Now showing items 1-20 of 1561

    • A Detection System with Spider Web Coil-Based Wireless Charging and an Active Battery Management System 

      Pokorny, J.; Marcon, P.; Kriz, T.; Janousek, J. (БНТУ, 2021)
      The article presents a detection system with spider web coil-based wireless charging. Commonly available metal detectors are sold as handheld systems, which enable only progressive, lengthy, time-consuming search. Importantly, a part of the investigated area can thus be easily missed, and the probability that a metal object will not be found increases substantially. This problem, ...
    • An Adaptive Maximum Power Output Sustaining System for a Photovoltaic Power Plant Based on a Robust Predictive Control Approach 

      Elzein, I.; Petrenko, Yu. N. (БНТУ, 2020)
      Photovoltaic power plants have non-linear voltage-current characteristic, with specific maximum power point, which depends on operating conditions, viz. irradiation and temperature. In targeting the maximum power, it is by far known that the photovoltaic arrays have to operate at the maximum power point despite unpredicted weather changes. For this reason the controllers of all ...
    • An Approach to Data Processing for the Smart District Heating System 

      Sednin, A. V.; Zherelo, A. V. (БНТУ, 2022)
      The article deals with the district heating systems transition to intelligent systems by developing a united information system and obtaining a high level of controllability of the en-tire system. During the implementation of automated control systems of district heating, a number of information tasks of the lower level are being introduced, including the data collection for ...
    • Analysis of Hydrogen Use in Gas Turbine Plants 

      Sednin, V. A.; Sednin, A. V.; Matsyavin, A. A. (БНТУ, 2023)
      Improvement of the efficiency of modern power systems requires the development of storage technologies, optimization of operation modes, and increased flexibility. Currently, various technical solutions are used for electricity storage. The results of a literary review with an analysis of existing energy storage systems are presented, their advantages and disadvantages are ...
    • Calculation of Heat Exchange on the Surface of a Flexible Heat Exchanger for Use in Mobile Hospitals 

      Iokova, I. L.; Kalinichenko, A. S. (БНТУ, 2020)
      Currently, the world is characterized by quite a large number of military conflicts, manmade disasters and natural disasters. Every year, about 50 thousand people die from various natural disasters in the world. The report of the UNISDR notes that natural disasters that occurred in the world between 1998 and 2017 led to the death of 1.3 million people (more than half of them – ...
    • CFD-моделирование аэродинамического профиля лопастей ветроэнергетической установки с вертикальной осью в системе Ansys Fluent 

      Узаков, Г. Н.; Седнин, В. А.; Сафаров, А. Б.; Мамедов, Р. А.; Хатамов, И. А. (БНТУ, 2024)
      В статье представлены результаты исследований по моделированию аэродинамического профиля DU-06-W-200, применяемого в ветроэнергетических установках с вертикальной осью, в системе Ansys Fluent, оценке совместимости с экспериментальными данными и определению оптимального значения угла атаки. Аэродинамический профиль DU-06-W-200 смоделирован с углами атаки в промежутке от –15 до ...
    • Comparative Analysis of Measures and Technical Means for Suppressing the Aperiodic Current Component in Circuit Breaker 

      Kuchanskyi, V. V. (БНТУ, 2021)
      Electromagnetic transients are considered in the implementation of three-phase automatic reclose on the transmission line of extra high voltage 750 kV. The influence of automatic shunting of phases and pre-insertion active resistance for limiting the characteristics of the aperiodic component of the current, which obstructs the transition of full current through zero, is evaluated. ...
    • Compare of Transient Quality in Automatic Control Systems with Classic PID Algorithm and Optimal Regulator 

      Kulakov, G. T.; Artsiomenka, K. I. (БНТУ, 2019)
      Currently, about 90–95% of generic controllers use the PID algorithm to generate control actions, while 64% of the PID controllers are used in single-circuit automatic control systems. Most of industries (power industry among them) use hundreds of automatic control systems. The quality of their work is the basis of economic efficiency of technical processes, ensuring safety, ...
    • Computational and Experimental Study of the Patterns of Formation of a Fluidized Bed of Inert Haydite Particles Material 

      Mitrofanov, A. V.; Vasilevich, S. V.; Stojko, S. O. (БНТУ, 2024)
      At present, an actual trend in the development of fuel and energy complexes in a number of countries is the diversification of generation via the involvement of local types of solid fuel. In this case, thermochemical processing of fuel is often carried out in a fluidized state. A significant proportion of dispersed fuels cannot be transferred to a state of stable fluidization. ...
    • Current Transformer Saturation Detection Method Based on Artificial Neural Network 

      Rumiantsev, Yu. V. (БНТУ, 2023)
      When current transformer is saturated, mainly due to the presence of an exponentially decaying DC component in the fault current, its secondary current has a distinctive distorted waveform which significantly differs from its primary (true) waveform. It leads to an underestimation of the secondary current value calculated by the relay protection compared to its true value. Thus, ...
    • Cоздание и эффективность автоматической системы шариковой очистки конденсатора 180-КЦС-1 турбины Т-180/210-130-1 ЛМЗ (Часть 2) 

