Now showing items 2565-2584 of 76491

    • Renewable-energy technologies are getting better and cheaper every year 

      Goncharov, F. N. (БНТУ, 2015)
      Goncharov, F. N. Renewable-energy technologies are getting better and cheaper every year / F. N. Goncharov ; sup. L. I. Bogdanova // Сборник трудов Международной научно-технической конференции молодых ученых и студентов, 21-23 апреля 2014 г. / комп. дизайн И. А. Басалай. – Минск : БНТУ, 2015. – С. 80-82.
    • Requirements for a modern manager 

      Гоман, А. А. (БНТУ, 2023)
      В статье описываются основные задачи, факторы успеха и психологическая направленность современного менеджера.
    • Requirements for the transportation of animals 

      Kalashnikova, M. A.; Radziuk, A. A. (БНТУ, 2021)
      Kalashnikova, M. A. Requirements for the transportation of animals / M. A. Kalashnikova, A. A. Radziuk ; науч. рук. E. V. Slesarenok // Безопасность промышленного предприятия: инженерные и управленческие решения : сборник материалов XIX Международной научно-практической конференции, 16 ноября 2021 г. / редкол.: С. Ю. Солодовников [и др.]. – Минск : БНТУ, 2021. – С. 191.
    • Requirements for the transportation of pets across the customs border by air 

      Мойсюк, А. В.; Мойсюк, М. В. (БНТУ, 2023)
      Мойсюк, А. В. Requirements for the transportation of pets across the customs border by air / А. В. Мойсюк, М. В. Мойсюк ; науч. рук. О. В. Веремейчик // НИРС-79 [Электронный ресурс] : материалы 79-й научно-практической конференции студентов Минск, 20 апреля 2023 г. / Белорусский национальный технический университет ; сост.: Е. С. Голубцова, А. Н. Шавель. – Минск : БНТУ, 2023. – ...
    • Research analysis of facility construction management and BIM technology 

      Yuhao, Jiang; Holubava, V.
      In recent years, the scale of construction facilities has expanded rapidly, and with it there have been problems in facility construction management. Traditional facility construction management has problems such as low human-machine efficiency, poor coordination and organization capabilities, long working hours and high costs. BIM technology can use information model technology ...
    • Research and application of microwave moisture sensor information collection system 

      Wang, Shuhao (БНТУ, 2023)
      Methods for determining moisture content can be divided into two types: direct measurement and indirect measurement. Among indirect measurements, nuclear magnetic resonance, infrared radiation and radio waves are the most commonly used measurement methods. At microwave frequencies, moisture will be polarized and oscillate, and the transmitted microwaves will be scattered, projected, ...
    • Research and development of a control system for the synchronized movement of the head of an anthropomorphic robot 

      Hojiyev, O. B.; Madaliev, Sh. B. (БНТУ, 2022)
      Hojiyev, O. B. Research and development of a control system for the synchronized movement of the head of an anthropomorphic robot / O. B. Hojiyev, Sh. B. Madaliev // Научные основы использования информационных технологий нового уровня и современные проблемы автоматизации : сборник трудов I Международной научной конференции, 25-26 апреля 2022 года / Ташкентский государственный ...
    • Research for conducting experiments to determine the adhesive ability of release coatings for die casting molds of aluminum alloys 

      Hameed, Zaid Jabbar Hameed; Karpovich, I. V. (БНТУ, 2022)
      Hameed, Zaid Jabbar Hameed. Research for conducting experiments to determine the adhesive ability of release coatings for die casting molds of aluminum alloys / Zaid Jabbar Hameed Hameed, I. V. Karpovich ; sci. sup. A. A. Pivovarchik // Литьё и металлургия 2022 [Электронный ресурс] : сборник научных работ V Международной научно-практической интернет конференции студентов и ...
    • Research for conducting experiments to determine the appearance, corrosiveness, pH, and stability of release coatings for die casting molds of aluminum alloys 

      Hameed, Zaid Jabbar Hameed; Baygot, I. I. (БНТУ, 2022)
      Hameed, Zaid Jabbar Hameed. Research for conducting experiments to determine the appearance, corrosiveness, pH, and stability of release coatings for die casting molds of aluminum alloys / Zaid Jabbar Hameed Hameed, I. I. Baygot ; sci. sup. A. A. Pivovarchik // Литьё и металлургия 2022 [Электронный ресурс] : сборник научных работ V Международной научно-практической интернет ...
    • Research heat exchangers of the gas turbine with an external supply of heat in the utilization scheme of sewage sludge 

      Miasnikovich, V.; Matyavin, A. (БНТУ, 2014)
      Miasnikovich, V. Research heat exchangers of the gas turbine with an external supply of heat in the utilization scheme of sewage sludge / V. Miasnikovich, A. Matyavin // Наука. Инновации. Производство = Science. Innovation. Production : сборник материалов 3-го Белорусско-Корейского форума, 16-17 октября 2014. – Minsk : BNTU, 2014. – С. 39.
    • Research in higher education institutions of Germany as a mechanism of production development 

