Now showing items 21-40 of 5597

    • Complete places and active inner city space – chosen issues of high quality public space creation. Case study of the downtown area of Poznan, Poland 

      Dominika, Pazder (БНТУ, 2020)
      In the following article there is tackled a problem of high-quality public space creation. The author accentuates the importance of idea of complete places formation in terms of functional and spatial exigences as well as in social dimension. The public space is understood as the main compositional and semantic scheme of a downtown area. It is also the most crucial space where ...
    • Computer simulation of 6-DOF parallel mechanism 

      Dainiak, I. V.; Arebi, M. A.; Alekhnovich, G. N. (БНТУ, 2010)
      Dainiak, I. V. Computer simulation of 6-DOF parallel mechanism / I. V. Dainiak, M. A. Arebi, G. N. Alekhnovich // Теоретическая и прикладная механика : международный научно-технический сборник. - Вып. 25. – 2010. – С. 301-305.
    • Criteria of authenticity in the rehabilitation of the industrial heritage in relation to the use/function in european countries with application in riverside south arch (Lisbon) 

      Peixoto, N. M. M. (БНТУ, 2015)
      The paper presents the development of a set of authenticity criteria for the conservation of historic places. It aims to define criteria of authenticity regarding the use/function of the industrial heritage, validated by experts through the Delphi method. The case studies are European cases in Barcelona, Amsterdam, Manchester and Portuguese cases in the municipalities of Almada, ...
    • Critical phenomena soft modes and negative Poisson’s ratio 

      Nemtsov, V. B.; Shirko, A. V.; Belov, V. V. (БНТУ, 2011)
      The article phenomena, soft modes and negative Poisson’ ratio are considered on bases at statistical theory.
    • Cutting process of the future 

      Miroslav, R. R. (БНТУ, 2005)
      Miroslav, R. R. Cutting process of the future / R. R. Miroslav // Машиностроение : республиканский межведомственный сборник научных трудов : в 2 т. / Белорусский национальный технический университет ; под ред. Б. М. Хрусталева ; редкол.: Б. М. Хрусталев (пред.) [и др.]. – Минск : БНТУ, 2005. – Вып. 21, Т. 1. – С. 371-377.
    • Cовременность традиции в практической теологии aрхитектуры. Храм Святителя Николая Японского в г. Минске 

      Устинович, Ежи (БНТУ, 2016)
      Устинович, Ежи. Cовременность традиции в практической теологии aрхитектуры. Храм Святителя Николая Японского в г. Минске / Ежи Устинович // Архитектура : сборник научных трудов. – 2016. – Вып. 9. – С. 94 - 105.
    • Description on destruction machines and constructions using vibration diagnostics 

      Zoltowski, Bogdan; Zoltowski, Mariusz (БНТУ, 2019)
      This paper presents selected problems connected with automation of procedures involved in assessment of machine degradation degree using vibration method with special emphasis on the machine state prognosis. The current knowledge of these problems is not sufficient and needs further research on data processing, analysis of efficiency of diagnostic and prognostic procedures, ...
    • Description on destruction machines and constructions using vibration diagnostics 

      Bogdan, Zoltowski (БНТУ, 2020)
      This paper presents selected problems connected with automation of procedures involved in assessment of machine degradation degree using vibration method with special emphasis on the machine state prognosis. The current knowledge of these problems is not sufficient and needs further research on data processing, analysis of efficiency of diagnostic and prognostic procedures, ...
    • Development of cities and local communities in light of chaos theory 

      Podhalański, Bogusław (БНТУ, 2018)
      The influence of the degree of the preservation of cultural heritage, of which society is both the creator and consumer, is unquestionable. However, the manner in which society treats the past, especially its material traces in the form of architectural heritage, is of key importance to the perception of not only historical architecture, but especially the quality of the space ...
    • Development of titanium diboride coatings deposited by DC magnetron sputtering 

      Hruba, Е.; Valcuha, S. (БНТУ, 2005)
      Hruba, Е. Development of titanium diboride coatings deposited by DC magnetron sputtering / Е. Hruba, S. Valcuha // Машиностроение : республиканский межведомственный сборник научных трудов : в 2 т. / Белорусский национальный технический университет ; под ред. Б. М. Хрусталева ; редкол.: Б. М. Хрусталев (пред.) [и др.]. – Минск : БНТУ, 2005. – Вып. 21, Т. 2. – С. 176-179.
    • Dual education in the sphere оf automotive industry 

