Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Дизайн детской комнаты 

      Чэнь, Цзинкэ (БНТУ, 2021)
      With the improvement in living standards, many children have their own rooms. Children's room design is gradually attracting people's attention. Children's room design should fully take into account the physical and psychological characteristics of children. Subject to safety, increase the interest and culture of the room as much as possible to create a comfortable environment ...
    • Драматическое искусство и пространство 

      Пань, Гаоцзинь; Чэнь, Цзинкэ (БНТУ, 2020)
      This article analyzes the relationship between theater art and space, introduces traditional stage and modern theater, and shows the spatial elements and layout of the theater. Theater space design is restricted by social politics, economy, culture, technology, customs and other aspects, and it also directly affects the theater art itself. The development of the theater is ...
    • Применение современной конструктурной системы в сельских домов 

      Чэнь, Цзинкэ (БНТУ, 2019)
      The population of China is more than 1,4 billion people, more than 64% of them are rural population. The plan and function of some rural houses is not reasonable enough and the structure of house is easily damaged. As a Chinese architect, we need to pay more attention to the rural housing problem and reduce the gap of construction levels between urban and rural.
    • Пятый фасад – традиция китайской архитектуры 

      Чэнь, Цзинкэ (БНТУ, 2020)
      Модернистские архитектурные направления в современной архитектуре Китая сделали плоскую крышу наиболее распространенной. Такая крыша обеспечивала индустриальные методы строительства и демонстрировала отказ от традиционных решений. Но в настоящее время получают распространение выразительные формы архитектурно-художественные завершения зданий, в том числе и традиционных скатных ...