Digest of articles of the VI Republican Youth Scientific-practical Conference “i-Customs.by”

DEPBNTU-2023-144Another Title
Minsk, 16 May 2023
Bibliographic entry
Digest of articles of the VI Republican Youth Scientific-practical Conference “i-Customs.by” [Electronic resource] : Minsk, 16 May 2023 / compilers: A. Y. Zhevlakova, A. N. Shavel, E. S. Goloubtsova. – Minsk : BNTU, 2023. – Деп. в БНТУ 27.06.2023, № DEPBNTU-2023-144.
Materials that deal with topical theoretical and practical issues of customs regulation, border security and international trade are presented in the collection of scientific articles of the VI Republican Youth Scientificpractical Conference “i-Customs.by”. This collection of articles is addressed to employees of the customs authorities, graduate students, undergraduates, students, professors, as well as to all interested persons studying the problems of international trade and customs.