Материалы сборника по статьям: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 57
Моделирование напряженно-деформированного состояния цилиндрических оболочек конечной длины при неравномерном нагреве и нейтронном облучении
(БНТУ, 2011)А cylindrical shell undergoing irregular temperature and radiation has been considered. The numerical solution has been proposed to solve the problem for fuel cladding under creep, thermal and radiation strains. A graphic distribution of deflections and stresses of a short cylindrical shell have been received.2020-05-26 -
Изгиб локальной нагрузкой трехслойного стержня, частично опертого на упругое основание
(БНТУ, 2011)We consider the deformation of an elastic three-layer rod partially supported on elastic foundation of Winkler. To describe the kinematics of asymmetric in thickness of package accepted hypothesis rod broken normal. A system of equilibrium equations and its general analytical solution in displacements. The numerical analysis of solutions.2020-05-26 -
Модель и анализ контактного взаимодействия с биотканями одномерных полимерных имплантатов
(БНТУ, 2011)The base stage of implantation in a kind of one-dimensional prosthetic (fixing, diagnostic) element, stretching through an aperture in a biotissue, is considered. The developed mechanical and mathematical model describes implant interaction with biotissues in the conditions of sticking and sliding of contacting surfaces. The calculated dependences for implant elongation and the ...2020-05-26 -
Энергетический метод расчета статически неопределимых систем
(БНТУ, 2011)In article the energy method, which may be successfully used to account of various statically indeterminate systems as “work method”, is considered in details (for examples, the bars, beam and frame). The effectiveness of energy method and the reason of using it in learn process is established.2020-05-26 -
Определение силовых характеристик неустановившегося поворота шарнирно сочлененной машины с тремя осями
(БНТУ, 2011)In the article have been considered a unsteady turn of hinged machine. The research is topical because the up-to-date state of open-cut method progress of mineral product on majority of operating enterprise is characterized by open cast mine deepening, by load distance increasing and by angle of ascent of track rising.2020-05-26 -
Кинематический метод определения эффективных термоупругих характеристик пространственно армированных сред
(БНТУ, 2011)Предложена структурная модель термоупругого поведения пространственно армированной среды при общей анизотропии компонент композиции. На основе энергетического критерия эквивалентности и кинематических допущений о связи усредненных деформаций такого композита с деформациями в компонентах композиции определены термоупругие характеристики эквивалентного материала. Показано, что на ...2020-05-26 -
Расчет геометрических характеристик поперечных сечений ослабленной трубы
(БНТУ, 2011)The formulae for account of the inertia moment, inertia radius and resistance moment of dangerous cross-section in an injured round fine-wall tube are received. There is a cross-section in an opened ring form. The truth of derived formulae is determined. It’s verified by particular formulae for the closed ring.2020-05-26 -
Использование САПР КОМПАС-3D VI2 в курсовом проектировании по кулачковым механизмам
(БНТУ, 2011)For а cam mechanism with а shaking rocker actuator the problem of its dynamic synthesis with use of information technology CAD system Компас-ЗО V12 is shown. Problems of calculation of the law of movement of a rocker actuator, definition of basic dimensions, construction centre and a working cam profile, construction of the schedule of a corner of pressure are consistently solved. ...2020-05-26 -
Кинематическим анализ пространственного рычажного механизма методом преобразования координат
(БНТУ, 2011)The article is devoted to the features of use of a method of transformation of coordinates at the kinematic analysis of the closed spatial mechanism.2020-05-26 -
Critical phenomena soft modes and negative Poisson’s ratio
(БНТУ, 2011)The article phenomena, soft modes and negative Poisson’ ratio are considered on bases at statistical theory.2020-05-26 -
Принципы проектирования приспособлений для нанесения покрытий с заданным распределением толщины слоя
(БНТУ, 2011)The rules of designing for irregular thickness coating devices are subscribed. Irregular thickness coatings have be obtained by irregular part angular velocity accordingly wear value, which is measured in every point of part surface.2020-05-26 -
Обучение студентов созданию презентаций в Power Point
(БНТУ, 2011)Обучение студентов созданию презентаций в Power Point / П. П. Анципорович [и др.] // Теоретическая и прикладная механика : международный научно-технический сборник / Белорусский национальный технический университет ; редкол.: А. В. Чигарев (пред. редкол.). – Минск : БНТУ, 2011. – Вып. 26. – С. 304-308.2020-05-26 -
Исследование кинематики двухшарнирной карданной передачи с помощью корреляционнорегрессионного анализа
(БНТУ, 2011)This article contains а description of a new method of unevenness definition in dependence of obliquity angle and its influence on output cinematic characteristics of two-joint cardan shafts. Also conducted a study of cardan shafts using correlation-regression analysis.2020-05-26 -
Разработки по наноматериалам исследовательской лаборатории Zettl Berkeley
(БНТУ, 2011)In this article described a Zettl Research Group. They are currently investigating electronic, magnetic and mechanical properties of nanoscale materials such as fullerenes, carbon and non-carbon nanotubes. They also are investigate biological application of nanotechnology.2020-05-26 -
К вопросу о кручении стержней некруглого поперечного сечения
(БНТУ, 2011)The account of torsion bars with a non-round cross-section is presented. It’s a practical interesting method as most simply account. The approximation of geometrical reinforce with 8 per. miscalculation is received. The particular cases of non-round cross-sections (there are ellipse, triangle and rectangle) are considered.2020-05-26 -
Объединение решений в программном комплексе ANSYS 12
(БНТУ, 2011)Possibility on association of decisions in program complex ANSYS 12 on a problem example about mixing of liquids with various temperatures and speeds of movement in pipes is presented.2020-05-26 -
Исследование падения тяжелого тела в воздухе при квадратичном законе сопротивления
(БНТУ, 2011)В работе приводятся результаты теоретических исследований падения тяжелого тела в воздухе при квадратичном законе сопротивления. Получен ряд аналитических зависимостей, характеризующих основные параметры этого движения.2020-05-26 -
Об использовании СКМ «Mathematica» в качестве программной среды для моделирования движений антропоморфного робота
(БНТУ, 2011)In the article the technique of the automated compiling of differential equations of motion of the anthropomorphic robot is reviewed. The technique of activity with the results of numerical calculations in the system of computer mathematics "Mathematica", its animation capabilities and the export of the results in the generally accepted format of saving and reviewing of the video ...2020-05-26 -
Использование аппарата матриц для кинематического анализа карданной передачи
(БНТУ, 2011)The feasibility of matrix methods are shown for definition offunction ofposition cardan joint.2020-05-26 -
Методы получения и применение наноматериалов
(БНТУ, 2011)Nanomaterials is а field which takes a materials science-based approach to nanotechnology. It studies materials with morphological features on the nanoscale, and especially those which have special properties stemming from their nanoscale dimensions. Nanoscale is usually defined as smaller than a one tenth of a micrometer in at least one dimension, though this term is sometimes ...2020-05-26