Now showing items 1-20 of 92

    • Analysis of experience in application of programs for simulation of road accidents 

      Khodoskin, D. P.; Dubovik, K. V. (БНТУ, 2023)
      The growing motorization of society is a necessary condition for economic growth, innovative development and cohesion of the country. Unfortunately, this process also has negative side effects, for example, road traffic accidents due to existing deficiencies in the organization of traffic, driver errors, vehicle breakdowns or problems in road infrastructure that lead to financial ...
    • Analysis of road conditions of operation of mining dump trucks in the Republic of Uzbekistan 

      Boikov, V. P.; Abdurazzokov, U. A.; Anvarzhonov, A. A. Ugli (БНТУ, 2023)
      In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the mining industry is an integral part of the economy. It is also suitable for JSC NMMC to produce more than 105 tons of gold, more than 700 thousand tons of silver, etc. This article analyzes the road conditions of operation of quarries in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Analyses show that the road conditions of quarry operation are heavy, which is ...
    • Analysis of the applicability of methods for predicting and assessing accidents at conflict sites in the transportation network and prospects for their development 

      Kapski, D. V.; Volynets, A. S. (БНТУ, 2023)
      Accident rate is one of the most significant losses in road traffic, as it affects each of the road users. Therefore, in order to reduce its level, it is necessary to develop a modern method of accident prediction, which would allow to accurately estimate the number of accidents and the severity of consequences not only by experimental data and survey results, but also by modelling ...
    • Description on destruction machines and constructions using vibration diagnostics 

      Bogdan, Zoltowski (БНТУ, 2020)
      This paper presents selected problems connected with automation of procedures involved in assessment of machine degradation degree using vibration method with special emphasis on the machine state prognosis. The current knowledge of these problems is not sufficient and needs further research on data processing, analysis of efficiency of diagnostic and prognostic procedures, ...
    • Experimental study of pneumatic devices that reduce the effort on the controls 

      Pavarekha, A. S.; Rahley, A. I. (БНТУ, 2023)
      Modern trends in the development of automotive construction involve the introduction of elements into the objects being created that ensure high performance characteristics of the product. If we consider the control elements of nodes, aggregates and systems of machines, then the main functional characteristics are ergonomic (accessibility, effort on the controls, etc.), as well ...
    • Justification of the carrying capacity on the route of intercity automobile transportation of passengers in regular traffic 

      Sedziukevich, V. N. (БНТУ, 2023)
      The goal of the work is to increase the efficiency of intercity road transport of passengers in regular traffic by optimizing carrying capacity on the route based on taking into account the patterns of random demand for travel. Minimization of losses of carriers and passengers due to underutilization of vehicle capacity and denial of travel to passengers at a probabilistic intensity ...
    • Mathematical model of the modulator of the brake drive of a dump truck with a hydraulic anti-lock system 

      Yermilov, S. V.; Zhylevich, M. I. (БНТУ, 2023)
      The use of various methods for obtaining mathematical models can significantly reduce the time for design and research work during the development of hydraulic drives. Currently, the use of powerful personal computers makes it possible to significantly improve the quality of the results of the mathematical models being developed due to a more detailed description of the processes, ...
    • Modern approaches to organizational structure in transport logistics 

      Filipova, N. A.; Lebedev, M. P.; Lebedev, M. P.; Trifonov, N. V. (БНТУ, 2023)
      The article emphasizes the importance of the organizational structure for the effective functioning of any industrial or trade organization. The organizational structure determines the speed, reliability and cost of transportation, and as a result, the competitiveness of the company as a whole. The authors present an overview of the main types of organizational structures used ...
    • On the issue of assessing the safety of adjunction on roads 

      Kapski, D. V.; Bogdanovich, S. V.; Bogdanovich, S. V. (БНТУ, 2023)
      The principal aim of this article is to meticulously investigate and enhance the standards of highway safety and the accompanying infrastructural elements. The article scrutinizes data pertaining to vehicular mishaps over the preceding years, pinpointing crucial elements that precipitate the incidents. Among these contributing factors are the condition of the paved roadway, the ...
    • Reducing traffic demand by variation (at signalized intersection) 

      Sarazhinsky, D. S. (БНТУ, 2023)
      The day-to-day practice of designing/reorganizing traffic management at a controlled intersection typically relies on the use of a traffic demand model. The selection of such a model is usually guided by considerations of the optimal balance between the complexity of the model and the significance of the effects that can be accounted for. However, in some situations, researchers ...
    • Regularities of pressure distribution under a crawler with elastic tracks 

