Новые горизонты: Recent submissions
Now showing items 321-340 of 1779
(БНТУ, 2022)This paper analyses the current situation of investment project cooperation between Belarus and China, taking the example of Belarus Geely Automobile Co. It also assesses the prospects of noteworthy investment areas.2023-01-26 -
(БНТУ, 2022)In order to study the development status and trend of China's digital economy in detail, and improve the development level of China's digital economy, this paper has carried out research. This article first describes the three main characteristics of the digital economy. Secondly, it analyzes the development status of China's digital economy from many angles. Finally, five ...2023-01-26 -
An analysis of economic and trade complementarity of chinabelarus bilateral international trade
(БНТУ, 2022)China and Belarus are a comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the field of diplomacy. The two countries also have natural advantages in trade exchanges and have huge potential for development. China and Belarus have different resource advantages, and the trade between the two sides has good economic and trade complementarity. ctively expand the fields of economic ...2023-01-26 -
Межрегиональное сотрудничество Беларуси и Китая на примере Витебской области
(БНТУ, 2022)The article deals with the dynamics of the Belarusian-Chinese economic cooperation. Given the high degree of openness of the Belarusian economy, foreign economic relations are developing quite dynamically. The results of the interaction in the article are presented at the national level in general and at the level of the Vitebsk region in particular.2023-01-26 -
(БНТУ, 2022)This article mainly writes about what is the change in the focus of digital advertising marketing of large Internet companies, what are the manifestations of digital advertising marketing reform, and how to reduce the marketing cost of enterprises through accurate delivery.The marketing department should reasonably and effectively allocate the market budget and seize the target ...2023-01-26 -
Совершенствование методики исчисления и взимания налога на добавленную стоимость в Республике Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2022)Тhis article presents methods for improving the collection of value added tax. The very concept of VAT is disclosed.2023-01-26 -
Формально-динамические свойства индивидуальности как индикаторы школьной адаптации и дезадаптации учащихся юношеского возраста (на примере обучающихся КНР и РБ)
(БНТУ, 2022)The article actualizes the problem of school adaptation of teenagers in educational institutions of Belarus and China. The results of an empirical study of such formal-dynamic properties of adolescent personality as emotionality and activity, which determine their ability to adapt in the educational environment, are presented. The established psychotypes of students in Belarus ...2023-01-26 -
Prospects for the development of transport and logistics services of the Republic of Belarus to the people's Republic of China
(БНТУ, 2022)The service sector plays a crucial role in building an efficient non-resource-intensive innovative economy in the Republic of Belarus, which is located at the crossroads of the main transport communications in trade between Russia, China and the European Union. Favorable economic and geographical position necessitates the active development of transport and logistics services in ...2023-01-26 -
(БНТУ, 2022)Since the 90s of the 20th century, China has made great achievements and accumulated rich experience in the development of enclave economy, this paper analyzes the characteristics of enclave economy by sorting out the development practice of China's enclave economy in the past 30 years, and puts forward suggestions on taking the economic development of enclave economy as an ...2023-01-26 -
Analysis of tourism digitalization cooperation between China and Belarus
(БНТУ, 2022)Since the COVID-19 pandemic, cooperation between China and Belarus has been affected, especially in tourism. Currently, the two sides can build digital tourism cooperation to promote development. This paper analyzes the previous ways of cooperation and proposes digital ways of enhancing tourism cooperation and the problems that need to be solved.2023-01-26 -
Необходимость цифровизации для индустриального парка «Великий камень»
(БНТУ, 2022)Benefits of the industrial park “Great Stone”. Proposals for the introduction of a voice assistant and an electronic contract for the digitalization of work processes. The importance of industrial park digitalization in the modern world.2023-01-26 -
Организация экспериментальной работы по эмоционально-эстетическому воспитанию детей 3–6 лет
(БНТУ, 2022)The current state of pedagogical science and practice is characterized by a change in some priorities in the field of aesthetic education. In the content of aesthetic education, the problems of transferring creative experience to children through familiarization with folk culture, the formation of an emotional and value attitude to the surrounding world, the creation of conditions ...2023-01-26 -
Особенности функционирования сценографии в китайском акробатическом театре
(БНТУ, 2022)As an important part of the visual image in stage performances of Chinese acrobatic theatre, scenography creates the external form of an acrobatic scene, through the layout and design of the stage quickly introduce the audience into the context of the performance and thereby achieve the disclosure of the main theme of the plot and the aesthetic quality of the acrobatic performance.2023-01-26 -
Истоки и функции городской музыки Китая (на примере жанра Пинтань)
(БНТУ, 2022)The ways of formation and stylistic tendencies of modern urban music in its connections with ancient folklore genres, as well as innovative ways of its transmission are investigated.2023-01-26 -
Пионерская организация как важный фактор формирования патриотизма и гражданственности, социализации и воспитания молодежи КНР
(БНТУ, 2022)One of the components of the PRC education system is the formation of the foundations of patriotism, the education of a communicative, civil and social personality. The crisis in the spiritual sphere of the modern family, which is expressed in the weakening of attention to spiritual values, has actualized the role of educational institutions, children's and youth organizations ...2023-01-26 -
«Культурная революция» и ее последствия в системе образования КНР
(БНТУ, 2022)The objectives of the Cultural Revolution were to reform the old education system, the philosophy of education and educational methods. The PRC largely borrowed the Soviet experience, in particular, the model of the Soviet state education system was copied. The number of students increased dramatically at the mass primary and secondary levels in the early 1970s. Quality and the ...2023-01-26 -
Китайская сетевая литература в Беларуси: текущее состояние и потенциал развития
(БНТУ, 2022)This article studies the development of Chinese Internet literature and its current situation in Belarus. The results show that Chinese online literature has great potential for development in Belarus in all aspects.2023-01-26 -
Цифровой шелковый путь как пример организации трансграничной электронной торговли
(БНТУ, 2022)Nowadays China plays an important role in the world e-commerce and improves its organization through the implementation of the Digital Silk Road project. In this work, we studied the concept of cross-border e-commerce, pointed out the main ways of developing Digital Silk Road project, and considered the prospects for interaction between the EAEU member states within the framework ...2023-01-26 -
Квотирование как мера нетарифного регулирования
(БНТУ, 2022)One of the measures of non-tariff regulation – quotas has been studied. In the process of studying, the varieties of quotas were considered, as well as the positive and negative aspects of their application. It was revealed that with the help of quotas, the development of domestic and world trade is regulated. This is one of the ways to protect the country's domestic market from ...2023-01-26 -
Стандартизация и дифференциация в контексте развития кадрового потенциала международных организаций
(БНТУ, 2022)Human resource development is a very important factor when an organization starts a Company new subsidiary in a foreign country. This article aims at the following tasks: 1) define the standardization and differentiation of human resource development for international organization; 2) analyze the strength and weakness of standardization and differentiation of human resource ...2023-01-26