Now showing items 124-143 of 1673

    • New opportunities for trade cooperation between China and Belarus under “The belt and road initiative” 

      Li, Yuyan (БНТУ, 2022)
      Belarus is an extremely important link in the implementation of “The Belt and Road Initiative” policy, and there are many common interests between China, Belarus and Russia. In the midst of the unprecedented changes in the world today, it is important to strengthen trade cooperation, accelerate the construction of digital economy and build a new pattern of global economic development.
    • Numerical simulation and analysis of residual stress field at the lower end of shot peening steel ring 

      Xiaodi, Liang; Xianpeng, Wang (БНТУ, 2021)
      In this paper, an X-ray diffractometer is used to determine the residual stress of the lower end of the steel ring at the joint surface of the rim lock ring groove. Analyze the distribution of residual stress on the lower end surface of the steel ring before and after shot peening, and perform a finite element model simulation analysis on the lower end of the steel ring based on ...
    • Object recognition based on skeleton 

      Jun, Ma (БНТУ, 2021)
      Object recognition is one of the heated topics discussed in the computer vision, which is a field of artificial intelligence. The skeleton has been proved as a compact and intuitive descriptor that facilitates object recognition. In this paper, the key processes of the object recognition based on skeleton will been presented.
    • "One Belt One Road" strategy to promote social development 

      Ван, Юй (БНТУ, 2015)
      "One Belt One Road" is the cooperation and development of ideas and initiatives, is to rely on China and the countries concerned both bilateral and multilateral mechanisms, and actively develop partnerships with countries along economic, work together to build political mutual trust, economic integration, culturally inclusive community of interests the fate of the community and ...
    • Parthenon faсade fea simulation as system of freely piled solids joined by gravity and friction 

      Dounar, S.; Iakimovitch, A.; Mishchanka, K.; Penkina, A.; Lavrenov, E.; Jakubowski, A. (БНТУ, 2019)
      Paper concerns to contact task simulation by FEA for “freely piled solids” systems. It may be different dry masonries. The antique façade of the Parthenon temple is taken for simulation as an example. Marble drums and blocks are held together only by friction and gravity. Multiplicity and variability of contact pressure patterns inside columns are disclosed. Surface compression ...
    • Pathogenicity of beauveria bassiana against locusta migratoria manilensis 

      Meyen, Haifeng Wu (БНТУ, 2020)
      Locusta migratoria manilensis (Meyen) is one of lawn pests, feeding a variety of grasses.Locusts nibble grass blades on the lawn great harm,leading to deterioration of the ecological environment,affecting people's appreciation entertainment.Therefore, prevention is important for landscape ecological protection lawn locusta.The traditional chemical control of environmental ...
    • Place – приложение для поиска парковочных мест 

      Ли, Д. В.; Науёкас, Г. Ю.; Дашкевич, Н. В.; Деменковец, Д. В. (БНТУ, 2022)
      The report discusses the composition and communication diagram of the program modules of the function of the “Place” software tool for finding parking spaces for cars.
    • Plasmid, replicon, enterococcus faecalis, copy number, inheritance, vector systems 

      Chao, Yu (БНТУ, 2014)
      Chao, Yu. Plasmid, replicon, enterococcus faecalis, copy number, inheritance, vector systems / Chao Yu // Научные и инновационные проекты и инициативы молодежи Беларуси и Китая : сборник материалов конференции в рамках Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума "Новые горизонты - 2014", 3-4 декабря 2014 г. – Минск : БНТУ, 2015. – С. 107.
    • Poetry—the fusion of language and imagination 

      Пань, Гаоцзинь (БНТУ, 2020)
      S.T. Coleridge's most valuable and personal characteristics are theories about imagination, and this theory is reflected in his poetry creation in English Romanticism. He attaches importance to the creative function of imagination and the role of creative mind in imagination. It also pays attention to how poetry reconciles experience and ideas, the relationship between the ...
    • Poverty as one of the most actual problems of economic and social development 

