Now showing items 18-37 of 192

    • Mission statement and consolidation of the efforts of its staff 

      Lazarev, V. S. (2001)
      Crafting the mission statements of organizations, enterprises, etc., is a regular part of the management policy in a number of Western countries (especially the USA, Canada and UK) nowadays. Many American and British readers know what an important role the mission statements play in the activity of libraries and information centers. In the Republic of Belarus, the very first ...
    • Nobel class citedness level: a reasonable concept? A synopsis of the paper to be presented (with a special slant to the notion of impact) 

      Lazarev, V. S. (Нобелистика, 2019)
      Lazarev, V. S. Nobel class citedness level: a reasonable concept? A synopsis of the paper to be presented (with a special slant to the notion of impact) / V. S. Lazarev // Наука, технологии, общество и международное нобелевское движение : Материалы Нобелевского конгресса - 12 Международной встречи-конференции лауреатов Нобелевских премий и нобелистов, 2-5 окт. 2019 г., г. Тамбов ...
    • Notion of a document: a center of "gravity attraction" for getting metricians together 

      Lazarev, V. S. (Elsevier, 1994)
      Lazarev, V. S. Notion of a document: a center of "gravity attraction" for getting metricians together / V. S. Lazarev // Scientometrics. – 1994. – Vol. 30, № 2-3. – P. 511-516.
    • On chaos in bibliometric terminology 

      Lazarev, V. S. (1996)
      On behalf of a case study of articles on bibliometric selection and ranking the variance in terminology of the properties of journals is shown: the same properties are called in various manners, while one and the same terms have different meanings. Similar inconsistencies are found in the terms denoting readers’ activities which are studied in bibliometrics for the assessment of ...
    • On new exotic attempts to question the relationship between citedness figures and the use / value of cited scientific documents 

      Lazarev, V. S. (2020)
      The objective of the present paper was to analyze a number of concepts related to the scientometric method "citation index". Some experts still interpret “negative citations” and “disproportionately large share of selfcitations” as “shortcomings” of the “citation index” scientometric method. In the author’s opinion, the reason is an indelible belief in the “normative theory of ...
    • On Reflection of Chernobyl Disaster and its After Effects in Belarussian Newspapers 

      Lazarev, V. S. (Издательство МИНЦ, 1994)
      The first wave of misinformation was either just keeping silence or transmitting optimistic nonsense. The second one – after removal the censorship – was the threatening of the population caused by journalists’ thirst for sensation. The small piece of the results of content-analysis tracking the corresponding newspaper articles is presented; the categories traced were “victims”, ...
    • On the full-fledged mission statement of the University Scientific Library 

      Lazarev, V. S.; Yurik, I. V. (DIIT, 2021)
      The mission statement of an organization compiled in accordance with the definition of the term “mission” of the dictionary of the ISO 9000 quality management systems standard cannot be recognized as an effective management tool, since the ISO requirements for this document are too generic and vague. The objectives of this work were to clarify the functions of the mission statement ...
    • On the Possibilities of Evaluating Properties of Scientific Documents on the Basis of their Citations Count (or again: What Property is Reflected by Citations Count par excellence, after all?). Part 1: Value 

      Lazarev, V. S. (2019)
      The objective is consideration of the most recent works on the problem of the phenomenon reflected by citations count of scientific documents. The method is interpretation of recent research publications made by bibliometricans. The results are presenting evidence that the property of scientific documents reflected par excellence by their citation is their value. It is also ...
    • On the Possibilities of Evaluating Properties of Scientific Documents on the Basis of their Citations Count (or again: What Property is Reflected by Citations Count par excellence, after all?). Part 2: Quality? 

      Lazarev, V. S. (2019)
      The objective is consideration of the recent works on the problem of the phenomenon reflected by citations count of scientific documents with a slant to the papers analyzing the citations count possibilities to reflect quality of cited research. The method: authoritative definitions of quality were under analysis and interpretation of corresponding research publications in the ...
    • On the role of bibliometrics in the knowledge society: bibliometric quicksand or biblometric challenge? 

