Thermal lensing measurements in the anisotropic laser crystals under diode pumping

538.953; 535.012Bibliographic entry
Thermal lensing measurements in the anisotropic laser crystals under diode pumping / Loiko P. A., Savitski V. G., Yumashev K. V., Kuleshov N. V., Pavlyuk A. A. // Приборы и методы измерений : научно-технический журнал = Devices and methods of measurements : Scientific and Engineering Journal / гл. ред. Гусев О. К. ; Министерство образования Республики Беларусь ; Белорусский национальный технический университет. – Минск : БНТУ, 2012. – №1(4). – С. 62 -68.
An experimental setup was developed for thermal lensing measurements in the anisotropic di-ode-pumped laser crystals. The studied crystal is placed into the stable two-mirror laser cavity operating at the fundamental transversal mode. The output beam radius is measured with re-spect to the pump intensity for different meridional planes (all these planes contain the light propagation direction). These dependencies are fitted using the ABCD matrix method in order to obtain the sensitivity factors showing the change of the optical power of thermal lens due to variation of the pump intensity. The difference of the sensitivity factors for two mutually ortho-gonal principal meridional planes describes the thermal lens astigmatism degree. By means of this approach, thermal lensing was characterized in the diode-pumped monoclinic Np-cut Nd:KGd(WO4)2 laser crystal at the wavelength of 1.067 μm for light polarization E Nm.
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