Development of a model of the effect of mechanical impurities on transformer oil

Bibliographic entry
Development of a model of the effect of mechanical impurities on transformer oil / D. T. Yusupov [и др.] // Инновационные технологии в водном, коммунальном хозяйстве и водном транспорте [Электронный ресурс] : материалы III республиканской научно-технической конференции, 27-28 апреля 2023 года / редкол.: С. В. Харитончик [и др.]. – Минск : БНТУ, 2023. – С. 474-478.
In this article, the influence of mechanical impurities formed in transformer oil on their condition is analyzed using fuzzy logic. A system has been developed that calculates the technical condition of the transformer by the amount of mechanical impurities in them.