Now showing items 367-386 of 7947

    • Temperature Measuring Method Accuracy Evaluation in the Microarc Heating Process Based on Reproducibility and Uncertainty Indicators 

      Stepanov, M. S.; Koshlyakova, I. G. (БНТУ, 2024)
      It is necessary to control temperature using thermoelectric sensors for steel products surface alloying in conditions of microarc heating. The using S-type thermocouples possibility has been substantiated, main factors affecting the measurement results have been established, and the the reproducibility index functional dependence on the measured temperature has been determined, ...
    • Tensor Calculus in Digital Colorimetry 

      Saukova, Y.; Hundzina, M. (БНТУ, 2022)
      Any object can have many implementations in the form of digital images and any digital image can be processed many times increasing or decreasing accuracy and reliability. Digital colorimetry faces the need to work out issues of ensuring accuracy, metrological traceability and reliability. The purpose of this work was to generalize approaches to the description of multidimensional ...
    • Tests of Impregnation Speed of Electrotechnical Pressboard with Insulating Oil 

      Kozak, C. (БНТУ, 2020)
      The paper presents a new test stand for ivestigating the rate of penetration of transformer oil through electrotechnical pressboard. The stand consists of a pipe, to the lower end of which is glued a pressboard plate. The pipe is filled with insulating oil. A mirror is placed under the plate, which directs its image to the lens of the camera, which takes a series of photographs ...
    • The Analysis of Available Data on Energy Efficiency of Electric Vehicles to be Used for Eco-Driving Project Development 

      Maljkovic, M.; Stamenkovic, D.; Blagojevic, I.; Popovic, V. (БНТУ, 2019)
      The goal of this paper is to analyse the collected data on energy efficiency of electric vehicles from researches done by other authors and also to summarise all the factors affecting it. The majority of data available are obtained through simulations – therefore the emphasis in this paper will be placed on experimentally acquired data. The results of the analysis will be used ...
    • The Dynamic Behaviour of Capacitive Humidity Sensors 

      Majewski, J. (БНТУ, 2020)
      The sensor design features and the sensing material properties which can influence the response time of the polymer-based capacitive humidity sensors are shortly discussed. The ways of specifying the dynamic properties of capacitive humidity sensors in technical data sheets by the leading companies on the market are briefly characterized and discussed. The schematic view and ...
    • The Influence of Road Adhesion Coefficient on Energy Consumption and Dynamics of Battery Electric Vehicles 

      Нань, Ле Тхань; Пхук, Дам Хоанг; Минь, Ле Хуэ Тай; Харитончик, С. В.; Кусяк, В. А.; Конг, Нгуен Тхань (БНТУ, 2024)
      Currently, in economically developed countries, electric vehicles are considered as a solution to the problematic issue of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from road vehicles. The level of energy consumption is a critical factor in determining the overall performance of an electric vehicle. The article analyzes the influence of tire adhesion coefficient on the energy consumption ...
    • The renovation technology with combined methods 

      Pihl, T. (2017)
      Pihl, T. The renovation technology with combined methods / T. Pihl // Инженер-механик. – 2017. – № 1. – С. 35-41.
    • The Use of Fresnel Lenses in LED Sources of Local Illumination to Оptimize the Distribution of Illumination of the Working Plane 

      Bogdan, P. S.; Zaytseva, E. G.; Kovalenok, I. A.; Tarasenko, T. D.; Duboysky, E. V. (БНТУ, 2023)
      For widely used LED sources there is a sharp decrease in the illumination of the working plane from the center to the edge. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of Fresnel lenses usage as a fairly simple and technological element to increase the uniformity of illumination created by LED lamps of local lighting. A method has been developed for calculating of ...
    • The Use of Hybrid Energy Storage Devices for Balancing the Electricity Load Profile of Enterprises 

      Belsky, A. A.; Skamyin, A. N.; Vasilkov, O. S. (БНТУ, 2020)
      In this article, the authors consider the possibility of using a hybrid energy storage system to even out the load profile of the enterprise. Solving the problem of rational use of energy storage taking into account the initial variable load schedule will significantly reduce not only the cost of electricity consumption by the enterprise, but also the costs of its production. ...
    • Theoretical and technological basis of casting of hollow billets by the method of directional solidification 

      Marukovich, E. I.; Bevza, V. F.; Bodyako, A. M.; Hrusha, U. P. (БНТУ, 2011)
      The new mathod of continuously iterative casting of hollow cylindrical castings from cast iron without application of core, based on the principle of direction of metal solidification is presented in the work. The thermal condition of crystallizer at iterative temperature influences on its internal surface and solidification of casting in the conditions of intensive one-way heat ...
    • Thermal lensing measurements in the anisotropic laser crystals under diode pumping 

