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dc.contributor.authorЗахаранка, Л. А.ru
dc.contributor.authorКухарэнка, С. М.ru
dc.contributor.authorМельнікаў, А. В.ru
dc.contributor.authorСахарук, А. У.ru
dc.contributor.authorЛукашоў, В. М.ru
dc.contributor.authorКрышнёў, Ю. В.ru
dc.identifier.citationСістэма дыстанцыйнага маніторынгу месцазнаходжання ўнутрытрубнага герметызатара для нафтаправоднага транспарту / Л. А. Захаранка [і інш.] // Новые горизонты - 2015 : сборник материалов Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума, 26–27 ноября 2015 г. – Минск : БНТУ, 2015. – С.
dc.description.abstractThe intra-pipe dock shelters are used to perform repair work on the pipeline. The main difficulties while using the dock shelter lie in the control of its movement through the pipeline. The developing device and the principle of maintenance are shown in the illustration 1. The receivers are provided with GPS and GSM module and/or Ethernet, while passing the dock shelter the receivers register the signal and send the data of it's location to the server. With the help of the client program, technical staff gets the operative data, and decides to slow down or completely stop the dock shelter, operating the magnitude of the intra-pipe pressure. As soon as the dock is registered by the receiver in the area of a planned repair work it will be stopped at a predetermined position by controlling the pump units and valves. The positioning error will depend on the preceding moving speed of the dock shelter, the data transfer time from the receiver to the server and from the server to the client, and the quality of technical operations
dc.titleСістэма дыстанцыйнага маніторынгу месцазнаходжання ўнутрытрубнага герметызатара для нафтаправоднага транспартуru
dc.typeWorking Paperru

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