Непрерывное образование и подготовка специалистов – экологов
Another Title
Continunual education for training of environmentalists
Bibliographic entry
Дорожко, С. В. Непрерывное образование и подготовка специалистов – экологов = Continunual education for training of environmentalists / С. В. Дорожко, Е. М. Минченко, И. В. Скуратович // Интеграция и повышение качества образовательных процессов как фактор модернизации экономики и промышленности Союзного государства : материалы Международного научно-практического форума (Минск, октябрь 2013 г.). В 2 т. Т. 1. Педагогическая логистика: образование, наука, экономика / под ред. Б. М. Хрусталева, В. Л. Соломахо. – Минск : БНТУ, 2013. – С. 30 - 33.
Environmental Management System (EMS) is a framework which support companies to achieve its environmental goals through consistent control of different operations. Pollution prevention is the reduction or elimination of pollution at the source instead of at the end-of-the-pipe or stack. Pollution prevention occurs when raw materials, water, energy and other resources are utilized more efficiently, when less harmful substances are substituted for hazardous ones, and when toxic substances are eliminated from the production process. Retraining of environmental specialists will allow implement of EMS and methods of pollution prevention on productions.