      Пищало, Т. Ф. (БНТУ, 2021)
      Poverty is the state of not having enough material possessions or income for a person’s basic needs. Poverty influences all the spheres of life.
    • Practical experience of coordinated development in the greater bay area 

      Zhang, Feilong (БНТУ, 2023)
      This article delves into the practical experience of coordinated development in the Greater Bay Area, focusing on the economic growth and integration of this region. It explores the factors contributing to its success, including infrastructure development, innovation, and policy support. The article also outlines the challenges faced by the Greater Bay Area and suggests ways to ...
    • Prospects for the development of transport and logistics services of the Republic of Belarus to the people's Republic of China 

      Ващило, А. А. (БНТУ, 2022)
      The service sector plays a crucial role in building an efficient non-resource-intensive innovative economy in the Republic of Belarus, which is located at the crossroads of the main transport communications in trade between Russia, China and the European Union. Favorable economic and geographical position necessitates the active development of transport and logistics services in ...
    • Q-коды в маркетинге 

      Баньковская, А. А.; Шегидевич, Д. С. (БНТУ, 2023)
      In this paper, we look at the use of QR-codes in marketing. They are becoming increasingly popular in marketing due to their ease of use and the wide range of features they offer.
    • Real-time object detection based on CNN 

      Tang, Yi; Zhao, Di (БНТУ, 2022)
      Computer vision, also known as CV, which can gain high-level understanding from digital images or videos. The real-time object detection has been used in many fields, such as people counting, unmanned supermarket, photo focus in cameras and so on. This paper introduces the difficulties in real-time object detection and developments and applications in China.
    • Realizing real-time video conferencing system based on WebRTC and P2P algorithm 

      He, Runhai; Cheng, Yindong; Zhang, Zhenxing; Zhou, Quanhua (БНТУ, 2023)
      This paper presents a solution for realizing a real-time video conferencing system, which utilizes WebRTC technology and P2P algorithm to establish a distributed topology that reduces the burden on servers and allows direct communication between nodes. The ABR algorithm is used to adjust the video bit rate to adapt to different network conditions. In addition, optimization ...
    • Research and application of microwave moisture sensor information collection system 

      Wang, Shuhao (БНТУ, 2023)
      Methods for determining moisture content can be divided into two types: direct measurement and indirect measurement. Among indirect measurements, nuclear magnetic resonance, infrared radiation and radio waves are the most commonly used measurement methods. At microwave frequencies, moisture will be polarized and oscillate, and the transmitted microwaves will be scattered, projected, ...
    • Research on innovation and entrepreneurship of chinese postgraduate 

      Qi, Ji (БНТУ, 2014)
      This paper briefly describes the significance current situation and problems of Chinese postgraduate innovation and entrepreneurship, analyzes the factors restricting Chinese postgraduate innovation and entrepreneurship, and puts forward some ideas and countermeasures to solve the problems.
    • Research on point-to-point energy trading and transportation methods for potash fertilizers between China and Belarus 

      Ли, Цзюнь; Жудро, М. К. (БНТУ, 2023)
      As an effective solution to the "energy dilemma" faced by human society, peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading has emerged and developed rapidly in recent years. This article mainly studies the energy transportation methods between China and Belarus under the peer-to-peer trade of potassium fertilizer energy between China and Belarus, and discusses the most convenient method of P2P ...
    • Research on the relationship of flow experience with physical exercise behavior and exercise addiction 

      Rui, Qian (БНТУ, 2017)
      Flow experience can promote person to produce an important aspect of happiness. A lot of study on flow experience can give a person with great pleasure and improve the quality of individual life. Physical exercise on negative psychological improvement has received a lot of empirical support, the rise of positive psychology, puts forward a new thinking for physical exercise, ...
    • Research on the social responsibility construction of multinational logistics enterprises 

      Jiang, Lingxian; Sun, Fengchi; Xie, Liyuan (БНТУ, 2023)
      With globalisation and the rise of e-commerce, the transnational logistics industry has become an indispensable part of the modern economy. However, the development of the transnational logistics industry has also brought about a series of environmental and social problems, accompanied by many risk factors. Therefore, transnational logistics enterprises should take up their social ...