      Loiko, P. A.; Savitski, V. G.; Yumashev, K. V.; Kuleshov, N. V.; Pavlyuk, A. A. (БНТУ, 2012)
      An experimental setup was developed for thermal lensing measurements in the anisotropic di-ode-pumped laser crystals. The studied crystal is placed into the stable two-mirror laser cavity operating at the fundamental transversal mode. The output beam radius is measured with re-spect to the pump intensity for different meridional planes (all these planes contain the light propagation ...Nm.
    • Thermal Measurement and its Application for Diagnostics of Distribution Oil Transformers 

      Korenciak, D.; Sebok, M.; Gutten, M. (БНТУ, 2019)
      In the first part of the paper the theory of infrared radiation and the use of non-destructive measurement of electrical devices by means of thermovision are under analysis. In the second part of paper basic principles and application of non-contact temperature measurement are examined. In the third part of paper thermal processes in distribution oil transformer – temperature in ...
    • Thermodynamic Approaches in Assessing Quality, Efficiency and Environmental Friendliness of Asphalt Concrete 

      Qing, Zhang; Romaniuk, V. N.; Aliakseyeu, Yu. G.; Qiang, Hou (БНТУ, 2022)
      The experience of developed countries shows that the development of the road network and transport infrastructure determines the intensity of economic ties and is one of the most important conditions for the development of the state’s economy. Optimization of the composition and production technology of asphalt concrete mixture – the basis of paved roads, is of great importance, ...
    • Thermodynamic Aspects of Pavement Engineering 

      Khroustalev, B. M.; Liu, Tinguo; Aliakseyeu, Yu. H.; Li, Zhongyu; Akeliev, V. D.; Minchenya, V. T. (БНТУ, 2022)
      Scientific and practical calculations on the thermal stability of typical automobile road surface (semi-limited objects) with fluctuations in air temperatures, transitions from positive to negative, with actual heat transfer coefficients, thermal conductivity of components, specific mass isobaric heat capacities, material densities, periods of regular fluctuations are presented. ...
    • Thermodynamic Estimation of the Parameters for the C–H–O–N–Me-Systems as Operating Fluid Simulants for New Processes of Powder Thermal Spraying and Spheroidizing 

      Gorbunov, A. V.; Devoino, O. G.; Gorbunova, V. A.; Yatskevitch, O. K.; Koval, V. A. (БНТУ, 2021)
      Over the past few years, a group of new processes was developed for high-temperature, including plasma electric arc spraying (at ambient pressure) and spheroidizing of some ceramic and metal powder materials with the use of gaseous hydrocarbons in the heat carriers as well as with feeding of organic additions into a high-temperature jet, in particular, polymeric ones, to control ...
    • Thermodynamic Evaluation of Asphalt Concrete Properties and its Mixing Energy Consumption by Exergy Structure 

      Zhang, Qing; Romaniuk, V. N.; Khroustalev, B. M.; Hou, Qiang; Hou, Dehua (БНТУ, 2023)
      The relevance of solving the problem of energy saving, today, is enhanced by the requirements of an environmental nature, united by the term “green energy”. Solving the problems of climate conservation is inseparable from solving the problem of energy saving. Green, hydrogen energy, about which there has been a powerful and aggressive debate over the past decade, turned out to ...
    • To Evaluation Test of Quality of Magnetic Fluids for Magnetofluid Devices 

      Bashtovoi, V. G.; Reks, A. G.; Klimovich, S. V.; Volkova, O. Yu. (БНТУ, 2016)
      Магнитная жидкость представляет собой коллоид наночастиц магнетита. Применение магнитных жидкостей в технических устройствах имеет особенность, связанную с необходимостью использования сильно неоднородных магнитных полей в течение длительного промежутка времени. Одними из наиболее распространенных магнитожидкостных устройств являются магнитожидкостные уплотнения подвижных валов, ...
    • Tomographic mammography and tomosynthesis using OPENGL 

      Золотарев, С. А.; Мирзаванд, М. А. (БНТУ, 2016)
      Компьютерная томография продолжает интенсивно исследоваться и широко использоваться для решения различных индустриальных и медицинских проблем. Алгебраический метод реконструкции с одновременными итерациями (SART) и Байесовская итерационная реконструкция (BIR) являются передовыми итерационными методами, которые наиболее подходят для улучшения качества реконструированных трехмерных ...
    • Transdisciplinary models of hydraulic drives of mobile machinery 

      Puzanov, A. V. (БНТУ, 2018)
      Modern drive engineering requires a comprehensive analysis of all work processes in hydraulic drives, solving the problems of modeling the technological processes of their production using mathematical and software tools of various physicality. The article proposes an approach to the development of hydrodrives of mobile equipment based on transdisciplinary models of instruments ...
    • Translation lookaside buffer management 

      Klimiankou, Y. I. (БНТУ, 2019)
      This paper focuses on the Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) management as part of memory management. TLB is an associative cache of the advanced processors, which reduces the overhead of the virtual to physical address translations. We consider challenges related to the design of the TLB management subsystem of the OS kernel on the example of the IA-32 platform and propose a ...