Browsing Материалы конференций и семинаров by Submit Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 79565
Новые материалы и технологии их обработки
(УП «Технопарк БНТУ «Метолит», 2008)Новые материалы и технологии их обработки : сборник научных работ IX Республиканской студенческой научно-технической конференции, 23-25 апреля 2008 г. : [50-летию механико-технологич. факультета] / пред. редкол. Н. И. Иваницкий ; Министерство образования, Белорусский национальный технический университет, «Научно-технологический парк БНТУ «Метолит». - Минск.: «Научно-технологический ...2012-02-27 -
Новые материалы и технологии их обработки
(Научно-технологический парк БНТУ «Метолит», 2009)Новые материалы и технологии их обработки : сборник научных работ X Республиканской студенческой научно-технической конференции, 28-30 апреля 2009 г. : [90-летию доктора технич. наук, проф. Ляховича Льва Степановича] / пред. редкол. Н. И. Иваницкий ; Министерство образования, Белорусский национальный технический университет, Научно-технологический парк БНТУ «Метолит». - Минск.: ...2012-02-27 -
Новые материалы и технологии их обработки
(Государственное предприятие «Научно-технологический парк БНТУ «Политехник», 2010)В настоящий сборник включены материалы докладов XI Республиканской студенческой научно-технической конференции «Новые материалы и технологии их обработки», участники которой выступали по следующим направлениям: «Литейное производство черных и цветных металлов», «Материаловедение в машиностроении», «Машины и технология литейного производства», «Машины и технология обработки металлов ...2012-02-27 -
Новые материалы и технологии их обработки
(Государственное предприятие «Научно-технологический парк БНТУ «Политехник», 2011)В настоящий сборник включены материалы докладов XII Республиканской студенческой научно-технической конференции «Новые материалы и технологии их обработки», участники которой выступали по следующим направ лениям: «Литейное производство черных и цветных металлов», «Материаловедение в машиностроении», «Машины и технология литейного производства», «Машины и технология обработки ...2012-02-27 -
Innovative way of the belarusian automobile engineering
(BNTU, 2010-10)Vysotski, M. Innovative way of the belarusian automobile engineering / M. Vysotski // International congress of heavy vehicles, road trains and urban transport, 06-09 October 2010: book of papers / Belarussian national technical university, Academic automative association, International federation of automative engineering societies. – Minsk: BNTU, 2010. – P. 11–22.2012-02-27 -
Active steering enhanced esp for commercial vehicles
(BNTU, 2010-10)Palkovics, L. Active steering enhanced esp for commercial vehicles / L. Palkovics // International congress of heavy vehicles, road trains and urban transport, 06-09 October 2010: book of papers / Belarussian national technical university, Academic automative association, International federation of automative engineering societies. – Minsk : BNTU, 2010. – P. 22-31.2012-02-28 -
Modern equipment and technologies for maintenance of highways
(BNTU, 2010-10)Qi, C. Modern equipment and technologies for maintenance of highways / C. Qi // International congress of heavy vehicles, road trains and urban transport, 06-09 October 2010: book of papers / Belarussian national technical university, Academic automative association, International federation of automative engineering societies. – Minsk: BNTU, 2010. – P. 32-37.2012-02-28 -
A comparative analysis of the performance of heavy vehicle combinations from oecd member countries by computer simulation
(BNTU, 2010)Ritzinger, A. A comparative analysis of the performance of heavy vehicle combinations from oecd member countries by computer simulation / A. Ritzinger, A. Germanchev // International congress of heavy vehicles, road trains and urban transport, 06-09 October 2010: book of papers / Belarussian national technical university, Academic automative association, International federation ...2012-02-28 -
Investigation into rollover prevention using esc
(BNTU, 2010-10)This paper describes vehicle’s roll dynamics and opportunities to prevent rollover and to increase lateral stability for buses. During aggressive steering maneuvers tire lateral forces may exceed certain thresholds. It may cause losing of control and as a result to rollover accident. To enhance dynamic stability and increase driver’s and passenger safety high percent of manufacturers ...2012-02-28 -
Supervisory control of hybrid powertrains
(BNTU, 2010-10)Cassebaum, O. Supervisory control of hybrid powertrains / O. Cassebaum // International congress of heavy vehicles, road trains and urban transport, 06-09 October 2010: book of papers / Belarussian national technical university, Academic automative association, International federation of automative engineering societies. – Minsk: BNTU, 2010. – P. 51-59.2012-02-28 -
