Now showing items 1-20 of 1816

    • 3D-печать в дорожном строительстве и ремонте 

      Мельничёнок, А. Г. (БНТУ, 2024)
      Мельничёнок, А. Г. 3D-печать в дорожном строительстве и ремонте / А. Г. Мельничёнок ; науч. рук. М. В. Югова // Современные направления в проектировании, строительстве, ремонте и содержании транспортных сооружений : материалы IX Международной студенческой конференции / редкол.: С. Е. Кравченко (пред.) [и др.] ; сост. В. А. Ходяков. – Минск : БНТУ, 2024. – С. 701-703.
    • 3D-печать нанообьектов 

      Антонов, М. С.; Чижик, С. А. (Интегралполиграф, 2024)
      Создание неорганических материалов с разработанными трехмерными наноструктурами – быстро развивающаяся область исследований и промышленного применения. В данной работе проведен анализ современных методов 3D-печати высококачественных наноструктур. И предложен новый метод с использованием атомно силового микроскопа и двухфотонной полимиризации для создания объектов из SiO2 с ...
    • A foam-based partial ground wearable microstrip patch antenna for 5G wireless applications 

      Suhas, R. K.; Patil, D. P.; Akhilesh, K. (Интегралполиграф, 2024)
      The antenna is designed using foam substrate with dimension of 33.30*35.96*1.6 mm3 operates from 3.3 to 5.2 GHz, covering 5G sub-6 GHz NR bands N77 (3.3–4.2 GHz), N78 (3.3–3.8 GHz), and N79 (4.4–5 GHz) with a bandwidth (BW) of 1900 MHz and S11of –40.59 dB at 4.45 GHz. SAR analysis, using a three-layer body phantom, measures electromagnetic energy absorption by human tissues over ...
    • A product strategy as the basis for innovations 

      Voskobovich, O. (Четыре четверти, 2024)
      Modern companies, that compete successfully in the tech markets, attach a lot of importance to comprehensive product strategies. This article intends to explain development of a product strategy. It presents the product strategy development process and the tech product differentiation formula. Companies in the Republic of Belarus can use them to increase competitiveness of their ...
    • ABC-XYZ-анализ в Ms Excel 

      Павлик, В. В. (БНТУ, 2024)
      Павлик, В. В. ABC-XYZ-анализ в Ms Excel / В. В. Павлик ; науч. рук. Н. В. Стефанович // НИРС АТФ-2024 : материалы 80-й студенческой научно-технической конференции / редкол.: С. В. Скирковский [и др.] ; под общ. ред. А. С. Поварехо ; сост. А. С. Поварехо. – Минск : БНТУ, 2024. – С. 262.
    • Analysis of online marketing strategies for Qingyang Apples 

      Wang, Huize; Yanchuk, A. L. (БНТУ, 2024)
      With the development and growth of various e-commerce platforms.The sales and publicity of Qingyang apples through the network can not only increase product sales and revenue, but also further expand the popularity of products, increase the market share of products, which is of great significance to the development and transformation and upgrading of Qingyang Apple industry. This ...
    • Analysis of opportunities and challenges of distribution in international marketing 

      Yang, Shujun (БНТУ, 2024)
      This paper explores the unique challenges and opportunities associated with distribution in international marketing. It examines the influence of cultural differences, regulatory environments, logistics complexities, and technological advancements on global distribution strategies. The study highlights the importance of localization, the role of global supply chain management, ...
    • Analysis of organic solvents released during painting and drying of automobiles 

      Boboev, S. M.; Xolboev, U.; Ismoilov, A. I. (БНТУ, 2024)
      The article presents the results of a study of the drying process of paints and varnishes based on organic solvents. and environmental problems. An analysis of the current scale of their use is carried out and an assessment is made of environmental problems associated with their evaporation, taking into account their use in specially equipped rooms, are considered.
    • Application of electronic means in coaching control of volleyball 

      He, Kanghui; Borbat, M.; Samaryna, A.; Pantsialeyeu, K. (Интегралполиграф, 2024)
      The article explores the application of electronic tools in coaching control for volleyball competitions, including video analysis, biomechanical systems, physical activity trackers, as well as the use of artificial intelligence and statistical analysis. Key areas of technology application are described, such as tactical and technical evaluation, physical condition monitoring, ...
    • Aspects of the impact of artificial intelligence on advertising 

      Zhao, Mengran (БНТУ, 2024)
      With the development of the economy and the improvement of technology, artificial intelligence has also emerged, especially bringing about changes in the advertising industry. This article aims to study the application and impact of artificial intelligence on the advertising industry, analyze its role in precise advertising placement, creative strategies, and effectiveness ...
    • Automated control system for the technological process of a turbine unit 

