Mathematics. Matrices and vectors

978-985-31-0053-2Another Title
Educational-methodical manual for students of specialities 6-05-0716-03 “Information and measuring instruments and systems”, 6-05-0716-04 “Optoelectronic and laser technology”, 6-05-0716-06 “Biomedical engineering”
Bibliographic entry
Hundzina, М. А. Mathematics. Matrices and vectors : educational-methodical manual for students of specialities 6-05-0716-03 “Information and measuring instruments and systems”, 6-05-0716-04 “Optoelectronic and laser technology”, 6-05-0716-06 “Biomedical engineering”/ М. А. Hundzina, N. A. Kandratsyeva, M. A. Knyazev ; Belarusian National Technical University Department, «Engineering Mathematics». – Minsk : BNTU, 2024. – 40 p.
The educational-methodical manual is intended for students of the first stage of training of the instrument-building faculty of BNTU, studying the discipline “Mathematics”. The manual contains materials for organizing a system of continuous development in the sections “Basic operations with matrices”, “Vector algebra”. The given set of tasks for lectures, practical work and consultations was developed taking into account the recommendations of the Department of Engineering Mathematics of the Instrument-Making Faculty of the Belarusian National Technical University and is consistent with the requirements for the level of training of specialists.