      Zhalezka, B. A.; Siniauskaya, V. A. (БНТУ, 2020)
      This paper is devoted to the consideration of one of the innovative direction in higher education – dual education, which is especially acceptable in the sphere of automotive industry higher education. Role of the automotive industry enterprises in the educational process of technical higher education institutions is revealed. Examples of the dual education best practices in ...
    • The economics of International Strategic Alliance (ISA) an assessment of transaction cost economics and alliance outcomes 

      Vasicheva, V. A. (БНТУ, 2016)
      Одним из способов достижения успешного функционирования стратегического альянса является обеспечение удовлетворенности фирм-партнеров в сотрудничестве. Основная задача данного исследования заключается в измерении взаимосвязи и корреляции между мотивацией стратегического альянса, стоимостью трансакционных издержек и результатами стратегического альянса. Основная цель заключается ...
    • Educational multiculturalism as a useful factor in more rapid students’ adaptation to changing mobility conditions 

      Olovnikova, N. G. (БНТУ, 2019)
      Multicultural educational process includes the common elements of ethnic cultures and features, emphasizing the originality and uniqueness of each culture. It helps to use diversity as a useful factor of development, it promotes more rapid social adaptation to changing mobility conditions, helps to form a contemporary picture of the world.
    • Equistrong Tower Design 

      Cherepanov, G. P. (БНТУ, 2007)
      The September 11, 2001 events attracted the attention of civil engineers of the world to the problem of safety of towers and skyscrapers. According to recent studies, the WTC collapse was caused by man-made explosions on a critical floor located much lower than the floors hit by terrorist planes which supports the wide-spread rumor in the U.S. that MASAD agents used the aftermath ...
    • Europejskie wystawy Mieszkaniowe 

      Dabrowska-Milewska, G. (БНТУ, 2010)
      В статье рассмотрена тематика европейских выставок жилой архитектуры ХХ века, дающих представление об эволюции понятия «комфорт жилой среды». Первой и наиболее известной была Международная выставка «Современное жилье», посвященная проблеме создания доступного, функционального жилья. Выставка была организована в 1927 году в жилом районе Вайсенгоф Штутгарта немецкой организацией ...
    • Ewolucja układu urbanistycznego Rynku Kościuszki w Białymstoku i jego współczesna rewitalizacja na tle rozwoju centralnej części miasta 

      Grycel, Janusz (БНТУ, 2016)
      W artykule niniejszym przedstawiono historię ewolucji układu urbanistycznego i obudowy architektonicznej rynku miejskiego w Białymstoku w okresie od XVIII w., aż po czasy współczesne. Proces ten ukazany został w szerszym kontekście rozwoju przestrzennego całego miasta, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem barokowego założenia pałacowo-ogrodowego rodu Branickich. W ostatniej części ...
    • Experimental study of pneumatic devices that reduce the effort on the controls 

      Pavarekha, A. S.; Rahley, A. I. (БНТУ, 2023)
      Modern trends in the development of automotive construction involve the introduction of elements into the objects being created that ensure high performance characteristics of the product. If we consider the control elements of nodes, aggregates and systems of machines, then the main functional characteristics are ergonomic (accessibility, effort on the controls, etc.), as well ...
    • Fashion industry development and sustainable development: different directed vectors 

      Serhiyevich, T. V. (БНТУ, 2018)
      In a modern society, characterized as a “consumer society” (J. Baudrillard), the tasks of reducing the environmental consequences of economic growth are actualized. According to experts, the second largest industrial polluter today is the fashion industry, which is second only to the oil industry. The article examines the mechanisms of influence of fashion as a factor in stimulating ...
    • FEA-audit and local redesign of practiceproved laboratory centrifuge machine 

      Dounar, S.; Iakimovitch, A.; Shirvel, P.; Jakubowski, A.; Chybowski, L.; John, M. T.; Penkina, A. (БНТУ, 2022)
      FEA-audit and local redesign of practiceproved laboratory centrifuge machine / S. Dounar [et al.] // Теоретическая и прикладная механика : международный научно-технический сборник / Белорусский национальный технический университет ; редкол.: Ю. В. Василевич (пред. редкол., гл. ред.). – Минск : БНТУ, 2022. – Вып. 36. – С. 66-75.
    • Fixing up impediments on the way to sustainable Minsk 

      Sysoyeva, V. А. (БНТУ, 2017)
      Minsk urban structure is a product of soviet urban planning paradigm based on planned economy and command management model. The new masterplan developed with the participation of the BNTU Urban Planning Dept. in 2015 deals with current urban challenges caused by market economy and limited investments. The Paper discusses the ability of the said document to assure Minsk sustainable ...