Now showing items 1-20 of 192

    • 15-я Международная научно-практическая конференция «Менеджмент вузовских библиотек» в рамках празднования 95-летнего юбилея Научной библиотеки БНТУ 

      Скалабан, А. В.; Юрик, И. В.; Хаткевич, Р. Л. (Национальная библиотека Беларуси, 2015)
      Скалабан А. В. 15-я Международная научно-практическая конференция «Менеджмент вузовских библиотек» в рамках празднования 95-летнего юбилея Научной библиотеки БНТУ / А. В. Скалабан, И. В. Юрик, Р. Л. Хаткевич // Бібліятэчны свет. – 2015. – № 5. – С. 25-27.
    • Bibliographic references as an aid of the assessment of scientific papers before they are cited 

      Lazarev, V. S.; Karas, G. A. (1994)
      Lazarev, V. S. Bibliographic references as an aid of the assessment of scientific papers before they are cited / V. S. Lazarev, G. A. Karas // EASST. Conference on Science, Technology and Change: New Theories, Realities, Institutions. Budapest, Hungary, 28-31 August 1994 / Ed. by Janos Farkas. – S.l., s.a. – P. 181.
    • Bibliographic references as the aid of assessment of scientific value of citing papers: Analytical review 

      Lazarev, V. S. (Local Organаzing Committee 7th International Congress on Medical Librarianship, 1995)
      Lazarev, V. S. Bibliographic references as the aid of assessment of scientific value of citing papers: Analytical review / V. S. Lazarev // Health Information for Global Village: Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Medical Librarianship, Washington, D.C., May 10-12, 1995 / Ed.: Eve-Marie Lacroix. – Washington, D.C.: Local Organаzing Committee 7th International Congress ...
    • Bibliometric Research of International Scientific Conferences Proceedings in the Context of the Current Objectives of Library and Information Service 

      Lazarev, V. S.; Safonenko, O. K.; Yunusova, D. A. (2001)
      The possibilities of the applications of the structure of bibliographical references in the proceedings of international scientific conferences for the management of information and library service are under discussion. On behalf of such research branches that do not have any specialized periodicals and which researchers are involved in other branches, too, it is demonstrated ...
    • Bibliometric studies of the magnetic fluids research branch 

      Lazarev, V. S.; Safonenko, O. K.; Yunusova, D. A. (1998)
      Lazarev, V. S. Bibliometric studies of the magnetic fluids research branch / V. S. Lazarev, O. K. Safonenko, D. A. Yunusova // Eighth International Conference on Magnetic Fluids. June 29-July 3, 1998. – P. 441-442.
    • Biomedical applications of magnetic fluids as a specific interdisciplinary problem 

      Lazarev, V. S.; Roath, S.; Safonenko, O. K.; Yunusova, D. A. (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 1999)
      Biomedical applications of magnetic fluids as a specific interdisciplinary problem / V. S. Lazarev [et al.] // Meta-debates on Science: The Blue Book of "Einstein Meets Magritte" / Ed. by G. C. Cornelis, J. P. Van Bendegem. – Brussels, Belgium: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 1999. – P. 119-138.
    • Chernobyl: how solutions were found in Belarus to remedy the lack of available scientific information 

      Lazarev, V. S. (Taylor Graham Publishers, 1999)
      It is demonstrated that the Republic of Belarus is the country most affected by the Chernobyl catastrophe, so research on its medical consequences is vital for Belarusians. However, the success of the research was hampered by the lack of available scientific information caused by the unique character of radiation exposure that prevented an uncritical ‘mechanical’ use of known ...
    • Citation analysis in the context of nobelistics: Citedness figures (An essay of a bibliometrician) 

      Lazarev, V. S. (Изд-во ТГУ им. Г.Р. Державина; Изд-во МИНЦ, 1999)
      Lazarev, V. S. Citation analysis in the context of nobelistics: citedness figures (An essay of a bibliometrician) / V. S. Lazarev // Нобелистика. Науковедение. Информатика : материалы 5 Междунар. встречи-конф. лауреатов Нобелевских премий и нобелистов; 5 Междунар. (7 Тамбовской) науч. конф. "Информатика и науковедение", Тамбов, 17-20 ноября 1998 г. / под. ред. В. М. Тютюнника, ...
    • Creation and Development of Comfortable Information Environment of Science at the University: Library Contribution 

      Yurik, I. V.; Lazarev, V. S. (2019)
      The objective of the study was identification of essential characteristics of a comfortable information environment of science and determining the role of the University library in its creation and development. Methods. The information base of the research consists of the publications of researchers and specialists on the problems under study, as well as of the results obtained ...
    • Discipline Impact Factor: its History and the Continuing Reasons for its Use 

