Новые горизонты: Recent submissions
Now showing items 541-560 of 1779
(БНТУ, 2022)Straw return to the soil and chemical fertilizer application reduction and efficiency increase are so important that we analyzed the bacterial and fungal diversity under different straw return and chemical fertilizer treatments. The results between microbial diversity and soil physicochemical properties will provide a basis for the conservation of black soil and farmland management ...2023-01-24 -
Использование материалов будущего в легкой промышленности и медицине
(БНТУ, 2022)In the field of fashion, technology is also given a significant place. More and more new collections, designed and made or presented with the help of modern technologies, are becoming commonplace rather than new innovation. One example is “laser” clothing. Smart sports shoes, jerseys and t-shirts. There are even “smart” underwear. Let's dwell on the new developments of Manel ...2023-01-24 -
(БНТУ, 2022)As a new type of nano-materials, metal nanoclusters have gained wide attention in chemistry, materials, biology and so on.In this project, the blue green fluorescent carbon nanomaterials with rich functional groups will be prepared by hydrothermal synthesis technology, using natural biomolecular bovine serum protein as precursor BSA@CDs. A new type of carbon nano coated silver ...2023-01-24 -
Новое соединение с противотуберкулезной активностью
(БНТУ, 2022)Considering the anti-tuberculosis activity established in experiments in vitro and the safety of 3-[4-(2-fluorobenzoyl)piperazine-1-carbonyl]-N-[3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]benzamide established in experiments in vivo, this new synthesized compound can be considered promising for further research.2023-01-24 -
(БНТУ, 2022)The content of bilirubin is an important index to evaluate human health. A special nanocomposite was designed and constructed in this project. The content of bilirubin was detected by the change of fluorescence ratio signal generated when it was combined with bilirubin. Finally, the test paper is prepared to realize the convenient detection of bilirubin.2023-01-24 -
(БНТУ, 2022)The current clinical diagnosis of depression in the medical community relies on selfrating scales and physician interviews, but this approach is limited by the expertise of clinicians and the uneven distribution of medical resources. This paper proposes the use of video multimodal techniques in clinical diagnosis, aiming to improve the efficiency and accuracy of depression detection ...2023-01-24 -
The operational efficiency of China's economic energy sector from the perspective of marginal analysis
(БНТУ, 2022)The article presents the trends in the development of China's energy construction and analyzes the reasons for significant technological advances in this field of activity. Based on marginal analysis, the efficiency and sustainability of the functioning of China's energy field is shown.2023-01-24 -
(БНТУ, 2022)The existing disease diagnosis techniques are more or less harmful to the human body, so a simple and non-invasive disease screening technology is urgently needed. This paper introduces a hair scanning technique for the diagnosis of diseases.2023-01-24 -
Новые горизонты - 2022. Т. 2
(БНТУ, 2022)В сборник включены материалы Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума «Новые горизонты – 2022» по направлениям: культура, искусство и экономика «Шелкового пути»; информационные технологии, искусственный интеллект, архитектура, дизайн.2023-01-19 -
Новые горизонты - 2022. Т. 1
(БНТУ, 2022)В сборник включены материалы Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума «Новые горизонты – 2022» по направлениям: промышленная экология, энергосбережение, приборостроение, машиностроение, здравоохранение, ветеринария.2023-01-19 -
О специфике преподавания китайского языка русскоязычным студентам в экономическом вузе
(БНТУ, 2021)The demand for specialists who speak Chinese is constantly growing due to the establishment of mutually beneficial cooperation between Belarus and PRC. The article examines the specifics of training Russian-speaking specialists with competence in Chinese language in the BSEU and suggests the ways of educational process optimization.2022-03-05 -
Chinese experience used for forming the knowledge economy in the Republic of Belarus
(БНТУ, 2021)Since the end of the 90s of the last century, the term “knowledge economy” became widespread in Western and national science. The transition of the world economy to a new qualitative state is directly connected to the increasing of the importance of theoretical knowledge, strengthening the role of high-tech industries, the process of increasing the share of services in the economy, ...2022-03-05 -
Лицензионные и иные платежи за использование объектов интеллектуальной собственности в структуре таможенной стоимости
(БНТУ, 2021)License and other payments for intellectual property currently play an important role in world trade and significantly affect the customs value of many goods. In this work, we have studied the aspects of determining the value structure and conditions for including payments in this structure. As a result, the huge role of all subjects in monitoring compliance with legislation was ...2022-03-05 -
Разработка методического обеспечения оценки выбора поставщика в логистической системе промышленного предприятия
(БНТУ, 2021)The results of ongoing research on the development of a methodology for evaluating the choice of supplier in the logistics system of the organization are presented. The developed method of calculating the integral evaluation of the choice takes into account the traditional private indicators of the supplier's activity and the assessment of the price level for various methods of ...2022-03-05 -
Внедрение онлайн-образования как прогрессивный образовательный скачок
(БНТУ, 2021)Article underlines the significance of online-education today and in future, providing some general proposals concerning the ways of systematic implementation of onlineinstruments in the sphere of education.2022-03-05 -
Анализ динамики ВВП республики Беларусь в 2021 году
(БНТУ, 2021)The research of the dynamics of the GDP of the Republic of Belarus in 2021. The GDP of the Republic of Belarus in 2021, despite the pandemic, has a constant increase, which for the period January-August amounted to 103.3 % compared to the same period in 2020.2022-03-05 -
(БНТУ, 2021)The spheres, ways and means of innovation introduction in education in the republic of Belarus and the People's Republic of China were studied. It is shown that the majority of innovative projects are implemented in Belarus-China international exchange activities, as well as in Confucius Institute in the republic of Belarus and in the Centre of the Belarusian language and culture ...2022-03-05 -
Сотрудничество Республики Беларусь и Китайской Народной Республики в области традиционной китайской медицины
(БНТУ, 2021)The paper introduces the main directions of cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and the People's Republic of China in the field of traditional Chinese medicine.2022-03-05 -
Сотрудничество и обмены между Китаем и Грузией в области культуры и высшего образования
(БНТУ, 2021)As an important topic of the Belt and Road Initiative, education has become an important part of bilateral relations between China and Georgia. Through the Belt and Road Initiative, China and Georgia continue to deepen and expand their cooperation in higher education, providing a good atmosphere for cooperation in various fields.2022-03-05 -
Экономические цели инициативы «Пояс и путь» в Восточной Европе
(БНТУ, 2021)The report examines the economic objectives of the Belt and Road Initiative in Eastern Europe, based on the initiative of China and the active cooperation of Eastern European countries. The One Belt, One Road initiative has proved to be very promising in Eastern European countries.2022-03-05