Разработка и апробация методики технико-экономического анализа технологических процессов
Bibliographic entry
Курч, Л. В. Разработка и апробация методики технико-экономического анализа технологических процессов / Л. В. Курч, П. А. Майсюк // Теоретическая и прикладная механика : международный научно-технический сборник. – Вып. 20. – 2006. – С. 192-195.
Abstract in another language
Teaching tool construction on technological operations of machine parts processing is from the area of the information systems for the technology of the machine building. The important question in such a system construction is the collection and presentation of the information from different areas of science and technology in the electronic format. The application of these information will be directed on the users from one area of the technology, i.e. for engineers-technologists of the manufacturing-engineering.