Применение технологии виртуальной реальности в развлекательных телевизионных программах
Bibliographic entry
Хуан, Чжиюань. Применение технологии виртуальной реальности в развлекательных телевизионных программах / Хуан Чжиюань // Новые горизонты - 2016 : сборник материалов III Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума, 29–30 ноября 2016 года. – Минск : БНТУ, 2016. – С. 288-290.
How can the traditional TV media manage to survive in the future development of the New World? It’s an important issue that all the practitioners of television industry need to deal with. Bringing tremendous impact to the traditional television media, new technology also offers great opportunities. Creative applications of virtual reality technology in the field of television opened a door leading to the New World, in which both TV technology and program planning are improving greatly. Virtual reality technology in television media can be broadly divided into two parts: a developed virtual studio technology, and a sophisticated developing virtual implant technology. Virtual reality technology in the field of television, fundamentally speaking, is to express artistic idea and to create new television programs in the means of art as its core and technology as its carrier. This paper attempts to illustrate virtual reality technology TV media applications through the analysis and comparison of different types of television programs in the virtual reality technology and the assumed role of different positioning, and to draw a conclusion about virtual reality technology applications in the TV media. In doing so, this paper explores future trends of television media, and provides a theoretical reference for the majority of television media practitioners in the integration of traditional media.