Application of methods of generation of innovative ideas in training of students of technical specialties
Bibliographic entry
Hryntsevich, L. V. Application of methods of generation of innovative ideas in training of students of technical specialties / L. V. Hryntsevich // Мировая экономика и бизнес-администрирование малых и средних предприятий : материалы 16-го Международного научного семинара, проводимого в рамках 18-ой Международной научно-технической конференции «Наука – образованию, производству, экономике», 26 марта 2020 года, Минск, Республика Беларусь / Белорусский национальный технический университет. – Минск : Право и экономика, 2020. – С. 113-115.
The purpose of this study is to systematize the methods of creative thinking and determine the directions of their implementation in the process of teaching students of technical specialties, the development of interest and initiative of students in solving technical problems. The article describes the methods used in different areas of science, such as psychology, design, marketing, allowing to analyze, generate and evaluate innovative ideas. The result of the study was the classification of methods for generating innovative ideas and the development of directions and ways of teaching students creative thinking.