      Зенович-Лешкевич-Ольпинский, Ю. А.; Зенович-Лешкевич-Ольпинская, А. Ю. (БНТУ, 2015)
      Разработана методика расчета экономической эффективности, которая может быть универсальной и использоваться для технико-экономического обоснования установки системы шариковой очистки конденсатора на паровых турбинах электростанций. Данная методика, кроме эффекта от снижения давления отработавшего пара в конденсаторе за счет внедрения системы шариковой очистки, учитывает также ...
    • Cоздание и эффективность автоматической системы шариковой очистки конденсатора 180-КЦС-1 турбины Т-180/210-130-1 ЛМЗ. Часть 1 

      Зенович-Лешкевич-Ольпинский, Ю. А.; Наумов, А. Ю.; Зенович-Лешкевич-Ольпинская, А. Ю. (БНТУ, 2015)
      Для снижения потерь в холодном источнике (конденсаторе) и повышения эффективности использования топливно-энергетических ресурсов представлена современная автоматическая система шариковой очистки трубок конденсатора 180-КЦС-1 турбоагрегата Т-180/210-130-1 ЛМЗ Гомельской ТЭЦ-2. Рассмотрены проблемы эксплуатации конденсаторов паровых турбин и методы их очистки от отложений. В ...
    • Ecological and economic efficiency of traditional and alternative methods of electrical energy production with the features of The Islamic Republic of Iran 

      Mehdizadeh, M. A.; Kalinichenko, A. S.; Laptyonok, S. A. (БНТУ, 2018)
      The problems of energy, environment protection and ecology play a major role in the development of economy strategy in any country. Most of the traditional power stations operating on organic fuels have a negative impact on the environment. Furthermore, there is a depletion of natural resources due to human activities. One of the ways to solve the problem of environmentally ...
    • Effect of the Fill Ventilation Window on Performance of a Natural Draft Cooling Tower Subjected to Cross-Winds 

      Dobrego, K. V. (БНТУ, 2016)
      Для улучшения тепловой работы башенных испарительных градирен, особенно в условиях ветровых нагрузок, могут использоваться разнообразные аэродинамические элементы и конструктивные решения (дефлекторы, ветроперегородки и т. п.). Одним из предложений, впервые сформулированных сотрудниками Национальной академии наук Беларуси, было сооружение центрального вентиляционного отверстия в ...
    • Efficiency Estimation of Constructing of Wind Power Plant for the Heat Supply Needs 

      Bezhan, A.V. (БНТУ, 2022)
      As in the whole world, there are regions in Russia that experience heat supply difficulties, mainly due to the high cost of fossil fuel as well as to growth of energy resources cost and polluting emissions. In this regard, search for solutions which would provide energy saving with an increase of energy, commercial and ecological efficiency of modern heat supply systems is becoming ...
    • Features of the Behavior of a Plane Axisymmetric Magnetic Fluid Drop in a Nonmagnetic Solvent and a Uniform Magnetic Field 

      Bashtovoi, V. G.; Reks, A. G.; Zahadskaya, A. A. (БНТУ, 2022)
      The work is devoted to an experimental study of the process of dissolution of a magnetic fluid in a nonmagnetic solvent under the action of a uniform magnetic field. It is experimentally established that in a volume of magnetic fluid surrounded by a miscible solvent fluid, under the action of a uniform magnetic field, a mechanical movement arises, triggering deformation of this ...
    • Formation Mechanisms and Methods for Calculating Pollutant Emissions from Natural Gas Combustion Depending on the Burner Emission Class 

      Yarmolchick, Yu. Р. (БНТУ, 2019)
      The combustion of hydrocarbon fuels in the chambers of heat generating plants is one of the main sources of pollutant emissions. Environmental standards and rules that limit emissions are becoming more stringent and their implementation requires the introduction of advanced technologies and equipment. The main device in combustion systems are blow burners, the design of which ...
    • Heat and Material Balance of Heliopyrolysis Device 

      Uzakov, G. N.; Novik, A. V.; Davlonov, X. A.; Almardanov, X. A.; Chuliev, S. E. (БНТУ, 2023)
      The article proposes a technological scheme for the process of obtaining alternative fuels from local biomass by the method of heliopyrolysis. Besides, the temperature regime in the reactor of the pyrolysis device and the thermal energy savings consumed for the specific needs of the device, as well as the thermal performance of the device are analyzed. It is known that reducing ...
    • Heat Resistance and Heat-and-Mass Transfer in Road Pavements 

      Khroustalev, B. M.; Tingguo, Liu; Akeliev, V. D.; Zhongyu, Li; Aliakseyeu, Yu. H.; Zankavich, V. V. (БНТУ, 2019)
      The paper presents a fragment of ongoing investigations directed on creation of optimal information environment that ensures an access to the R&D publications from the known scientific journals and other scientific serials which are necessary for qualitative execution of scientific and technological activities on priority areas in highway engineering. A citation analysis has been ...
    • Improvement of Accuracy of Radiative Heat Transfer Differential Approximation Method for Multi Dimensional Systems by Means of Auto-Adaptable Boundary Conditions 

      Dobrego, K. V. (БНТУ, 2015)
      Differential approximation is derived from radiation transfer equation by averaging over the solid angle. It is one of the more effective methods for engineering calculations of radiative heat transfer in complex three-dimensional thermal power systems with selective and scattering media. The new method for improvement of accuracy of the differential approximation based on using ...