Новые горизонты: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 1779
Взаимосвязь технологического детерминизма и организационно-экономического механизма применения искусственного интеллекта
(БНТУ, 2024)The article reveals the understanding of technological determinism and its characteristic features. The correlation between the increase in the introduction of scientific, technical and development work results into production and a decrease in labor productivity is analyzed. The interrelation of this trend with the need to study the organizational and economic mechanism of the ...2025-01-29 -
Роль китайского языка и культуры в повышении уровня межкультурной коммуникации между Беларусью и Китаем
(БНТУ, 2024)This article discusses the main aspects of intercultural cooperation and communication between China and Belarus. The influence of Chinese language and culture on the process of intercultural communication between Belarus and China was revealed, and the role of Chinese language and culture in increasing the level of intercultural communication between the two countries was analyzed.2025-01-29 -
Особенности определения понятия «Организационно-экономический механизм»
(БНТУ, 2024)The article examines some features of the genesis of the term “mechanism”, highlighting two approaches to defining the organizational and economic mechanism; the need for a theoretical study of the organizational and economic mechanism for the use of artificial intelligence in the digital economy and risk economy has been identified.2025-01-29 -
Сравнение таможенных пошлин Республики Беларусь и Китайской Народной Республики
(БНТУ, 2024)Tax is a mandatory payment levied from organizations and individuals to the republican and (or) local budgets. Today it is important to develop economic relations between Belarus and China.2025-01-29 -
Знаковость белорусско-китайского экономического сотрудничества
(БНТУ, 2024)International cooperation always requires the parties to carefully study the interests of other parties, formulate their own and take the initiative in finding mutually beneficial solutions and agreements. Over the past 30 years, the Republic of Belarus has been actively promoting its foreign policy on joint research activities with other countries in a number of sciences.2025-01-29 -
Изучение общетоксического действия первой отечественной инактивированной цельновирионной вакцины БелКовидВак против коронавируса SARS-CoV-2 на крысах
(БНТУ, 2024)The toxic and immunogenic properties of sars-cov-2 inactivated whole-virion coronavirus vaccine were studied during one-time and repeated intramuscular administration to sprague-dawley rats. It was found that the vaccine belkovidvac did not cause negative changes in cytohematologic, biochemical and hemostasiologic blood parameters, did not show immunotoxic properties on the indices ...2025-01-29 -
Особенности социально-экономического развития моногородов Республики Беларусь в контексте цифровизации
(БНТУ, 2024)The purpose of the research was to study the main aspects of the socio-economic development of single-industry towns of the Republic of Belarus in the context of digitalization. The introduction and use of information and communication technologies allows business entities to achieve competitive advantages in local and global markets by improving product quality, efficiency and ...2025-01-29 -
Частный капитал в финансировании инфраструктурных проектов
(БНТУ, 2024)The article analyzes private participation in infrastructure projects, including transport ones. The author of the article examines the need for private investment in infrastructure, the volume of private investment in China and the Republic of Belarus on transport projects, investment in transport infrastructure within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative.2025-01-29 -
Проблемы и перспективы адаптации методики обучения китайскому языку: белорусский контекст
(БНТУ, 2024)The report examines the methodologies for teaching Chinese, emphasizing the adaptation of traditional approaches to the needs of Belarusian students. It analyzes the integration of technology and the use of interactive methods, which contribute to a deeper understanding of the language.2025-01-29 -
Роль китайского языка в формировании межкультурных коммуникаций и его влияние на экономическое развитие Беларуси и Китая
(БНТУ, 2024)This article explores considers the significance of the Chinese language as an instrument of global intercultural communications and economic development, especially in the context of interaction between the Republic of China and the Republic of Belarus. The Chinese language occupies a strategic position in the conditions of globalization, becoming an integral part of education, ...2025-01-29 -
Динамика торгово-экономического сотрудничества Республики Беларусь и Китайской Народной Республики
(БНТУ, 2024)This article examines the dynamics of Belarusian-Chinese trade and economic relations in recent years. The structure of exports and imports, as well as trade turnover in general, is presented. Some trade deficit problems and potential solutions have been identified, as well as the role of international exhibitions in the development of cooperation.2025-01-29 -
IT-перспективы в лечении заболеваний XXI века
(БНТУ, 2024)This article is about the crucial role of IT in improving healthcare outcomes in the face of rising chronic disease rates. It examines the potential of telemedicine and AI to optimize diagnosis and treatment.2025-01-29 -
Виды налоговых правонарушений и ответственность за их совершение
(БНТУ, 2024)This article is devoted to tax offenses, their types and responsibility for their commission. Analysis of foreign experience in tax control.2025-01-29 -
Особенности таможенного оформления транспортных средств физическими лицами
(БНТУ, 2024)This article describes the specifics of customs clearance of vehicles, which include the provision of certain documents, payment of fees and duties. The category of people who receive benefits is also determined.2025-01-29 -
Активизация сотрудничества Беларуси и Китая путем открытия новых туристических маршрутов (на примере Минск–Урумчи)
(БНТУ, 2024)The opening of the Minsk-Urumqi route will promote the develop-ment of tourism and bring rich tourism experiences and economic growth opportunities to the two countries by shortening travel time, promoting the complementarity of tourism resources, and strengthening the intensive development of the tourism industry.2025-01-29 -
Исследование межкультурной адаптации китайских студентов в Беларуси
(БНТУ, 2024)This paper takes Chinese students studying in Belarus as the research object, uses the "Intercultural Adaptation Scale" to study the intercultural adaptation of Chinese students studying in Belarus and proposes effective solutions.2025-01-29 -
Информация как экономический ресурс
(БНТУ, 2024)The article discusses the views of scientists on the essence of the concept of “information”, and also offers its own definition of this phenomenon. The issue of specificity of information properties, as well as the dichotomy of prevalence and rarity, are studied separately.2025-01-29 -
Создание технопарков для развития совместных белорусско-китайских инновационных производств
(БНТУ, 2024)The governments of Belarus and China must create a favorable legislative framework in the field of innovation and the development of technology parks. It is necessary to strengthen financial support and provide tax benefits. The Belarusian-Chinese industrial parks in China and Belarus need more technologies and investment.2025-01-29 -
Влияние социальных сетей и маркетплейсов на развитие эстетизации повседневного потребления
(БНТУ, 2024)Consumer choice is increasingly based on the appearance of a product, while the product acquires a so-called social value. The development of social networks and marketplaces contributed to the formation and rooting of such a phenomenon as the aestheticization of consumption. This phenomenon is becoming universal, affecting more and more new areas of human life.2025-01-29 -
Знакомство с китайской культурой в Беларуси: современные рестораны национальной кухни
(БНТУ, 2024)In the article Chinese restaurants as the representation of Chinese culture in Belarus are discussed. The challenges of cultural barriers in communication within restaurant service process are considered.2025-01-29