      Zhdanovich, Ch. I. (БНТУ, 2023)
      It is possible to increase the efficiency of an agricultural tractor and reduce the pressure on the soil by installing a crawler with elastic tracks on it, for example, using a pneumatic caterpillar or a caterpillar with rubber-cord tracks. To develop a design and select rational parameters of such a propulsor, it is necessary to know the patterns of pressure distribution under ...
    • Special devices for reducing the amplitude of torsional vibrations crankshafts 

      Nikishev, A. A.; Petruchenko, A. N.; Predko, A. V. (БНТУ, 2023)
      Torsional vibrations are observed in all mechanisms that involve rotational movement of shafts. For internal combustion engines, the problem of torsional vibrations of the crankshaft is relevant, since significant vibrations prevent its fatigue failure. In addition, torsional vibrations negatively affect engine performance, efficient fuel consumption, oil and sugar consumption, ...
    • State changes in vibration diagnostic and methods of modal analysis 

      Zoltowski, Bogdan; Zoltowski, Mariusz (БНТУ, 2020)
      Presented considerations of this work includes selected issues in the area of statistical procedures use in vibration measures study and modal analysis methods to assess the building structures and machines state. The indicated statistical procedures are particularly important in vibration and modal research, where the multidimensionality of diagnostic signals requires a wide ...
    • Study of the efficiency of the transport logistics of cargo transportation 

      Mikhalchenko, A. A.; Wu, Hailong (БНТУ, 2023)
      In the article, the results of studies carried out during the formation logistics schemes for international transportation of export cargoes under the restrictions of the western direction for the Republic of Belarus. Research has established that the amount of freight charges for the logistics of transporting export cargo to the PRC depends on the type of shipment (the cargo can ...
    • System for remote monitoring and remote diagnostics of high-voltage energy storage devices of electric vehicles 

      Gursky, A. S. (БНТУ, 2023)
      The introduction of electric buses and trolleybuses with an increased range as urban transport requires adjusting the methods for servicing and repairing rolling stock, as well as re-equipping enterprises operating this type of vehicle. The most complex component in terms of reliability, cost, and technical operation is the high-voltage energy storage (HSE). Lithium-iron-phosphate ...
    • Technical innovations for combating alcohol intoxication on the roads 

      Filipova, N. A.; Lebedev, M. P.; Iovleva, E. L.; Sosin, M. A. (БНТУ, 2023)
      The article discusses technical innovations aimed at combating driving under the influence of alcohol. The main focus is on ignition lock (IID) breathalyzers, which are already successfully used in some countries, and systems for recognizing signs of alcohol intoxication, which are under development. Legal and ethical issues related to the use of these technologies are also ...
    • The implementation of new software in modal analisys bricks walls degradation measurements 

      Zoltowski, Mariusz (БНТУ, 2020)
      The recommendation of the Polish low shows a need of control the production quality of wall elements which should provide in straight lines diagnostic tools. Requirement of this norm in range establishing the partial coefficients of wall safety of wall treats to settlement the category of works realization on building (A or B). They would support qualification «suitably qualified ...
    • The significance of passenger transport hubs in the transport system: factors of their development 

      Khodoskina, O. A.; Zhang, Yuibo (БНТУ, 2023)
      The modern transport system includes not only the effective functioning of all modes of transport included in it, and the corresponding infrastructure, but also their interaction and complementarity, the purpose of which is to fully satisfy the needs of the client – the cargo owner or passenger. In this regard, today the issue of designing and developing passenger transport hubs ...
    • The study numerical to detect collisions using neural network with D* algorithm 

      Medvedev, M. Yu.; Farhood, A. K. (БНТУ, 2022)
      A numerical study of the proposed iterative algorithm using the Matlab complex is carried out. During the study, the task of teaching a neural network to plan a route was solved in the same way as the "teacher" algorithm, for which D* was chosen. The initial filtering option is selected in such a way that, when a collision occurs, a trajectory point that preceded the collision ...
    • Анализ дорожных условий эксплуатации карьерных самосвалов в Республике Узбекистан 

      Бойков, В. П.; Абдураззоков, У. А.; Анваржонов, А. А. Угли (БНТУ, 2023)
      В Республике Узбекистан горнодобывающий промышленность является неотъемлемой частью экономики. Еже годно АО НГМК производить более 105 тонн золота, более 700 тысяч тонн серебра и т. д. В данном статье анализированы дорожные условия эксплуатации карьеров Республики Узбекистан. Анализы показывают, что дорожные условия эксплуатации карьеров тяжелые, из-за чего крупно габаритные шины ...