Достижения науки и техники Китая и Беларуси в области здравоохранения и жизнедеятельности человека
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Neural networks and cognitive processes in health and disease
(БНТУ, 2015)Neural networks and cognitive processes in health and disease / A. A. Denisov [et al.] // Достижения науки и техники Китая и Беларуси в области здравоохранения и жизнедеятельности человека : сборник материалов Белорусско-Китайского медицинского форума, 25-27 ноября 2015 г. – Минск : БНТУ, 2015. – С. 54-55.2018-04-24 -
Состояние тироидной системы у внутриутробно облученных детей и их матерей вследствие катастрофы на Чернобыльской АЭС
(БНТУ, 2015)The analysis of results of medical examination of women, pregnant at the time of the Chernobyl accident and their children is carried out. The autoimmune thyroiditis is diagnosed for mothers and their daughters. At sons the autoimmune thyroiditis wasn't diagnosed. The relative risk of development autoimmune thyroiditis in mothers (mother/ daughter) was statistically insignificant ...2018-04-24 -
Анализ развития экспорта услуг здравоохранения Республики Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2015)The article analyzes the health services of the Republic of Belarus in the context of government and regions, as well as shows the dynamics of the main indicators of foreign trade in health services for 2010-2014. Practical recommendations to increase the export of health services of the Republic of Belarus.2018-04-24 -
Биотехнологии кормовых добавок на основе съедобных и лекарственных грибов
(БНТУ, 2015)Examination of cultural-morphological and physiological-biochemical properties of edible and medicinal fungi from genera Pleurotus, Lentinus, Ganoderma, Laetiporus, Phallus was carried out. The following feed additives were developed: «Cordycehol» to promote growth and development of farm stock, to raise antioxidant activity, to enhance natural resistance and immunobiological ...2018-04-24 -
Система аортального стентграфта для коррекции аневризм грудной аорты
(БНТУ, 2015)The urgency of the project due to the constantly increasing demand for health care in products for the treatment of aneurysms of the thoracic aorta. Industrial production aortic stentgraftov and their delivery systems now in Belarus is absent. The local clinic uses imported devices. In Belarus, the number of cases of aortic aneurysms is approximately 2-2,5 thousand. Per year. The ...2018-04-24 -
Трикотажный компрессионный рукав для послеоперационной реабилитации больных раком молочной железы
(БНТУ, 2015)This article is about development of medical compression arm sleeve for treatment lymphedema for breast cancer patients. The development of the construction and technology of medical compression arm sleeve was based on the results of the theoretical and experimental research using the methods of mathematical modeling. Styles of arm sleeves and size range including four sizes and ...2018-04-24 -
Устройство для окклюзии ушка левого предсердия
(БНТУ, 2015)Atrial fibrillation may significantly reduce blood flow in the left atrial appendage, this can lead to the formation of blood clots. Device is intended to prevent thrombus embolization from the left atrial appendage in patient who have nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. The left atrial appendage occluder is constructed from a high-tech nitinol mesh what have hard modeled frame with ...2018-04-24 -
Эндопротез коленного сустава
(БНТУ, 2015)The significance of the project is determined by a large number of knee joint damages and diseases. According to WHO, the defect incidence will be rising. The number of total knee joint replacements in Belarus can reach 700 operations a year. Currently Belarus has not entered industrial production of knee joint endoprosthesis. Therefore local hospitals use imported implants. The ...2018-04-24 -
Способы ранней диагностики функциональных изменений органа зрения у пациентов с дебютом рассеянного склероза
(БНТУ, 2015)Бобр, Т. В. Способы ранней диагностики функциональных изменений органа зрения у пациентов с дебютом рассеянного склероза / Т. В. Бобр // Достижения науки и техники Китая и Беларуси в области здравоохранения и жизнедеятельности человека : сборник материалов Белорусско-Китайского медицинского форума, 25-27 ноября 2015 г. – Минск : БНТУ, 2015. – С. 27-28.2018-04-24 -
Клапан-содержащие стенты для коррекции пороков сердца
(БНТУ, 2015)Heart defect called congenital and acquired diseases of the heart valves, resulting in normal blood flow is disturbed and developing circulatory failure. The valve-containing stents to correct heart defects are intended for the treatment of congenital and acquired aortic valve for operations with cardiopulmonary bypass. For the manufacture of valve materials are used which do ...2018-04-24 -
Adaptive de-noising in arterial pulse wave based on lifting scheme discrete wavelet