      Матвеёнок, Т. В. (Право и экономика, 2019)
      В данной статье раскрываются особенности развития научной деятельности в Германии. Статья посвящена государственной политике правительства в отношении развития науки в высшем образовании, основной целью которой является поиск механизмов, ускоряющих процесс внедрения научных исследований в производство.
    • Research institute for applied problems of mathematics and informatics: main results 

      Kharin, Yu. S.; Melnikova, E. N. (БНТУ, 2014)
      Kharin, Yu. S. Research institute for applied problems of mathematics and informatics: main results / Yu. S. Kharin, E. N. Melnikova // Наука. Инновации. Производство = Science. Innovation. Production : сборник материалов 3-го Белорусско-Корейского форума, 16-17 октября 2014. – Minsk : BNTU, 2014. – С. 80-81.
    • Research of dynamic load of transport vehicle hydromechanical transmission 

      Taratorkin, A.; Derzhanskii, V. (BNTU, 2010-10)
      Taratorkin, A. Research of dynamic load of transport vehicle hydromechanical transmission / A. Taratorkin, V. Derzhanskii // International congress of heavy vehicles, road trains and urban transport, 06-09 October 2010: book of papers / Belarussian national technical university, Academic automative association, International federation of automative engineering societies. – ...
    • Research of magnetorheological fluid damper bandwidth 

      Mazeika, D.; Dragasius, E. (БНТУ, 2011)
      D, Mazeika Research of magnetorheological fluid damper bandwidth / D. Mazeika, E. Dragasius // Новые направления развития приборостроения : материалы 4-й Международной студенческой научно-технической конференции, 20-22 апреля 2011 г. : конференция посвящается 90-летию Белорусского национального технического университета (БПИ - БГПА - БНТУ) / Белорусский национальный технический ...
    • Research of the lubricity of materials used in the production of a release coating for die casting molds of aluminum alloys under pressure 

      Hameed, Zaid Jabbar Hameed; Rabtsevich, N. S. (БНТУ, 2022)
      Hameed, Zaid Jabbar Hameed. Research of the lubricity of materials used in the production of a release coating for die casting molds of aluminum alloys under pressure / Zaid Jabbar Hameed Hameed, N. S. Rabtsevich ; sci. sup. A. A. Pivovarchik // Литьё и металлургия 2022 [Электронный ресурс] : сборник научных работ V Международной научно-практической интернет конференции студентов ...
    • Research of unsealing problem in cylindrical sealed volumes of various purposes by the example of thin-film capacitors 

      Royzman, V.; Voznyak, A.; Bubulis, A. (БНТУ, 2017)
      Royzman, V. Research of unsealing problem in cylindrical sealed volumes of various purposes by the example of thin-film capacitors / V. Royzman, A. Voznyak, A. Bubulis // Приборостроение - 2017 : материалы 10-й Международной научно-технической конференции, 1-3 ноября 2017 года, Минск, Республика Беларусь / Белорусский национальный технический университет ; редкол.: О. К. Гусев ...
    • Research on innovation and entrepreneurship of chinese postgraduate 

      Qi, Ji (БНТУ, 2014)
      This paper briefly describes the significance current situation and problems of Chinese postgraduate innovation and entrepreneurship, analyzes the factors restricting Chinese postgraduate innovation and entrepreneurship, and puts forward some ideas and countermeasures to solve the problems.
    • Research on point-to-point energy trading and transportation methods for potash fertilizers between China and Belarus 

      Ли, Цзюнь; Жудро, М. К. (БНТУ, 2023)
      As an effective solution to the "energy dilemma" faced by human society, peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading has emerged and developed rapidly in recent years. This article mainly studies the energy transportation methods between China and Belarus under the peer-to-peer trade of potassium fertilizer energy between China and Belarus, and discusses the most convenient method of P2P ...
    • Research on the development of a water-based composition of a release coating for molds for casting aluminum alloys under pressure 

      Hameed, Zaid Jabbar Hameed; Okunevskaya, V. O. (БНТУ, 2022)
      Hameed, Zaid Jabbar Hameed. Research on the development of a water-based composition of a release coating for molds for casting aluminum alloys under pressure / Zaid Jabbar Hameed Hameed, V. O. Okunevskaya ; sci. sup. A. A. Pivovarchik // Литьё и металлургия 2022 [Электронный ресурс] : сборник научных работ V Международной научно-практической интернет конференции студентов и ...
    • Research on the impact of digital economy on regional green development in China 

      Yang, Cheng (БНТУ, 2023)
      Since the reform and opening up, the relationship between urban ecological construction and social and economic development in China has gradually completed the transformation from obedience to symbiosis, from passive response to active response. With the continuous innovation of digital information technology, the digital economy is upgrading and reshaping the production mode ...