      Lazarev, V. S. (1998)
      Lazarev, V. S. On the role of bibliometrics in the knowledge society: bibliometric quicksand or biblometric challenge? / V. S. Lazarev // Newsletter to European Health Librarians. – 1998. – № 44. – P. 17-18.
    • "Open science" principles in the activities of a university library 

      Yurik, I. V.; Lazarev, V. S. (КНУКiМ, 2018)
      Application of the principles of "Open science" in the activities if the Scientific library of the Belarusian National Technical University: the activities of the open access repository, providing access to University journals, providing their transparency for Anglophone colleagues, the use of data repositories, user training.
    • Properties of scientific periodicals under bibliometric assessment 

      Lazarev, V. S. (1997)
      The methods of bibliometric research of scientific periodicals are studied much better than the properties of periodicals though the latter are the subject of the assessment. Since the properties in most cases are not being evaluated directly, the problem is to identify the intermediate that is DIRECTLY evaluated by a concrete method and to determine, which specific property of ...
    • Reprint Request Analysis in Documentation (Concerning the Paper by W. I. B. Onuigbo) 

      Lazarev, V. S. (1986)
      The author considers the fundamental possibilities provided by reprint request analysis for direct measurement of article use and indirect determination of their value, as compared to citation studies. The comparison of the two approaches takes into account such characteristics as completeness, accuracy, and speed. The possibility is revealed for applying reprint request ...
    • Selection of serial pubications for specialized information service (on behalf of oproelectroblcs and optical systems) 

      Юрик, І. В.; Лазарєв, В. С. (2019)
      Юрик, І. В. Selection of serial pubications for specialized information service (on behalf of oproelectroblcs and optical systems) / І. В. Юрик, В. С. Лазарєв // Інформацiя, комунiкацiя та управлiння знаниями в глобалiзованому cвіті : матерiали Другої мiжнародної наукової конференцiї, 16-18 травня 2019 р. – Київ, 2019. – С. 78-79.
    • Some Methodological Aspects of Selection Serials to Be Included in the Information Environment for Researchers in a Technical or Natural Science (by Example of Optoelectronics and Optical Systems) 

      Lazarev, V. S.; Yurik, I. V.; Lis, P. A.; Kachan, D. A.; Dydik, N. S. (University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 2019)
      A comprehensive citation analysis-based methodology for selecting the world scientific serials to be included in information environment for researchers in a specific natural or technical science is featured. The case study was fulfilled for serials to be included in information environment for researchers in optoelectronics and optical systems (OOS) with the use of Journal ...
    • Students’ scientific publications 

      Lazarev, V. S.; Kurovskaya, L. I.; Safonenko, O. K. (Bibliometric & Informertic Research Group, UNSW, 2001)
      Lazarev, V. S. Students’ scientific publications / V. S. Lazarev, L. I. Kurovskaya, O. K. Safonenko // 8th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics Proceedings (ISSI-2001). Sydney, 16-20 July 2001. An Internationally Peer Reviewed Conference / Ed. by M. Davis, C.S. Wilson. – Sydney: Bibliometric & Informertic Research Group, UNSW, 2001. – Vol. 2. – P. 851-854.
    • Work in group or personal maintenance of corporate social media 

      Sobolevskaya, Yu. V. (DIIT, 2021)
      Social media have become one of the main technologies for promoting the university library. The purpose of the work is to characterize the main stages of organizing work in social media for librarians (SMM specialists and a working group) of the Scientific Library of the Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU). Methods. Statistical analysis tools made it possible to study ...
    • Анализ белорусских научных журналов, индексируемых в Science Citation Index Expanded и Emerging Sources Citation Index 

      Скалабан, А. В.; Юрик, И. В.; Лазарев, В. С.; Лис, П. А. (ГПНТБ, 2019)
      Рассмотрены наукометрические характеристики белорусских журналов, индексируемых в Science Citation Index Expanded, проведено их сравнение с изданиями, относящимися к той же тематической категории и имеющими лучшие значения импакт-фактора, а также с теми, значение импакт-фактора которых соответствует последней позиции второго квартиля (так называемые «журналы середины списка»). ...
    • Анализ библиографических ссылок как метод отбора отраслевой научной периодики 

      Лазарев, В. С. (1981)
      В обзоре рассматриваются работы советских и зарубежных авторов. Выявлены характерные особенности метода, доказывается целесообразность его применения в библиотечной деятельности. Дана оценка различных разновидностей анализа библиографических ссылок, предложена новая, экспериментально проверенная модификация метода.
    • Аспекты маркетинга и трансфера технологий в работе научно-информационной службы белорусского вуза 

      Лазарев, В. С.; Плотникова, Р. В. (2001)
      Так называемая “предварительная” маркетинговая проработка — создание и организация соответствующих информационно-рекламных потоков — это научно-информационная работа, выполняемая локальной научно-информационной службой. С этих позиций на реальных примерах деятельности службы научной информации и патентоведения Научно-исследовательской части Белорусской государственной политехнической ...