Resonant Raman studies of compositional and size dispersion of CdS₁₋ₓSeₓ nanocrystals in a glass matrix

2004Bibliographic entry
Resonant Raman studies of compositional and size dispersion of CdS₁₋ₓSeₓ nanocrystals in a glass matrix / Yu. M. Azhniuk [et al.] // Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. – 2004. – Vol. 16. – P. 9069-9082.
Resonant Raman scattering spectra of glass-embedded CdS₁₋ₓSeₓ nanocrystals are measured and complemented with TEM and optical absorption as well as photoluminescence data. The selectivity of the resonant Raman process not only for the size, but also for the composition of nanocrystals within the ensemble, is directly observed in the dependence of phonon band frequency, linewidth and shape on the excitation wavelength.