      Madduma, Patabendige Sadick Ranjith (БНТУ, 2024)
      Madduma, Patabendige Sadick Ranjith Automated control system for the technological process of a turbine unit / Patabendige Sadick Ranjith Madduma ; науч. рук. S. V. Dubinin // Актуальные вопросы и направления в инженерии : материалы 80-ой студенческой научно-технической конференции БНТУ, апрель – май 2024 года / редкол.: А. М. Авсиевич, Ю. В. Полозков, С. В. Александровский [и ...
    • Automated process control system milk pasteurization 

      Lawrence, Arokiathas Neichalathas (БНТУ, 2024)
      Lawrence, Arokiathas Neichalathas Automated process control system milk pasteurization / Arokiathas Neichalathas Lawrence ; науч. рук. S. V. Dubinin // Актуальные вопросы и направления в инженерии : материалы 80-ой студенческой научно-технической конференции БНТУ, апрель – май 2024 года / редкол.: А. М. Авсиевич, Ю. В. Полозков, С. В. Александровский [и др.] ; сост. В. А. Мартинович. ...
    • Automated water treatment facilities for fishery complex 

      Venus, Evangalin Charles (БНТУ, 2024)
      Venus, Evangalin Charles Automated water treatment facilities for fishery complex / Evangalin Charles Venus ; науч. рук. V. P. Zayarny // Актуальные вопросы и направления в инженерии : материалы 80-ой студенческой научно-технической конференции БНТУ, апрель – май 2024 года / редкол.: А. М. Авсиевич, Ю. В. Полозков, С. В. Александровский [и др.] ; сост. В. А. Мартинович. – Минск ...
    • Avionics power plant test bench 

      Obazee, Valerie Omoefe (БНТУ, 2024)
      Obazee, Valerie Omoefe Avionics power plant test bench / Valerie OmoefeObazee ; науч. рук. V. P. Zayarny // Актуальные вопросы и направления в инженерии : материалы 80-ой студенческой научно-технической конференции БНТУ, апрель – май 2024 года / редкол.: А. М. Авсиевич, Ю. В. Полозков, С. В. Александровский [и др.] ; сост. В. А. Мартинович. – Минск : БНТУ, 2024. – С. 115-117.
    • Aрхaiзмы і гiстaрызмы ў рaмане Алеся Нaвaрыча “Літоўскі воўк”: лексіка-семантычны аналіз 

      Гарбунова, У. Д.; Савіцкая, І. У. (БНТУ, 2024)
      У артыкуле прааналізаваны семантычныя асаблівасці ўстарэлай лексікі ў рамане беларускага празаіка А. Наварыча “Літоўскі воўк”, выяўлена спецыфіка яе функцыянавання ў тэксце твора.
    • Belarus and Сhina: deep blending of humanities cooperation, cross-cultural communication and economic development 

      Zhu, Yingying (БНТУ, 2024)
      The purpose of this paper is to explore the deep integration of Belarusian and China in humanities cooperation, cross-cultural communication and economic development. With the deepening of globalization, cooperation and exchanges between countries have become increasingly frequent. As friendly countries, Belarus and China have carried out extensive cooperation in many fields. ...
    • Belarus and Сhina: humanities cooperation, intercultural communication and economic development 

      He, Hongwei (БНТУ, 2024)
      This paper discusses the present situation, challenges and opportunities of cultural cooperation and cross-cultural exchange between belarus and china, and shows the achievements of cooperation and its positive impact on the economy, culture and society of the two countries through literature and case analysis.
    • Belarusian-Сhinese student creative project in the context of dialogue between two cultures 

      Maliushenka, A.; Pesetskaya, T.; Tian, Yufei (БНТУ, 2024)
      The article discusses the significance of international student creative projects as an effective tool for fostering dialogue between two cultures – Belarus and China. It examines the case of a joint photo project, "DIALOGUE OF VIEWS," created by two students from the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts, representing Belarus and China respectively. The paper high-lights ...
    • BIM-технологии. Проблемы их внедрения и перспективы развития в строительстве и проектировании 

      Рамалданов, А. З. (БНТУ, 2024)
      Рамалданов, А. З. BIM-технологии. Проблемы их внедрения и перспективы развития в строительстве и проектировании / А. З. Рамалданов ; науч. рук. Н. В. Щеголева // Современные направления в проектировании, строительстве, ремонте и содержании транспортных сооружений : материалы IX Международной студенческой конференции / редкол.: С. Е. Кравченко (пред.) [и др.] ; сост. В. А. Ходяков. ...
    • Biomass valorization toward sustainable asphalt pavements 

      Liang, He; Mengzhe, Tao; Zhuang, Liu; Zhi, Cao; Jiqing, Zhu; Jie, Gao (БНТУ, 2024)
      Biomass valorization toward sustainable asphalt pavements / He Liang, Tao Mengzhe, Liu Zhuang [и др.] // Дорожное строительство и его инженерное обеспечение : материалы IV Международной научно-технической конференции : материалы Международной научно-технической конференции, 26-27 октября 2023 года / редкол.: Е. М. Жуковский (гл. ред.) [и др.] ; сост. В. А. Ходяков. – Минск : БНТУ, ...