      Lazarev, V. S. (Edizioni Efesto, 2019)
      Lazarev, V. S. Discipline Impact Factor: its History and the Continuing Reasons for its Use / V. S. Lazarev // Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, September 2-5, Rome, Italy / International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. – Rome: Edizioni Efesto, 2019. – Vol. 2. – P. 2662-2663.
    • Discipline Impact Factor: Some of Its History, Some of the Author’s Experience of Its Application, the Continuing Reasons for Its Use and… Next Beyond 

      Lazarev, V. S. (De Gruyter Open Ltd., 2020)
      Purpose: This work aims to consider the role and some of the 42-year history of the discipline impact factor (DIF) in evaluation of serial publications. Also, the original “symmetric” indicator called the “discipline susceptibility factor” is to be presented. Design/methodology/approach: In accordance with the purpose of the work, the methods are analytical interpretation of the ...
    • DOI в современной научной коммуникации 

      Викулин, А. С.; Диментов, А. В.; Митрофанов, М. И.; Скалабан, А. В. (2016)
      В 1998 г. при участии крупных международных издателей, в том числе издательства John Wiley & Sons, был создан Международный фонд DOI (International DOI Foundation (IDF)). В 2000 г. началась регистрация первых идентификаторов для научных статей, а в 2012-м DOI был принят как международный стандарт ISO 26324:2012 «Информация и документирование. Система цифровых идентификаторов ...
    • Don’t dismiss citations to journals not published in English 

      Lazarev, V. S.; Nazarovets, S. A. (Springer, 2018)
      Lazarev, V. S. Don’t dismiss citations to journals not published in English / V. S. Lazarev, S. A. Nazarovets // Nature. – 2018. – Vol. 556, № 7700. – P. 174.
    • Evaluation of Research Activities of Universities of Ukraine and Belarus: a Set of Bibliometric Indicators and Its Implementation 

      Lazarev, V.; Nazarovets, S.; Skalaban, A. (Romanian Library Association, 2017)
      Monitoring bibliometric indicators of university rankings is considered as a subject of a university library activity. In order to fulfil comparative assessment of research activities of the universities of Ukraine and Belarus the authors introduced a set of bibliometric indicators. A comparative assessment of the research activities of corresponding universities was fulfilled; ...
    • «Impact»: ключевое или избыточное понятие наукометрии? (Часть 1) 

      Лазарев, В. С. (Ковчег, 2018)
      Рассмотрение употребляемых определений и трактовок понятия «impact’а» («воздействия») не позволяет утверждать, что в наукометрической литературе вообще существует строгое определение данного понятия. Поэтому нельзя считать «impact» ключевым понятием наукометрии.
    • «Impact»: ключевое или избыточное понятие наукометрии? (Часть 2) 

      Лазарев, В. С. (Ковчег, 2018)
      Сопоставление понятия «impact’а» («воздействия») с возможностями его количественной оценки цитируемостью показывает ненадежность данного основного наукометрического метода для оценки именно «воздействия» — при отсутствии альтернативного наукометрического метода. Поэтому нельзя считать «impact» ключевым понятием наукометрии.
    • International scientific conferences proceedings as a subject of scientometric studies 

      Lazarev, V. S.; Yunusova, D. A.; Safonenko, O. K.; Karas, G. A. (1994)
      International scientific conferences proceedings as a subject of scientometric studies / V. S. Lazarev [et al.] // EASST. Conference on Science, Technology and Change: New Theories, Realities, Institutions. Budapest, Hungary, 28-31 August 1994 / Ed. by Janos Farkas. – S.l., s.a. – P. 180.
    • Mission statement and consolidation of the efforts of its staff 

      Lazarev, V. S. (2001)
      Crafting the mission statements of organizations, enterprises, etc., is a regular part of the management policy in a number of Western countries (especially the USA, Canada and UK) nowadays. Many American and British readers know what an important role the mission statements play in the activity of libraries and information centers. In the Republic of Belarus, the very first ...
    • Nobel class citedness level: a reasonable concept? A synopsis of the paper to be presented (with a special slant to the notion of impact) 

      Lazarev, V. S. (Нобелистика, 2019)
      Lazarev, V. S. Nobel class citedness level: a reasonable concept? A synopsis of the paper to be presented (with a special slant to the notion of impact) / V. S. Lazarev // Наука, технологии, общество и международное нобелевское движение : Материалы Нобелевского конгресса - 12 Международной встречи-конференции лауреатов Нобелевских премий и нобелистов, 2-5 окт. 2019 г., г. Тамбов ...
    • Notion of a document: a center of "gravity attraction" for getting metricians together 

      Lazarev, V. S. (Elsevier, 1994)
      Lazarev, V. S. Notion of a document: a center of "gravity attraction" for getting metricians together / V. S. Lazarev // Scientometrics. – 1994. – Vol. 30, № 2-3. – P. 511-516.