Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Analysis of mechanical properties of shell aggregate and reed fiber reinforced concrete 

      Юй, Хаосюань; Ван, Сяньпэн; Ковшар, С. Н. (БНТУ, 2023)
      In this paper, the reed fiber added to shell aggregate concrete is analyzed, the effect of adding reed fiber on the strength of concrete under different shell aggregate replacement rates is studied,the method of mechanical property test is adopted, and the bending,compressive and frost resistance experiments are designed, and finally the shell aggregate and reed fiber have good ...
    • Study on the development of natural non-metallic fibers with nanofibers and steel fibers in concrete 

      Ван, Сяньпэн; Юй, Хаосюань; Леонович, С. Н. (БНТУ, 2023)
      In recent years the application of fiber in concrete is more and more extensive, this paper for, plant fiber, nano-fiber, steel fiber to make a relevant comparison of the classification, and discusses the fiber in the concrete in the relevant problems, I hope to provide readers with relevant reference around.
    • Койровый фибробетон бетонный композит 

      Ван, Минюань; Ван, Сяньпэн (БНТУ, 2020)
      This article summarizes the development and research status of coconut shell fiber, briefly describes the preparation method of coconut shell fiber, and analyzes the performance of the coconut shell fiber cement-based composite material through literature research method and experimental research method, and points out that the material is in stress Application and research value ...