(БНТУ, 2015)Pulse wave denoising is an essential procedure in pulse wave analysis. Lifting wavelet denoising speeds up the typical wavelet denoising, and is thus of great interest. Three groups (five each) of data sets (radial pulse waves recorded from healthy subjects and sphygmogram and plethysmogram obtained from the Multi-parameter Intelligent Monitoring in Intensive Care database) were ...2018-04-24 -
Rapid and specific detection chlamydia trachomatis by functionalized nanoparticles as fluorescent biomarkers
(БНТУ, 2015)Rapid and specific detection chlamydia trachomatis by functionalized nanoparticles as fluorescent biomarkers / L. V. Rubanik [et al.] // Достижения науки и техники Китая и Беларуси в области здравоохранения и жизнедеятельности человека : сборник материалов Белорусско-Китайского медицинского форума, 25-27 ноября 2015 г. – Минск : БНТУ, 2015. – С. 17.2018-04-24 -
Design and implementation of a RF sensor with single-channel and nonorthogonal IQ signals for non-contacting monitoring
(БНТУ, 2015)In this article, a design of RF (radio frequency) sensor which is based on PCB (Printed Circuit Board) antenna for monitoring physiological parameters is proposed. In order to remotely monitor the activities of heartbeat, respiration and body movement, this article designed and implemented a RF sensor with single-channel and nonorthogonal IQ signals whose working central frequency ...2018-04-24 -
Drugs based on modified polysaccharides for the local chemotherapy of malignant tumors
(БНТУ, 2015)Bychkovsky, Pavel. Drugs based on modified polysaccharides for the local chemotherapy of malignant tumors / Pavel Bychkovsky, Tatiana Yurkshtovich2, Nikolai Yurkshtovich // Достижения науки и техники Китая и Беларуси в области здравоохранения и жизнедеятельности человека : сборник материалов Белорусско-Китайского медицинского форума, 25-27 ноября 2015 г. – Минск : БНТУ, 2015. – С. 6-7.2018-04-24 -
The mechanism of therapeutical effect of the five notes from acoustic resonance
(БНТУ, 2015)The five notes is gamut in traditional Chinese music, the five notes a corresponding with the five organs in the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). At the same time, the five notes can treat the disease that borning of the five organs. In here, we will discuss the mechanism of therapeutical effect of the five notes from acoustic resonance.2018-04-24 -
Научно-практический выбор оптимального материала для возмещения травматических дефектов костей лицевого и мозгового черепа
(БНТУ, 2015)The historical legacy of transplant-implantation of the eras reflected the thorny path of scientific research of many generations of scientists and surgeons. The practical use of emerging materials brought about changes in the material basis and technology of their production and clinical use. The accumulated experience of many clinics of traumatology, Crania-maxilla-facial ...2018-04-24 -
Обнаружение chlamydia trachomatis, вирусов герпеса, trichomonas vaginalis как кофакторов вируса папилломы человека, индуцирующих воспаление и морфологическую трансформацию клеток при фоновых и предраковых заболеваниях женских половых органов
(БНТУ, 2015)The complex cytological, microbiological, and molecular-biological analysis of urethra and cervix smears-scrapings from 118 women with background (cervicitis, cervical erosion) and precancerous (cervical dysplasia I and II degree) diseases was carried out. It was shown that in addition to HPV HCR, lymphoid infiltration, and detection of hypertrophied atypical cells often such ...2018-04-24 -
Применение конусно-лучевой компьютерной томографии для оценки степени тяжести хронического одонтогенного синусита верхнечелюстной пазухи
(БНТУ, 2015)The use of cone-beam computed tomography for evaluation of the severity of chronic odontogenic sinusitis of the maxillary sinus Chronic odontogenic sinusitis of the maxillary sinus is a common disorder of inflammatory processes in maxillofacial area. The application of the severity indices calculated according to the three-dimensional radiological methods helps to clarify the ...2018-04-24 -
Особенности изменения морфологической картины раны при стандартном методе лечения у экспериментальных животных с моделью фурункула в подподбородочной области
(БНТУ, 2015)Featuresof the morphological picture changes of wound in standard method of treatment in experimental animal with models of boils in the submental area. Purpose is to determine the peculiarities of changes in the morphological picture of purulent wounds in experimental animal with the models of boils in the submental region in the standard treatment. We examined 10 adult Guinea ...2018-04-24 -
Ультразвуковая диагностика аутоиммунных заболеваний щитовидной железы
(БНТУ, 2015)Панасюк, Г. Д. Ультразвуковая диагностика аутоиммунных заболеваний щитовидной железы / Г. Д. Панасюк // Достижения науки и техники Китая и Беларуси в области здравоохранения и жизнедеятельности человека : сборник материалов Белорусско-Китайского медицинского форума, 25-27 ноября 2015 г. – Минск : БНТУ, 2015. – С. 36-37.2018-04-24