Now showing items 311-330 of 7965

    • Properties and applications of antifriction silumin 

      Marukovich, E. I.; Stetsenko, V. J. (БНТУ, 2011)
      Antifrictional silumin which excels traditional bronzes in mechanical and tribotechnical properties is developed. Ecologically safe casting technology of billets of 30–300 mm in diameter of antifrictional silumin is created. Their cost is 2–3 times lower than that of similar bronzes. The new technology is introduced in manufacture in the Republic of Belarus.
    • Pulsed KGd(WO4)2 Raman laser: towards emission linewidth narrowing 

      Savitski, V. G. (БНТУ, 2015)
      The linewidth of a KGd(WO4)2 pulsed Raman laser is analysed experimentally for different configurations of the Raman and pump resonators: with narrow and broadband pump emission profiles, with and without linewidth narrowing elements in the Raman laser resonator, with and without injection seeding into the Raman cavity. The benefits of a narrow linewidth pump source in combination ...
    • Pезультаты краткого сравнительного анализа математических моделей влияния ионосферы земли на сверхширокополосные сигналы x-диапазона 

      Касперович, М. М.; Кондратенок, В. А. (БНТУ, 2015)
      Для формирования дальностного портрета при использовании сверхширокополосного линейно частотно-модулированного сигнала в радиолокационных станциях необходимо учитывать все искажения электромагнитной волны на радиотрассе. При наблюдении за околоземными объектами сигнал проходит через ионосферу. Электромагнитная волна в ней будет подвергаться нелинейным искажениям, которые изменят ...
    • Rationale for the Choice of the Ellipsoidal Reflector Parameters for Biomedical Photometers 

      Bezuglaya, N.; Haponiuk, A.; Bondariev, D.; Poluectov, S.; Chornyi, V.; Bezuglyi, M. (БНТУ, 2021)
      Biomedical photometersʼ information-measuring systems with ellipsoidal reflectors have acceptable results in determining of biological tissues optical properties in the visible and near-infrared spectral range. These photometers make it possible to study the optical radiation propagation in turbid media for direct and inverse problems of light-scattering optics. The purpose of ...
    • Recycling of Materials for Pavement Dressing: Analytical Review 

      Tingguo, Liu; Zankavich, V. N.; Aliakseyeu, Yu. H.; Khroustalev, B. M. (БНТУ, 2019)
      The paper presents an analytical review of materials recycling for pavement dressing. Recycling or repeated usage of pavement dressing materials while making reconstruction and repair of road pavements is not considered as a new conception and it has been realized in various countries of the world since 20th century. Recycling (hot, cold) is based on methods of its execution, ...
    • Reference Input Signals Formation for Induction Motor Control in Traction Drive 

      Opeiko, O. F. (БНТУ, 2023)
      The purpose of this work is to build the analytical improved (with resistances estimation) real time computation of the reference inputs for rotor flux and torque in the vector control system of an induction motor of a traction electric drive. The reference inputs must maximize electromagnetic torque in conditions of voltage source instability, particularly in magnetic field ...
    • Refractive index determination for a plane dielectric layer using the measurements of transmitted beam intensity 

      Serdyuk, V. M.; Titovitsky, J. A. (БНТУ, 2017)
      The aim of the present work is the theoretical justification of new refractive index determination technique for a homogeneous transparent plane dielectric layer. It uses intensity measurements for two polarizations of transmitting electromagnetic beam and does not take into consideration phase relationships and phase parameters of testing field at unknown thickness of a layer. ...
    • Reinforced Concrete under the Action of Carbonization and Chloride Aggression: a Probabilistic Model for Service Life Prediction 

      Leonovich, S. N.; Shalyi, E. E.; Kim, L. V. (БНТУ, 2019)
      Reinforcement corrosion of marine and coastal hydraulic structures due to chloride aggression and concrete carbonization leads to a sharp decrease in structure safety. The reinforcement is subjected to a depassivation process as soon as a chloride concentration on its surface exceeds a certain threshold concentration, or the pH value in a concrete protective layer is decreased ...
    • Research of Digital Camera Dynamic Range on the Imaging Processing Basis 

      Sutkowski, M.; Saukova, Ya. (БНТУ, 2017)
      Digital images provide to determine photometric and colorimetric properties of objects subject to validation all elements of a measuring channel (digital camera, software, display) and solve the problem of their limited dynamic ranges. The aim of the study was to explore the dynamic range of a digital camera for use in photometric and colorimetric measurements. The Laboratory of ...
    • Research of Regenerative Braking Strategy for Electric Vehicles 

      Le, Van Nghia; Dam, Hoang Phuc; Nguyen, Trong Hoan; Kharitonchik, S. V.; Kusyak, V. A. (БНТУ, 2023)
      In the context of global energy instability caused by the transformation of global demand for energy and energy resources, one of the most important areas in the automotive industry is the development of electric vehicles. Serial production of high-tech electric vehicles with a long range contributes to the stabilization of the energy market and the sustainable development of the ...
    • Research of Surface Wear Resistance of Aluminum Alloy Modified with Minerals using Sclerometry Method 

