Unusual dynamic relaxation of triplet-excited meso-phenyl-substituted porphyrins and their chemical dimers at room temperatures

1998Bibliographic entry
Unusual dynamic relaxation of triplet-excited meso-phenyl-substituted porphyrins and their chemical dimers at room temperatures / V. Knyukshto [et al.] // Chemical Physics Letters. – 1998. – Vol. 297, № 1-2. – P. 97-108.
It has been found that for mono- and di-meso-phenyl-substituted octaethylporphyrin (OEPs), etioporphyrins, corresponding Zn complexes and OEP chemical dimers (with a meso-phenyl spacer) a drastic shortening of triplet lifetimes from a ms to μs timescale in deaerated toluene solutions at 295K takes place without any changes of the spectral-kinetic parameters of the S₀ and S₁ states. The observed effects are connected with torsion librations of the phenyl ring around a single C–C bond in sterically encumbered porphyrins leading to non-planar dynamic distorted conformations in excited T₁ states accompanied by an enhancement of the T₁-state nonradiative deactivation pathways.