Новые горизонты: Recent submissions
Now showing items 341-360 of 1779
О роли информационных технологий в цифровой экономике
(БНТУ, 2022)The role of information technologies in the development of the country's digital economy is considered. About several examples and ways of economic development2023-01-26 -
Сотрудничество Беларуси и Китая в области образования
(БНТУ, 2022)The cooperation and interaction between Belarus and China in education is conducted by numerous exchange programs, mutual academic conferences and seminars, popularization and extending Chinese and Belarusian culture and customs.2023-01-26 -
Автоматическое лицензирование экспорта и импорта товаров
(БНТУ, 2022)The use of automatic licensing (surveillance) in the EU, the USA, the EAEU countries and China was studied. It is shown that automatic licensing is a tool for obtaining detailed data on the specific characteristics of the goods, the country of origin, as well as the share of imports according to the listed parameters that establish the specific purpose and value of the goods.2023-01-26 -
Таможенные пошлины в системе таможенных платежей ЕАЭС
(БНТУ, 2022)Customs duty is a mandatory payment collected by the customs authorities in connection with the movement of goods across the customs border of the Union. When calculating customs duties, ad valorem, specific and combined tariffs are used. And the customs duty is an essential condition for the import or export of goods and is ensured by measures of state coercion.2023-01-26 -
Две дороги – два пути: Марк Шагал и Илья Репин в Витебске
(БНТУ, 2022)Vitebsk is rightfully considered one of the cultural capitals of the artistic direction. Many artists were born or worked here. Among them are such well-known as I. E. Repin, I. Peshka, I. Khrutsky, T. Kisling, I. P. Trutnev, K. A. Savitsky, N. Orda, Yu. I. Peng, M. Chagall, K. Malevich, K. A. Zmigrodsky and others. The name of Mark Chagall is known far beyond the borders of ...2023-01-26 -
Особенности исчисления и взимания лицензионных платежей в отношении объектов интеллектуальной собственности
(БНТУ, 2022)Тhis article describes the types and specifics of the application of license fees, as well as the process of their inclusion in the customs value.2023-01-26 -
Виды и модели индустриальных парков в мире
(БНТУ, 2022)Types and models of industrial parks in the world. Industrial parks allow companies to be concentrated in one place, which may have common ground.2023-01-26 -
Анализ влияния Covid-19 на динамику экономических показателей промышленной политики в рамках ЕАЭС
(БНТУ, 2022)International economic associations have become an integral part of the relationship between many states. One example of an integration association is the Eurasian Economic Union, which unites five countries: the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan and the Russian Federation. An important part of the EAEU is the ...2023-01-26 -
Традиционная китайская живопись как источник изучения культуры Китая
(БНТУ, 2022)Chinese traditional painting is one of the most vivid reflections of Chinese culture, where we can see not only the features of Chinese traditional painting, but also philosophical thoughts, which are still part of people's lives today. Exactly the fact of visualization and close connection with philosophy can help people learn more about another culture and, first of all, to ...2023-01-26 -
Научно-техническое сотрудничество Республики Беларусь и Китайской Народной Республики
(БНТУ, 2022)The article considers the main aspects of cooperation between China and Belarus in the field of science and technology.2023-01-26 -
Особенности таможенного регулирования ввоза товаров в условиях развития стратегии импортозамещения в ЕАЭС
(БНТУ, 2022)The article discusses the features of customs regulation of the import of goods in the context of the import substitution strategy in the EAEU. The essence of the concept of import substitution is revealed, and its main advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. This policy is clearly analyzed on the example of two countries – the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation.2023-01-26 -
Оценка состояния растительного покрова территории бывшего заказника «Октябрьский» по дистанционным данным
(БНТУ, 2022)This article is about research conducted on the territory of the former Oktyabrsky reserve. In the course of the research, the possibilities of assessing the state of the vegetation cover according to open sources of satellite data and unmanned systems were determined. An analysis of the current state of vegetation within the boundaries of the abolished protected area was also ...2023-01-26 -
Авансовые платежи
(БНТУ, 2022)In the context of the acquisition of political and economic independence by the Republic of Belarus, an objective need is to increase the openness of the economy. The main role in the course of the entry of the Republic of Belarus into a single economic community belongs to foreign economic activity. Advance payments are funds contributed towards the payment of upcoming customs ...2023-01-26 -
Биометрические технологии, их применение для обеспечения национальной безопасности
(БНТУ, 2022)Тhis article describes the types and features of the use of biometric technologies to ensure national security. The article also reveals the importance of biometric technologies in the Republic of Belarus.2023-01-26 -
Анализ маркетингового потенциала китайских компаний Xiaomi, Huawei
(БНТУ, 2022)The article is devoted to the analysis of the current marketing situation and strategic management planning. Questionnaire studies were analyzed, the purpose of which was to measure the factors influencing strategic management planning. The results and conclusions presented in the article are important from the point of view of understanding the marketing situation in the market ...2023-01-26 -
Анализ торгово-экономических отношений между Китаем и США
(БНТУ, 2022)Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States in 1979, the United States has gr adually become China’s largest trading partner and one of China’s largest export markets, while China has maintained a trade surplus with the United States since 1993 and trade economic cooperation between China and the US has been extensive and close. In recent ...2023-01-26 -
Налогообложение в свободных экономических зонах на территории Республики Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2022)The article discusses the main indicators of the activity of FEZ residents, the peculiarities of taxation in free economic zones. A comparative analysis of the tax burden of economic entities that are not residents of the FEZ and legal entities registered as residents of the FEZ was carried out.2023-01-26 -
Продвижение услуг образовательного учреждения инструментами связи с общественностью
(БНТУ, 2022)In modern conditions, the promotion of technical educational services of a state educational institution in Republic of Belarus is relevant, since the demand for highly qualified technical personnel for the real sector of the economy is becoming more and more in demand.2023-01-26 -
Обеспечение уплаты таможенных пошлин, налогов в системе таможенных платежей ЕАЭС
(БНТУ, 2022)This article presents the types and features of the application of methods for ensuring the payment of customs duties and taxes. The article also reveals the role of customs payments in the customs and tariff regulation of the Republic of Belarus, as well as in ensuring replenishment of state revenues.2023-01-26 -
Перспективы китайской стратегии «Новый шелковый путь» для Республики Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2022)China, with one of the strongest and most stable economies in the world, has established itself as a reliable partner for many countries. The Republic of Belarus is no exception. During the cooperation, a number of important agreements were signed in the field of economy, tourism, education, culture and investment. Partnership statistics for previous years allow us to predict the ...2023-01-26