Сотрудничество – катализатор инновационного роста: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 266
Мировой опыт организации патентно-информационного сопровождения исследований и разработок
(БНТУ, 2020)The article presents the world experience in the implementation of programs and projects for the creation of structures for patent information support, the organization of their activities and support by higher organizations.2021-02-03 -
Цикл эволюции традиционного города в инновационный
(БНТУ, 2020)The author presents his concept of innovative changes in the development of cities by comparing such notions as traditional city, enterprise city, studying city, creative city and innovative city. The process of the city development is shown as cyclic transformations in the form of the spiral. The article demonstrates the impact of the innovative city on the development of the ...2021-02-03 -
Индикаторы инновационного развития Республики Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2020)The article analyzes the indicators of the innovative development of Belarus in 2017-2019, which underlie the assessment of the national innovation system.2021-02-03 -
Влияние интеллектуального потенциала на инновационную деятельность предприятия
(БНТУ, 2020)The main targe of innovation is to ensure production efficiency and innovative development. It is the level of intellectual potential that affects the improvement of the innovative activity of the enterprise and production as a whole. Therefore, special attention is paid to personnel and their preparedness, since the employee becomes the main means of increasing the efficiency ...2021-02-03 -
Определение изотопного соотношения молочных продуктов как возможность установления их географического происхождения
(БНТУ, 2020)Определение изотопного соотношения молочных продуктов как возможность установления их географического происхождения / А. В. Мелещеня [и др.] // Сотрудничество - катализатор инновационного роста : сборник материалов 6-го Белорусско-Балтийского форума, Минск, 22–23 декабря 2020 года / Белорусский национальный технический университет. – Минск : БНТУ, 2020. – С. 114-115.2021-02-03 -
Перспективы применения системы обращения с отходами стран Балтии в Республике Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2020)Waste management concerns each state. The Baltic countries have achieved a lot in this area over the past 30 years. This paper discusses the ways of waste management in Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and the possibility of their application in the Republic of Belarus.2021-02-03 -
Отработка системы клеточной селекции для индукции соматических мутаций и формирования сомаклональных вариантов при различном спектральном составе света светодиодных источников
(БНТУ, 2020)The objective of this study was to establish the physical conditions of cultivation, for their further use as selective, affecting the stability of the hereditary apparatus of lilac regenerant plants in vitro. Variants of the spectral composition of light from LED sources with a photon emission efficiency of 1.85-2.03 μmol / s∙W are determined as promising for the development of ...2021-02-03 -
Оценка исходного материала перца острого по биохимическому составу плодов
(БНТУ, 2020)In breeding work aimed at creating new high-quality varieties and hybrids of F1 hot pepper, it is of considerable interest to evaluate samples by the chemical composition of fruits in order to identify samples with high biochemical parameters and then use them in breeding. Biochemical studies have shown that in order to increase the pungent dry matter content in the fruits of ...2021-02-03 -
Перспективы использования морошки приземистой
(БНТУ, 2020)Тhis paper describes the prospects of using cloudberry for soil reclamation, in order to preserve biogeocenoses and provide a plant resource base for the pharmaceutical and food industries.2021-02-03 -
Охрана окружающей среды: взаимосвязь политики государства с социально-экономическим развитием
(БНТУ, 2020)The problem of environmental protection is the most acute global challenge of our time. The international community is making significant efforts to solve this problem, which determines the development of international legal regulation of this area. The issue of the relationship between environmental protection and the need for economic development is one of the key issues. It ...2021-02-03 -
МКЭ-анализ крутильно-изгибного нагружения бионической несущей структуры, характерной для балтийского региона
(БНТУ, 2020)FEA simulation of the Baltic tree’s bionic load-bearing structure is provided. An array of trees is virtually constructed with heuristic variations in the branch sections and crown shapes. Eccentric wind loads are applied so bending and twisting deformations were simulated. Ironed stress bands (ISB), going along the branch in its middle part, are stated as a steady feature of the ...2021-02-03 -
Модель реализации концепции экономики знаний в территориально-инновационных структурах
(БНТУ, 2020)The article discusses a level model for the implementation of the concept of the knowledge economy, which ensures the consistent and stable development of organizations that form the area of intersectoral synergy of knowledge.2021-02-03 -
Пути снижения выбросов железнодорожного транспорта в Республике Беларусь
(БНТУ, 2020)In this article Strategy to reduce the harmful effects of transport on the atmospheric air and an action plan for its implementation are considered.2021-02-03 -
Разработка инновационных методов получения материалов из строительных отходов для устройства твердых покрытий внутрихозяйственных дорог
(БНТУ, 2020)To improve the condition of on-farm roads, it is necessary to install hard surfaces on them at the lowest cost. The authors are developing innovative methods of obtaining materials for the device of hard surfaces of such roads from construction waste, while reducing financial costs.2021-02-03 -
Перспективная технология синтеза регулятора для бортовой системы стабилизации зенитной управляемой ракеты
(БНТУ, 2020)The method is based on introducing in the state space of the considered system of the best invariant manifolds, the so-called attractors, which form the necessary properties of the control object and implement specific technological tasks, providing the required dynamic characteristics and stability of movement of the anti-aircraft guided missile.2021-02-03 -
Трансформация обучаемости взрослых и информационные технологии
(БНТУ, 2020)For the first time to our knowledge we underline necessity of creative application of IT – potential in transformation of adults learnаbility.2021-02-03 -
Опимизация развозки пассажиров городским транспортом
(БНТУ, 2020)The proposed method of organizing transportation allows to optimize the transportation of passengers by public transport, to increase the occupancy of the vehicle on the route. It will also significantly reduce the time spent by the passenger on the way. This will lead to an increase in the quality of public transport services to the population, to a decrease in energy consumption ...2021-02-03 -
Применение новых цифровых технологий в туристической сфере
(БНТУ, 2020)Today the degree of digitalization in all spheres of society is growing steadily including the field of tourism. The meaning of using digital technologies in tourism boils down to simplifying access to services, reducing the time spent searching for them by various parameters and minimizing costs, increasing sales, brand awareness and creating certain trends related to the ...2021-02-03 -
Система подсчёта пассажиропотока с использованием компьютерного зрения
(БНТУ, 2020)The system is focused on the implementation in the real transport system. Passenger counting system will determine the points of attraction of passenger traffic and its density. It is possible to optimize the operation of the urban transportation system in real time using received data, which will lead to significant fuel savings, reduction of harmful emissions and overall ...2021-02-03 -
Применение информационно-коммуникационных технологий обучения студентов. Опыт Белорусского национального технического университета
(БНТУ, 2020)The article summarizes the experience of using information and communication technologies in the learning process at the Belarusian National Technical University, identifies the advantages and disadvantages of the Microsoft Teams software package.2021-02-03