Passive mode locking of a Tm,Ho:KY(WO4)2 laser around 2 μm

Bibliographic entry
Passive mode locking of a Tm,Ho:KY(WO4)2 laser around 2 μm / A. A. Lagatsky [et al.] // Optics letters.– 2009. – Vol. 34, № 17. – P. 2587-2589.
We report the first demonstration, to our knowledge, of passive mode locking in a Tm3+, Ho3+-codoped KY(WO4)2 laser operating in the 2000-2060 nm spectral region. An InGaAsSb-based quantum well semiconductor saturable absorber mirror is used for the initiation and stabilization of the ultrashort pulse generation. Pulses as short as 3.3 ps were generated at 2057 nm with average output powers up to 315 mW at a pulse repetition frequency of 132 MHz for 1.15 W of absorbed pump power at 802 nm from a Ti:sapphire laser.