      Skazochkin, A. V.; Bondarenko, G. G.; Zukowski, P. (БНТУ, 2019)
      Improving the wear resistance of the surface of metal parts used in various industries is one of the relevant areas of materials science. The aim of this work was a comparative study of the wear resistance of a sample of an aluminum alloy (EN AW-2024, an aluminum alloy of the Al-Cu-Mg system) modified with ultrafine particles of minerals using the sclerometry method, which makes ...
    • Research of ultrasonic sensing and mixing elements for control of magnetorheological fluids stability 

      Dragasius, E.; Jurenas, V.; Maciukiene, V.; Mazeika, D. (БНТУ, 2011)
      Using of magnetorheological fluids (MRF) can reduce energy costs and weight and increase the devices speed and lifetime. In order to fully use all the qualities of MRF properties one must from time to time mix them and measure their properties. These systems are still being designed and tested in the laboratories. There are many structures with rheological fluid, but in many ...
    • Results of Many Years’ Measurements Conducted at the Czech State Long Distances Measuring Standard Koštice 

      Kosarev, N. S.; Lechner, J.; Padve, V. A.; Umnov, I. A. (БНТУ, 2023)
      Currently, electronic total stations based on the principles of laser long-range distance measurement are used for collecting geospatial information. As time goes, in the process of using the electronic total stations, their technical parameters vary, necessitating periodic calibration of the instruments. Calibration of the long-range distance measurement laser component of the ...
    • Road Safety Concept in the Republic of Belarus 

      Kapski, D. V.; Bogdanovich, S. V.; Kot, E. N.; Khmelnitskaya, L. V. (БНТУ, 2024)
      The general trend of accident rate reduction, which has been observed in the Republic of Belarus since 2010, reversed in 2017–2018. Remaining within the framework of the country’s traditional engineering activities related to road maintenance is unlikely to significantly improve road safety. A transition to qualitatively new practices and mechanisms for ensuring road safety is ...
    • Robust Design of Suspension System with Polynomial Chaos Expansion and Machine Learning 

      Gao, H.; Jezequel, L.; Cabrol, E.; Vitry, B. (БНТУ, 2020)
      During the early development of a new vehicle project, the uncertainty of parameters should be taken into consideration because the design may be perturbed due to real components’ complexity and manufacturing tolerances. Thus, the numerical validation of critical suspension specifications, such as durability and ride comfort should be carried out with random factors. In this ...
    • Segregation of solute elements in crucible during die casting 

      Кеun, Yong Sohn; Kang, Min Cheol; Kyung, Hyun Kim (БНТУ, 2005)
      Кеun, Yong Sohn. Segregation of solute elements in crucible during die casting / Yong Sohn Кеun // Литье и металлургия. - 2005. – № 3 (35). - С. 58 - 61.
    • Series of Photovoltaic Converters Based on Semiconductors with Intrinsic Photoconductivity 

      Vorobey, R. I.; Gusev, O. K.; Zharin, A. L.; Pantsialeyeu, K. U.; Svistun, A. I.; Tyavlovsky, A. K.; Tyavlovsky, K. L.; Shadurskaya, L. I. (БНТУ, 2021)
      One of the ways to solve multiple problems of optical diagnostics is to use photovoltaic converters based on semiconductors with intrinsic photoconductivity slightly doped with deep impurities which form several energy levels with different charge states within the semiconductor′s bandgap. Peculiarities of physical processes of recharging these levels make it possible to construct ...
    • Shape and Measurement Monitoring of Inrush Current Characteristics of a Battery-Capacitive Energy Storage Device with Two-Channel Digital Oscilloscope 

      Vasilevich, V. P.; Zbyshinskaya, M. Y. (БНТУ, 2021)
      The main reason of voltage instability in stand-alone power supply systems is the electric drive motors inrush current, which are usually higher than their nominal value. The most reasonable way to solve this problem is using capacitive energy storage. The purpose of research is shape and measurement monitoring of battery-capacitive energy storage device inrush current characteristics. ...
    • Signal Pre-Selection for Monitoring and Prediction of Vehicle Powertrain Component Aging 

      Udo Sass, A.; Esatbeyoglu, E.; Iwwerks, T. (БНТУ, 2019)
      Predictive maintenance has become important for avoiding unplanned downtime of modern vehicles. With increasing functionality the exchanged data between Electronic Control Units (ECU) grows simultaneously rapidly. A large number of in-vehicle signals are provided for monitoring an aging process. Various components of a vehicle age due to their usage. This component aging is only ...
    • Simplified method of calorimetric measurements of background loss in crystals 

      Savitski, V. G.; Kemp, A. (БНТУ, 2012)
      We report on the measurements of absorption coefficient of the synthetic diamond crystal using an adapted form of laser calorimetry technique at wavelengths of 1064, 640, 532, 452 and 364 nm. The absorption coefficient was found to increase exponentially from 0,03 cm-1 at 1064 nm to 0,7 cm-1 at 364 nm.