Real-time modeling for gear change control strategy research
(BNTU, 2010-10)The paper deals with an efficiency estimation of automated mechanical transmission at off-line simulation stage. The simulation model of the vehicle with an automated power unit for gear change control strategy research is developed. The complex mathematical description of the analysis scheme is given. It allows adequately react to structure reorganization and parameters change ...2012-02-28 -
Efficient construction with cad-system catia v5
(BNTU, 2010-10)Koch, A. Efficient construction with cad-system catia v5 / A. Koch // International congress of heavy vehicles, road trains and urban transport, 06-09 October 2010: book of papers / Belarussian national technical university, Academic automative association, International federation of automative engineering societies. – Minsk: BNTU, 2010. – P. 67-68.2012-02-28 -
Analytical methods of design of handling lifting devices of transport vehicles
(BNTU, 2010-10)Kanlybayev, O. Analytical methods of design of handling lifting devices of transport vehicles / O. Kanlybayev, T. Baitassov // International congress of heavy vehicles, road trains and urban transport, 06-09 October 2010: book of papers / Belarussian national technical university, Academic automative association, International federation of automative engineering societies. – ...2012-02-28 -
Synthesis of algorithms for automatic hydro-mechanical transmission control in city buses
(BNTU, 2010-10)The article presents a mathematical model of motion of a car equipped with the automatic hydro-mechanical transmission. All possible conditions of transmission operation during car acceleration have been analysed. The model has been applied in a computer program for city bus acceleration simulation. Also the methodology of defining optimal gear shift algorithms for the automatic ...2012-02-28 -
Motion forecasting of high-speed tracked vehicles according to their dynamic properties
(BNTU, 2010-10)Derzhanskii, V. Motion forecasting of high-speed tracked vehicles according to their dynamic properties / V. Derzhanskii, I. Taratorkin // International congress of heavy vehicles, road trains and urban transport, 06-09 October 2010: book of papers / Belarussian national technical university, Academic automative association, International federation of automative engineering ...2012-02-28 -
Perspective demands to tires
(BNTU, 2010-10)Kotljarov, V. Perspective demands to tires / V. Kotljarov, V. Boikov, S. Medvedizkov // International congress of heavy vehicles, road trains and urban transport, 06-09 October 2010: book of papers, P.2 / Belarussian national technical university, Academic automative association, International federation of automative engineering societies. – Minsk: BNTU, 2010. – P. 5-9.2012-02-28 -
Organization of controlled combustion in diesel engines
(BNTU, 2010-10)The article considers different approaches to distribution of the amount of released heat among the stages of combustion for instance an ozone addition and changing of piston temperature. The research has proved for that the effect of reducing the heat loss during combustion can be achieved with exact ozone addition which was determined though calculation. On the basis of the ...2012-02-28 -
Internal combustion engine as an automation object
(BNTU, 2010-10)Brench, M. Internal combustion engine as an automation object / M. Brench // International congress of heavy vehicles, road trains and urban transport, 06-09 October 2010: book of papers, P.2 / Belarussian national technical university, Academic automative association, International federation of automative engineering societies. – Minsk: BNTU, 2010. – P. 10-12.2012-02-28 -
Specialties of logistic outsourcing development in the republic of Belarus
(BNTU, 2010-10)Ivut, R. Specialties of logistic outsourcing development in the republic of Belarus / R. Ivut, T. Kisel, V. Ravino // International congress of heavy vehicles, road trains and urban transport, 06-09 October 2010: book of papers, P.2 / Belarussian national technical university, Academic automative association, International federation of automative engineering societies. – Minsk: ...2012-02-28 -
Limitations in application of bilateral estimators of basic frequency in analysis of natural vibrations of circular plates with variable thickness and clambed edges
(BNTU, 2010-10)Jaroszewicz, J. Limitations in application of bilateral estimators of basic frequency in analysis of natural vibrations of circular plates with variable thickness and clambed edges / J. Jaroszewicz, V. Ravino // International congress of heavy vehicles, road trains and urban transport, 06-09 October 2010: book of papers, P.2 / Belarussian national technical university, Academic ...2012-02-28