Inspection robots with piezo actuators: modeling, simulation and prototypes

621.023.6Bibliographic entry
Inspection robots with piezo actuators: modeling, simulation and prototypesе / F. Becker [et al.] // Приборы и методы измерений : научно-технический журнал = Devices and methods of measurements : Scientific and Engineering Journal / гл. ред. Романюк Ф.А. ; кол. авт. Министерство образования Республики Беларусь ; кол. авт. Белорусский национальный технический университет. – Минск : БНТУ, 2011. – №2(3). – С.20–26.
Models, simulations and experimental setups of resonant inspection robots are presented. The goal is to show ways to cope with the new requirements and to use the given chances to create novel mobile robots. For the creation of a directed motion the vibration behavior of simple beams and plates
is used. It is possible to design robots for 2-dimesnional locomotion which are characterized by a light weight, small size, relative simple design and the ability to create controllable motion using only
one actuator. Different types of actuators for micro robots are presented and compared. Furthermore the dynamical behavior of a piezoelectric bending actuator under elastic boundary conditions is investigated and a model for the motion of the locomotion-generating limbs is presented. The
comparison with experiments and prototypes shows that the results of the analytical and computational models agree (E-mail :
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