.